Wil.i.am talks about the Michael Jackson Collaboration

I wish he even told us the REASON he's not releasing the songs.
It's interesting how later in MJ's career he got more picky and more of a "perfectionist".

From 1978 to 1982, we got Destiny, Off The Wall, Triumph, and Thriller. Arguably his finest work. All in a short period of time.
It's interesting how later in MJ's career he got more picky and more of a "perfectionist".

From 1978 to 1982, we got Destiny, Off The Wall, Triumph, and Thriller. Arguably his finest work. All in a short period of time.
I agree, i think michael was too hard on himself. When he was tyounger it was more care-free and it seems like he was jsut making music for the joy of it, he looked and sounded very happy. He said himself the off the wall perioid was his happiest. After thriller it seems there was pressure and he had to be perfect, he was only rivaling himself.
People seem to forget that everyone changes their mind of what they want and what they don't want. Michael is king of indecisivness.

One day he says he's going to move to Vegas, but then he moves to LA. Then he says he wants to bring Neverland to Ireland, but then he doesn't. Michael announced on an internet chat that he was going to have Ghosts put on DVD very soon... and that was years ago and he never did. Michael said on on Fox that he never wants to tour again, and then six years later he announces the This Is It tour.

Just because Michael said something two years ago doesn't mean he wouldn't want to do it now. That's part of the reason why songs like For All Time lasted 25 years before he finally decided to release it. Written during Thriller, about to be released wiht Dangerous, and then shelved until 2008.
lol so true but i don't think alot of it was his fault, there must've been some legal issues behind the scenes.

Does anyone have the list of projects(cd's/concerts/business ventures) that michael announced and never came through with?
Does anyone have the list of projects(cd's/concerts/business ventures) that michael announced and never came through with?

I know your intentions weren't negative, but that comment isn't fair to Michael. He's been fairly innovative in ventures before, regardless if he went through with them or not shows a slimmer of his brilliance.
It's interesting how later in MJ's career he got more picky and more of a "perfectionist".

From 1978 to 1982, we got Destiny, Off The Wall, Triumph, and Thriller. Arguably his finest work. All in a short period of time.

i don't know that we know MJ's life in the early period, or how he wrote music. and what his finest work is, is subjective. if he said he was happiest in the early times, we don't know the reason why he said it. we can't assume it had anything to do with his songwriting. he wasn't allowed to write for Motown. for all we know he could have been gestating the Destiny work for a long time. and Speechless, for just one minute. for all we know.

but like you said, your thought about Destiny through Thriller is arguable.
lol so true but i don't think alot of it was his fault, there must've been some legal issues behind the scenes.

Does anyone have the list of projects(cd's/concerts/business ventures) that michael announced and never came through with?

Gosh there were so many. In recent memory I can think of 2 Seas Records, Heal the Kids, a Thriller themed roller coaster, and hotel resorts in Africa, and a museum in Gary.
I agree, i think michael was too hard on himself. When he was tyounger it was more care-free and it seems like he was jsut making music for the joy of it, he looked and sounded very happy. He said himself the off the wall perioid was his happiest. After thriller it seems there was pressure and he had to be perfect, he was only rivaling himself.

I believe the clinical term is "paralysis by analysis"
i think Will is just being an a$$hole about it. Its for the money even though he is saying otherwise. These songs will go to the highest bidder.
I am not a big fan of Will but i think the chemestry could worked brilliant between Michael and him. A pretty innovative producer vs A musical Legend. can't be better.
that's why I keep nagging about the release of the tracks
Gosh there were so many. In recent memory I can think of 2 Seas Records, Heal the Kids, a Thriller themed roller coaster, and hotel resorts in Africa, and a museum in Gary.

a lot of wealthy people try ventures that don't work, and they don't sued for it. i just think people were after Michael, unwarrantingly, and frivolously. missing a venture is not a failure. it's usually the type A personality at work. it's expected. and people who don't try, who are afraid of missing, never get anywhere. and besides..we don't know that some of these things didn't happen. but if they didn't, so what.

