Wil.i.am talks about the Michael Jackson Collaboration

O my god ..I soooooooooo wana hear the song that mj did in respect to james brown ' I miss you' was it??

I truely believe jb's death broke him up more than will even be known ..He lost so much of himself when jb died..I always thought that from the way he constantly watched jb videos, even after his passing..(He was interviewed and said he was watching james brown)..He felt the same as people do on here when mj died...Continious mourning and watching him perform I reckon

Heck he spent 4 HOURS with him in his casket stroking his hairrr..The man lost so much when he died and was never the same imo..Aside from the trials..tabloids etc..This death was one of the reasons he may have been so unhappy in later years..It was a really really really big losss to him imo..As big as mj's is to many on here..I really think that..That is why I would have loved to of heard this tribute song
^ If the estate leaked the songs by accident that not only would be wrong, but it would be a legal disaster. The lawsuit that would follow would not be good for the estate.

Facebook petitions have already been done. I've contacted Will.I.Am on dipdive and twitter. Never a response. His mind is already made up.
first of all, nobody is going to get their wish by using bee stingers, instead of honey. secondly, i think that grief has overrided clarity, on songs. i think WIll I Am is right. a lot of people didn't respect MJ's songwriting while he was alive. now that he's dead, suddenly this big change? there's no clarity, in that approach. if a song is not finished, it's not finished. MJ was very patient for a reason. he wanted the best. and people have to admit, ONLY MJ, knew when a song was finished. ONLY MJ. and if MJ told Will that these songs were not finished, and Will is respectful, i think it's a spectacular tribute of respect for Michael, by Will. respect that is rare.
first of all, nobody is going to get their wish by using bee stingers, instead of honey. secondly, i think that grief has overrided clarity, on songs. i think WIll I Am is right. a lot of people didn't respect MJ's songwriting while he was alive. now that he's dead, suddenly this big change? there's no clarity, in that approach. if a song is not finished, it's not finished. MJ was very patient for a reason. he wanted the best. and people have to admit, ONLY MJ, knew when a song was finished. ONLY MJ. and if MJ told Will that these songs were not finished, and Will is respectful, i think it's a spectacular tribute of respect for Michael, by Will. respect that is rare.

It's completely understandable that he wouldn't want to release an unfinished song. It's just that if there is completed songs (which apparently there is) then what exactly is the point keeping it in a vault? These songs were probably going to be released when Michael was alive, for one of his future albums or perhaps something else.

Some have pointed out that as time goes on Michael's unreleased songs will increase in value exponentially (even more than it's current massive amount) and perhaps he is holding on to them until the right moment if you know what I mean. It's hard to say, I mean it's hard to see what will happen with this situation, only time will tell.
Personally why i do believe this would be a huge sign of respect if that's the case here, but I am inclined to think that Will also knows for the sake of his children that Michael would want the songs to be finished with the integrity he would.

That doesn't mean that unfinished songs should stay unreleased, just that they should be finished and released with the same quality and honesty that Michael himself would ask from all his work.

We've all heard the stories that Michael had a huge collection of songs recorded for his children. I truly hope that the estate continues to display their current diligence on future projects.

Whether we as fans boycott these bittersweet projects knowing Michael can't be here to enjoy his success, or we accept that Michael was an extraordinary entertainer and human being, he wouldn't have been here for as long as he was without the support of each of his fans, and that shouldn't change in his passing.

It's essential that we keep Michael's legacy alive, and keeping that legacy alive entails allowing these projects to be successful and stop being selfish and promoting these boycott movements. If not for the sake of Michael's legacy, then for Prince, Paris, and Blanket. They're not yet old enough to have a say in many things regarding the estate, but a day will come when they can and it would be terrible for them to have to deal with their father's legacy being tarnished, diminished, and abandoned by his fans. I personally want my grandchildren's children to know how amazing this man truly was.
I'm sorry but that is just wrong. I'd rather much Will respected Michael's wishes (Which we don't know so people should stop with their "I wanna hear these now!" ish!) than respecting the fans wishes. People are too greedy and should get over themselves.

:agree: totally agree, it's not a question of no respect for us if Will.i.am doesn't want to release these tracks but he is very respectful of Michael's work and for me it's the main point. He knows that Michael wouldn't do that, release something that is not well-finished - we shouldn't be selfish -
Personally why i do believe this would be a huge sign of respect if that's the case here, but I am inclined to think that Will also knows for the sake of his children that Michael would want the songs to be finished with the integrity he would.

That doesn't mean that unfinished songs should stay unreleased, just that they should be finished and released with the same quality and honesty that Michael himself would ask from all his work.