I believe the clinical term is "paralysis by analysis"

Quincy Jones' saying. but i haven't heard from him, lately, in a successful fashion. i think MJ just wanted to raise his kids. i mean, Michael was willing to let us hear demos on his box set, the Ultimate Collection, and that did quite well, despite sony being a resistant figure in his life, for the rest of his life, so that doesn't sound like a creatively paralyzed person, to me. and for somebody who was supposedly paralyzed, apparently a lot of fans still want his vault cleaned out, and want to hear it all, right now.
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You know, I'm at the point where I don't care whether or not he releases them. Surely they can't be that spectacular if he doesn't want to release them. Don't get me wrong, I want to hear every piece of music from Michael that we can get our hands on, but if this man is being this stubborn about releasing these tracks, there must be something not right.

I'm sure Michael has plenty of other amazing songs stored away for us to hear. At first I was excited about the Will tracks but now it doesn't matter to me. I'm not a big Will/BEP fan to begin with and he's being selfish and stubborn. Whatever.
I agree, i think michael was too hard on himself. When he was tyounger it was more care-free and it seems like he was jsut making music for the joy of it, he looked and sounded very happy. He said himself the off the wall perioid was his happiest. After thriller it seems there was pressure and he had to be perfect, he was only rivaling himself.

Wish he had more of the james brown/prince mentality with this and to jus release music on a more regular basis...Of course he always wrote music although maybe not as much as james brown and prince but was a bit too careful after thriller and strived for perfection instead of the joy of the music..Of course he had more pressure and expectation than possibly any superstar because of how big he was and also because of the fact he released albums every 4 years or so..So of course the pressure would be greater.

But it would have been nice if he always worked like the Off the Wall days..But unthinkable pressures so it was hard to do in many ways..But james brown and prince as two examples lived and breathed music which in some ways is not what michael ever wanted to doo..But they had such a joy and passion for it that they did is so regularly..Michael was on another level though in terms of production and size
If you were a big fan of Michael, and you'd worked with him intensley, working SO hard, to get something; in Michael's words; 'just right'. If you took instruction from Michael, and relied on him to drive you toward continuously re-charging and moulding something to beyond perfection. If you knew how important it was for Michael to go beyond the beyond and ONLY PRESENT SOMETHING TO THE WORLD THAT WAS PHENOMENAL. If you knew all that; in his absence, would you:

a) Go ahead and continue the work without the driver; making best guesses, and then present what you've got....KNOWING THAT MICHAEL WOULD NOT BE HAPPY
b) respect your friend, inspiration and collaborator, by doing the only hounourable thing - respecting his legacy by preseving his high standard?

WHAT WOULD YOU DO? :scratch:

I know we all WANT to hear whatever Michael's been working on....but the music isn't ours until he PRESENTS us with it. He's the master, the creator and the bestower of this gift. We really have no right to DEMAND it. We wouldn't demand it off MJ himself, so we can't demand it off Will. He was working FOR Michael. And even in death he has remembered and hounoured that. What is bad about that? I'll tell you what; people are just greedy sometimes. It will never be enough. I mean would you rather hear MJ's unfinished, unpolished music (knowing he wouldn't want that), or respect his wishes and his lifelong standard of excellence? I mean really! :smilerolleyes:
See, the thing is...Michael Jackson became this legend by putting out stuff that blew your mind. Some people called Invincible overproduced, it seems flawless. I need a decent headset and then it blows.my.mind.

I'm under the impression that MJ wanted only stuff to be put out that he'd stand behind , with 300%. And now artistically he's remembered as someone who is known for doing things at 200%. Not just a 100%.

You never saw him with a "regular" choreography. You never really saw him on stage doing something "for the heck of it." You never saw him sit on a barstool fighting with a guitar, or accompanying himself somehow. He probably could have. He chose not to. And now his performances are being remembered as perfection.

He knew himself. He didn't do what other people expected, he did what he expected from himself in that aspect. I remember how he was laughing about "just a boxset" at the Killer Thriller Party.

It's impossible to know what and how much he wrote at later stages. I doubt that someone with his creative abilities ever stops to create.
Between the legal situations, having 3 children (people forget how just one child changes your life) and having to overcome the kind of adversity he had to live with for decades- known or unknown, his oevre will forever be outstanding.

And to me personally (and yes, that's highly subjective) his later works are the highlight of his artistic expression. I adore Dangerous, HIStory and Invincible especially. Some people think of Thriller as the Highlight, my subjective opinion is different. I love the stuff on Blood on the Dancefloor.

I would love to hear every single note he ever recorded, but I would understand his hesitation.
On the other hand I'm puzzled why there weren't any clearer instructions, or maybe I'm just confused. Many artists give very detailed instructions on what to do with any unreleased work.
even if clear instructions were given, do you really think people could follow them? when Michael pushed people that worked with him, they said that he was a hard taskmaster, and was impossible for them to reach where he was going. they just couldn't do it. and that's understandable. they didn't have his talent. so..even with great instructions, i doubt that people could carry them off.
This ain't new. Will's been singing the same tune for months now. But at least I know now, more than ever: I'd like to kick him in his nuts!!!
I think fans are making a fatal mistake in wanting everything Mj and wanting it all now. Another thread was talking about oversaturation. And, that is a danger for MJ's long term legacy. Very dangerous.

Mj wasn't just a random person Will worked with. They were actually friends. Does anyone not think of the emotional attachment Will might have to these songs? When you and a friend do something together, and then they are no longer there, it is harder to let go. MJ's legacy has time. Maybe that is all that Will needs as well.

Now that MJ is gone, we as fans are clamoring for anything we can find associated with him for the same reason, to feel closer to him again and because we expect and have consistently received a certain level of excellence from MJ. Does it really surprise anyone that a friend would want to respect another's opinion. Right now everyone is selling their MJ stuff under the guise that fans should see it and they are bashed left and right. Is it wrong that Will wants to distance himself from that?

What would be better, for Will to rush and put this stuff out because he is acting out of emotion? Or, for him to take some time, reflect upon MJ and his wishes while keeping the fans in mind to make sure that if and when something is released above all it is an honor to MJ?

I don't think Will is just being selfish. I think he is being cautious and he is probably still grieving. We are still greiving and we have never met the man. Imagine if you were actually able to form a relationship with him? Imagine how much more inspired.

We are getting new music from MJ. We don't need it all at one time. Be patient.
If you were a big fan of Michael, and you'd worked with him intensley, working SO hard, to get something; in Michael's words; 'just right'. If you took instruction from Michael, and relied on him to drive you toward continuously re-charging and moulding something to beyond perfection. If you knew how important it was for Michael to go beyond the beyond and ONLY PRESENT SOMETHING TO THE WORLD THAT WAS PHENOMENAL. If you knew all that; in his absence, would you:

a) Go ahead and continue the work without the driver; making best guesses, and then present what you've got....KNOWING THAT MICHAEL WOULD NOT BE HAPPY
b) respect your friend, inspiration and collaborator, by doing the only hounourable thing - respecting his legacy by preseving his high standard?

WHAT WOULD YOU DO? :scratch:

I know we all WANT to hear whatever Michael's been working on....but the music isn't ours until he PRESENTS us with it. He's the master, the creator and the bestower of this gift. We really have no right to DEMAND it. We wouldn't demand it off MJ himself, so we can't demand it off Will. He was working FOR Michael. And even in death he has remembered and hounoured that. What is bad about that? I'll tell you what; people are just greedy sometimes. It will never be enough. I mean would you rather hear MJ's unfinished, unpolished music (knowing he wouldn't want that), or respect his wishes and his lifelong standard of excellence? I mean really! :smilerolleyes:

:clapping::clapping::clapping: This and this......