We've all heard the stories that Michael had a huge collection of songs recorded for his children. I truly hope that the estate continues to display their current diligence on future projects.

Whether we as fans boycott these bittersweet projects knowing Michael can't be here to enjoy his success, or we accept that Michael was an extraordinary entertainer and human being, he wouldn't have been here for as long as he was without the support of each of his fans, and that shouldn't change in his passing.

It's essential that we keep Michael's legacy alive, and keeping that legacy alive entails allowing these projects to be successful and stop being selfish and promoting these boycott movements. If not for the sake of Michael's legacy, then for Prince, Paris, and Blanket. They're not yet old enough to have a say in many things regarding the estate, but a day will come when they can and it would be terrible for them to have to deal with their father's legacy being tarnished, diminished, and abandoned by his fans. I personally want my grandchildren's children to know how amazing this man truly was.

Couldn't be more agree :clapping:
as a side note, i'm glad that some of those people that didn't respect Michael's latter songwriting(while he was alive), are not in the music business. unfortunately, some of those people are.
It wouldn't hurt for Michael's Legacy to release the songs. and 3 songs are completed for sure, that's a fact.
At the end of the day, what good will come from Will holding on to the songs? Mike didn't work on them for only him and Will to listen to - they were meant for worldwide release at some point down the line, so why hold on to completed material? If the unfinished songs are too rough to release, I respect that, but when 3 tracks are finished and ready to go, it just mystifies me as to why he would hold them back?

Then again, I don't fully comprehend why he has final say. If the songs were a 50-50 collaboration between him and Mike, surely the Estate is just as entitled to release them, as Will is to lock them in a vault - so why does his decision over-rule the Estate's??
as i've stated before, i'm torn on this subject.

On one hand i totally respect will's decision to hold on to the songs. If they weren't finished, mike might not have wanted us to hear them.

On the other hand, the new album would benefit significantly from the inclusion of at least on mj/will.i.am collaboration. He is a popular producer right now and a true mj fan. Having his name on the album and having him promoting it would be awesome from a marketing point of view. It would also gain interest from the younger generation who may not yet be mj fans - they'll take an interest if will is involved. Gaining younger fans is an important objective of the estate for mj's longevity. Elvis and the beatles have only remained so big all these years because they manage to appeal to new generations.
Perhaps if mj could speak to will from the afterlife he might give his blessing for will to finish the song and release it. I know if mike knew they were going to release a posthumous album, he would want it to be the biggest posthumous album ever! By witholding these songs will.i.am is handycapping the album. Not that it needs will.i.am, but because it would definitely be an advantage to have his name on the cover.

Will.i.am has directly lied to the public. Him and MJ did complete 3 songs, and a 4th one remains half finished and has the potential to be completed with proper studio work. (In other interviews Wil has admitted this) It's a shame they won't make the album because the fans would really enjoy hearing them.

Hmmm, he's just lying so that he's not pressured about it. Why would he say that Michael didn't want them released? Why not? Why would he have done them and completed them if he didn't like them? I think it's just an excuse of his.

dont mess with the "i.am"


everyone is talking about my car getting broken into... actually...i accidentally left it open...unfortunately someone walked by it and took everything out of it... in my car was my coke bottle cap man bag...and in that bag was my drivers license, black american express card, visa card, 10 thousand dollars worth of items, and my ipad... ha ha... (thats when i remember i turned on "find my ipad function) to make a long story short - threw gps and find my ipad on: i located it and the dumb ass criminals and sent 6 cops to their house...recovered all my stuff..."wow"...the lesson here is never steal technology...
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Completed or not, I totally agree with Will.I.am, he worked with Michael and we all know what a perfectionist Michael was, so if he does'nt think MJ would approve of unfinished work being released then so bit.

It makes no sense for fans to get all upset with Will, he's doing something that alot of other people who came into MJ's life have'nt, RESPECTED HIM!
I'm pretty sure that Will is well aware of the fan's appetite for any material dealing with MJ, being that he's a fan himself, but as bad as I also want to hear this stuff, I completely understand where he's coming from. Even in death, he still wants to do right by his friend, and not release this music without Mike's seal of approval. Maybe he just felt that their best work had yet to be created. Doesn't hurt as much knowing that there will always be more MJ music to look forward to, complete or not.
When will.i.am was working on the new tracks in Vegas he referred to MJ as the "Fine-Tune King" and said that MJ kept tweaking every sound of the nearly completed tracks while will was just waiting for him to finish them. Why change his mind now? Surely there is a selfish component to his thinking...
Surely the songs can't be that great if he doesn't want nobody but himself to have them. I mean if they were super duper songs wouldn't you want the whole world to hear them?
Agree. I think maybe will.i.am think the song is poor and MJ's vocal weak. In order not to embarass MJ, he keep it to himself. I think that's nice and considerate of him not to release MJ's poor works.
Will.I.am might be just saying these things to get attention. I don't believe he's going to keep completed songs that he's created with Michael Jackson, in a vault..What's the purpose in that?

Exactly. A very logical point. The moral is don't under estimate his greed. When he sees the benjamins flashed at him he will hand deliver the songs on a silver platter.

If he doesn't... well I will look forward to the leak and then he will get zero.
We can only guess what were the Micheal`s ideas and wishes are. He is no longer with us to confirm or deny them.

Which is all the reason for people do what they feel they should do, not what Michael would have wanted or not have wanted. If he's not here to ask it is up to the living to make that call.

If he feels it isn't up to Michael's standards, all they have to do is put a ten second commentary at the beginning of each song of Will I am saying that it is a "work in progress and was not meant for release in its current state" people are not going to criticize Michael for his music that he never approved of.

What is more important than Michael's wishes are the wishes of his living kids. If Michael said "no" but Michael's living children wanted the fans to hear it because they know how important we were to Michael, then they sure as hell would approve it.
At the 2010 BET Awards, Will.i.am talks with Access’ Shaun Robinson about working with Michael Jackson in 2006, but will the public hear the end product from their collaboration? Also, what were some of his favorite Michael songs?

Once again, he stated that he will not release the tracks, damn!! :(
And he's also said the songs are not complete wich is a lie because some are completed..

here's the interview

thanks for the video...everyone said some nice things but especially TI and Nia Long
I would love to hear any unreleased michael music during anytime of her career. I wish William would release them because i'm sure michael finished a few of the vocals but i have to respect Will i am's decision sicne i get where he's coming from. Will I am used to update us when he was working with michael saying he sounded great and michael kept saying he couldn't eait to share what he was working on so I think michael wanted to release the finished tracks but he wasn't on a label and there were some other things standing in his way.
At the 2010 BET Awards, Will.i.am talks with Access’ Shaun Robinson about working with Michael Jackson in 2006, but will the public hear the end product from their collaboration? Also, what were some of his favorite Michael songs?

Once again, he stated that he will not release the tracks, damn!! :(
And he's also said the songs are not complete wich is a lie because some are completed..

here's the interview

somethoing eles is on my mind
if its not about making money from michael death
will.i.am does not want to release his music to his fans becourse has some respeact
for michael and griving family
but we fans need do something to keep michael's music/legacy alive
SONY BMG? there is no new news on when 10 new albums will be release
The truth is Michael wouldn't have wanted people to hear his work until it is finished, and he is satisfied with it. The problem is, that will never happen. I think Will.i.am should come to some sort of compromise, especially for those of us who waited paitiently for Michael to complete his album.
Will.I.Am should be commended for not releasing them to the highest bidder. Yes it would be nice to hear them but he's doing the honourable thing here. Too many people would have sold them to the highest bidder but he didn't so that we should respect that.


This is for the Michael Jackson estate. There is no wrong doing here to a "highest bidder". The majority of the money that is earned goes to Michael Jackson's kids and to charity.

Will.I.Am being honorable by not allowing the Michael Jackson estate to release the music? I don't get that. What is there to respect?

The fact that Will is respecting Michael's wishes, which we don't know, compared to some people who leak stuff on purpose.

I think the Estate should leak them on "accident". Either way we should start a Facebook petition to get the songs released…

That's really gonna help Michael's kids :smilerolleyes:

^ If the estate leaked the songs by accident that not only would be wrong, but it would be a legal disaster. The lawsuit that would follow would not be good for the estate.

first of all, nobody is going to get their wish by using bee stingers, instead of honey. secondly, i think that grief has overrided clarity, on songs. i think WIll I Am is right. a lot of people didn't respect MJ's songwriting while he was alive. now that he's dead, suddenly this big change? there's no clarity, in that approach. if a song is not finished, it's not finished. MJ was very patient for a reason. he wanted the best. and people have to admit, ONLY MJ, knew when a song was finished. ONLY MJ. and if MJ told Will that these songs were not finished, and Will is respectful, i think it's a spectacular tribute of respect for Michael, by Will. respect that is rare.

Everything in bold.

Personally why i do believe this would be a huge sign of respect if that's the case here, but I am inclined to think that Will also knows for the sake of his children that Michael would want the songs to be finished with the integrity he would.

That doesn't mean that unfinished songs should stay unreleased, just that they should be finished and released with the same quality and honesty that Michael himself would ask from all his work.

We've all heard the stories that Michael had a huge collection of songs recorded for his children. I truly hope that the estate continues to display their current diligence on future projects.

Whether we as fans boycott these bittersweet projects knowing Michael can't be here to enjoy his success, or we accept that Michael was an extraordinary entertainer and human being, he wouldn't have been here for as long as he was without the support of each of his fans, and that shouldn't change in his passing.

It's essential that we keep Michael's legacy alive, and keeping that legacy alive entails allowing these projects to be successful and stop being selfish and promoting these boycott movements. If not for the sake of Michael's legacy, then for Prince, Paris, and Blanket. They're not yet old enough to have a say in many things regarding the estate, but a day will come when they can and it would be terrible for them to have to deal with their father's legacy being tarnished, diminished, and abandoned by his fans. I personally want my grandchildren's children to know how amazing this man truly was.


Hmmm, he's just lying so that he's not pressured about it. Why would he say that Michael didn't want them released? Why not? Why would he have done them and completed them if he didn't like them? I think it's just an excuse of his.

Why? Because as mentioned previously Michael (even himself saying!!) was a perfectionist and wasn't entirely happy with ANYTHING! For Michael no track was even near competed until release and even after that I'm sure there were times where he wanted to improve them somehow.

Completed or not, I totally agree with Will.I.am, he worked with Michael and we all know what a perfectionist Michael was, so if he does'nt think MJ would approve of unfinished work being released then so bit.

It makes no sense for fans to get all upset with Will, he's doing something that alot of other people who came into MJ's life have'nt, RESPECTED HIM!


I'm pretty sure that Will is well aware of the fan's appetite for any material dealing with MJ, being that he's a fan himself, but as bad as I also want to hear this stuff, I completely understand where he's coming from. Even in death, he still wants to do right by his friend, and not release this music without Mike's seal of approval. Maybe he just felt that their best work had yet to be created. Doesn't hurt as much knowing that there will always be more MJ music to look forward to, complete or not.


Exactly. A very logical point. The moral is don't under estimate his greed. When he sees the benjamins flashed at him he will hand deliver the songs on a silver platter.

If he doesn't... well I will look forward to the leak and then he will get zero.

That is so presumptous its funny :tease: So someone who's respected Michael's wishes, not releasing unfinished material et al, can get zero if leaked whilst DJ's who leak overworked remixes using new vocals (i.e. Another Day) get so much hype, site hits, mentions and almost complete online breakdowns of the piece? Talk about hitting a man whilst he's down.
i agree with the opinion that he is doing the honorable thing in this case of unreleased material. we do not know what stages the material were at in the recording process and most likely, they were only at tracking and laying-in phases. as we all know, there are thousands of steps in recording, and to musicians, releasing something not done or anywhere near completion is something they are not inclined to do. in this situation however, it is totally acceptable to release demo tracks. what i would do is to release 2 tracks of the same song. one being the true raw state of the song and other, a completed song version by will.i.am. it is after all, a collaboration.
not releasing unfinished material et al, can get zero if leaked whilst DJ's who leak overworked remixes using new vocals (i.e. Another Day) get so much hype, site hits, mentions and almost complete online breakdowns of the piece? Talk about hitting a man whilst he's down.

I'm happy with Another Day butchered the way it is. It is better than no song. If it didn't leak, I doubt Lenny would have taken any interest in getting it on to the new album.

Will I Am is not down. He is up, and that is why he is playing hard to get. I remember him saying he was going to sprinkle Michael's songs on his BEP albums. But what I think he is going to do is wait until he becomes less popular and his album sales are hurting. Then he will bring out Michael's songs to get him back on the charts and get his sales and popularity. He continues to have hits, so he's not going to play all his cards while he is still a big contender.
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People seem to forget that everyone changes their mind of what they want and what they don't want. Michael is king of indecisivness.

One day he says he's going to move to Vegas, but then he moves to LA. Then he says he wants to bring Neverland to Ireland, but then he doesn't. Michael announced on an internet chat that he was going to have Ghosts put on DVD very soon... and that was years ago and he never did. Michael said on on Fox that he never wants to tour again, and then six years later he announces the This Is It tour.

Just because Michael said something two years ago doesn't mean he wouldn't want to do it now. That's part of the reason why songs like For All Time lasted 25 years before he finally decided to release it. Written during Thriller, about to be released wiht Dangerous, and then shelved until 2008.