I think fans are making a fatal mistake in wanting everything Mj and wanting it all now. Another thread was talking about oversaturation. And, that is a danger for MJ's long term legacy. Very dangerous.

Mj wasn't just a random person Will worked with. They were actually friends. Does anyone not think of the emotional attachment Will might have to these songs? When you and a friend do something together, and then they are no longer there, it is harder to let go. MJ's legacy has time. Maybe that is all that Will needs as well.

Now that MJ is gone, we as fans are clamoring for anything we can find associated with him for the same reason, to feel closer to him again and because we expect and have consistently received a certain level of excellence from MJ. Does it really surprise anyone that a friend would want to respect another's opinion. Right now everyone is selling their MJ stuff under the guise that fans should see it and they are bashed left and right. Is it wrong that Will wants to distance himself from that?

What would be better, for Will to rush and put this stuff out because he is acting out of emotion? Or, for him to take some time, reflect upon MJ and his wishes while keeping the fans in mind to make sure that if and when something is released above all it is an honor to MJ?

I don't think Will is just being selfish. I think he is being cautious and he is probably still grieving. We are still greiving and we have never met the man. Imagine if you were actually able to form a relationship with him? Imagine how much more inspired.

We are getting new music from MJ. We don't need it all at one time. Be patient.

How much clearer can one get?
It's all about money and ego : Will.i.am knows his songs are worth more than all of the others combined, because he's a HUGE name in pop music right now. He's not going to put out his productions on the same album as old tracks from has-beens like Paul Anka or B-listers like Rodney Jerkins.

And the whole idea of him not releasing the tracks out of respect for MJ is ridiculous : is he saying that everybody else who wants the music released -- the Estate, the other producers, presumably MJ's own kids, Sony and millions of fans -- are being less respectful of MJ than he is? And let's stop acting like they were lifelong friends : MJ only collaborated with Will.i.am sporadically in the last few years of his life.
Well then someone needs to tell will.i.am to SHUT THE FUCK UP when asked about the songs. You can't just go, "yeah, the songs are awesome, and really groundbreaking" and then follow it up with, "but I don't think I'll ever release them."
You're not doing anything but intensifying already intense fans. Will knows MJ has a legion of die-hard fans who've been waiting forever and a day for new music. He's being a tease. I know MJ and Will formed a friendship, but I'm still not buying into the whole "Will.i.am is sad he lost his friend, give him time to heal and maybe one day we'll hear the music" bullcrap. You don't see Rodney Jerkins or the Cascio dude trippin over that stuff. They know MJ's music was intended for MJ's fans.
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Well then someone needs to tell will.i.am to SHUT THE FUCK UP when asked about the songs. You can't just go, "yeah, the songs are awesome, and really groundbreaking" and then follow it up with, "but I don't think I'll ever release them."
You're not doing anything but intensifying already intense fans. Will knows MJ has a legion of die-hard fans who've been waiting forever and a day for new music. He's being a tease. I know MJ and Will formed a friendship, but I'm still not buying into the whole "Will.i.am is sad he lost his friend, give him time to heal and maybe one day we'll hear the music" bullcrap. You don't see Rodney Jerkins or the Cascio dude trippin over that stuff. They know MJ's music was intended for MJ's fans.

That's true, really.
Every producer that Michael worked with is willing to release material that they recorded
I don't understand Will.i.am at all, being so selfish and everything.
He is clearly in it for the money, michael didn't return to william later and we do not know whether he had plans to, im betting he didn't. I think the stuff with Redone is probably much stronger anyway.
He is clearly in it for the money, michael didn't return to william later and we do not know whether he had plans to, im betting he didn't. I think the stuff with Redone is probably much stronger anyway.

yes, I am not saying that redone is a better producer but the songs could be better that Will's. Plus Redone is more positive about releasing music :)
I would go out on a limb and say red one is a better producer, and would go much better with MJ and have a greater understanding of MJ, i don't believe will could write well for MJ at all.
I would go out on a limb and say red one is a better producer, and would go much better with MJ and have a greater understanding of MJ, i don't believe will could write well for MJ at all.

Well, I wouldn't go as far as saying RedOne is a better producer than will.i.am. I don't think I've ever liked anything RedOne's ever touched. Whereas, I could name a few joints that I liked that have will.i.am's name written all over it.
However, I now agree with you guys about this one thing: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. Initially, I didn't wanna believe it because it's not in my nature to think the worst about anyone. But this shit is as clear as day. Will.i.am appears to be a selfish bastard who thinks MJ's music belongs hidden in a vault for his own liking OR sold to the highest bidder. I'm guessing Sony and the estate just don't have any interest playing games with him at the moment. I mean c'mon, name one frickin record producer on Earth who goes on and on about how "awesome" some music they were working on sounds and then never releases it?
Well then someone needs to tell will.i.am to SHUT THE FUCK UP when asked about the songs. You can't just go, "yeah, the songs are awesome, and really groundbreaking" and then follow it up with, "but I don't think I'll ever release them."
You're not doing anything but intensifying already intense fans. Will knows MJ has a legion of die-hard fans who've been waiting forever and a day for new music. He's being a tease. I know MJ and Will formed a friendship, but I'm still not buying into the whole "Will.i.am is sad he lost his friend, give him time to heal and maybe one day we'll hear the music" bullcrap. You don't see Rodney Jerkins or the Cascio dude trippin over that stuff. They know MJ's music was intended for MJ's fans.

YOU ROCK! this is spot on!!!
I really agree with this:

I think fans are making a fatal mistake in wanting everything Mj and wanting it all now. Another thread was talking about oversaturation. And, that is a danger for MJ's long term legacy. Very dangerous.

Mj wasn't just a random person Will worked with. They were actually friends. Does anyone not think of the emotional attachment Will might have to these songs? When you and a friend do something together, and then they are no longer there, it is harder to let go. MJ's legacy has time. Maybe that is all that Will needs as well.

Now that MJ is gone, we as fans are clamoring for anything we can find associated with him for the same reason, to feel closer to him again and because we expect and have consistently received a certain level of excellence from MJ. Does it really surprise anyone that a friend would want to respect another's opinion. Right now everyone is selling their MJ stuff under the guise that fans should see it and they are bashed left and right. Is it wrong that Will wants to distance himself from that?

What would be better, for Will to rush and put this stuff out because he is acting out of emotion? Or, for him to take some time, reflect upon MJ and his wishes while keeping the fans in mind to make sure that if and when something is released above all it is an honor to MJ?

I don't think Will is just being selfish. I think he is being cautious and he is probably still grieving. We are still greiving and we have never met the man. Imagine if you were actually able to form a relationship with him? Imagine how much more inspired.

We are getting new music from MJ. We don't need it all at one time. Be patient.

but most of all, I agree with the post below:

Well then someone needs to tell will.i.am to SHUT THE FUCK UP when asked about the songs. You can't just go, "yeah, the songs are awesome, and really groundbreaking" and then follow it up with, "but I don't think I'll ever release them."
You're not doing anything but intensifying already intense fans. Will knows MJ has a legion of die-hard fans who've been waiting forever and a day for new music. He's being a tease. I know MJ and Will formed a friendship, but I'm still not buying into the whole "Will.i.am is sad he lost his friend, give him time to heal and maybe one day we'll hear the music" bullcrap. You don't see Rodney Jerkins or the Cascio dude trippin over that stuff. They know MJ's music was intended for MJ's fans.

We just have to wait.
Besides, what else have we been doing all these years anyway? Boring, I know, but considering our new scenario, I guess the emotion will never be the same and so, let's wait. If we get new music by the end of this year (and geeeeezzz, it's already July), I will be fine for now.

whatever, it's not the same anymore, but yes, I agree it's annoying when they keep saying "fans HAVE to see / hear / know" this and that and then they give / sell / show nothing :mello: