Wil.i.am talks about the Michael Jackson Collaboration

^^Estate pay him enough?

Not as much as if the music was released on a BEP album.
The estate HAS the Will.I.Am tracks but can't do anything without Will's approval.

Likewise, Will can't release the songs either. At least not without the estate's approval.

So in other words, these songs will just sit where they are.
Will recorded with michael and completed 3 songs which are (Im Dreamin', Still the King, and I miss you), but it seems that the estate didn't allow him to release them to his Black eyed peas album, so he is refusing to share them! how dare you lie that the songs aren't completed?!
It seems like will tried to release the 3 completed songs which are (Im Dreamin', Still the King, and I miss you), to his black eye peas but the estate refused the idea now he is being selfish to release them to the fans .. now he is lying to us! that the songs aren't completed =/

yes, that's the whole story. that's the problem right here
But no.. he only wants those songs on his record instead of Michael's
What kind of a prick is he

On CNN he said he would have interest in working on them but he changes his mind all the time now...
Will.I.am might be just saying these things to get attention. I don't believe he's going to keep completed songs that he's created with Michael Jackson, in a vault..What's the purpose in that?

I can understand not wanting to release songs that are not finished, but if you have songs that are completed then why keep them hidden?
^ I believe "The Future" is completed.

"Still The King" I do not think was completed.
Will.I.am might be just saying these things to get attention. I don't believe he's going to keep completed songs that he's created with Michael Jackson, in a vault..What's the purpose in that?

I can understand not wanting to release songs that are not finished, but if you have songs that are completed then why keep them hidden?

i know, why hide the songs??? I hope he changes his mind one last time
They gonna release music of Mike that michael not would aprove anyways
Another thing to consider, the longer these stay unreleased, the more the value in these go up.

And the estate signed a deal through 2017. What happens after that? Will.I.Am still has the songs.

He's in this for the longhaul. He's in this to cash in big; in "The Future".
I know i'm in the minority here but i honestly don't care about the tracks that MJ worked with Will i am on. I really don't think that Will i am is that great of a producer, he's ok but he isn't amazing. I'd like to check the songs out but i'm not desperate to have them on the new album.

i agree! i'm not a big fan of wii.i.am...he's alright, and his beats are cool and the stuff he's done with michael is probably great, but i just wanna hear michael!!
He's respecting MJ. He feels to release something that MJ specifically decided not to release would be a betrayal to him. And God know he had enough of betrayal in his life.
I want to hear them, too, but I totally get Wil's. stand.

Just put it on a personal level which it is for Wil. MJ specifically asks you not to do something in life, and you do it after he dies.

We can only guess what were the Micheal`s ideas and wishes are. He is no longer with us to confirm or deny them.
^^ If Will.I.Am stuck with the same story, I would believe he was doing this out of respect for MJ.

But his story has changed SEVERAL times. And now he's lying that the music isn't complete.

He's mentioned having the MJ tracks on a BEP album.

The writing is on the wall: It's all about the money.
I get what Will i am is saying... he don't want to put out Michael's unfinished work - he don't want to taint Michael's vision when it wasn't complete. Now if there is fully finished and complete songs on Michael's part & Will i am's part & if those 'complete' tracks are finished - they would have to be totally complete final product by Michael's standards.

On the other hand if there are complete demos and will i am did nothing to alter the tracks I wouldn't mind hearing them.
everyone seems to think that its all super smash hits...
well maybe they are not that ..and not finished like the producer says.
just like hundreds of other projects / tracks MJ didnt finish.

so if its nothing great and finished it should not be released.
simple as that.
at least not on a new album. maybe as "outtake" specials or so...
Didn't Will.I.Am just get his iPad stolen in his car? It would be nice if the songs all of the sudden leaked LOL
ell if he aint gonna release them , then that tells me that they pretty much suck
Fine by me if Wil.i.am's tracks aren't released. I find him and the BEP's overrated anyway.
^^ If Will.I.Am stuck with the same story, I would believe he was doing this out of respect for MJ.

But his story has changed SEVERAL times. And now he's lying that the music isn't complete.

He's mentioned having the MJ tracks on a BEP album.

The writing is on the wall: It's all about the money.

Quoted for what I truly believe is the truth.

People need to get logical and stop being "nice" to this guy just because he said he wouldn't release the songs because they are unfinished or whatever - it's easy to say that so you have an excuse to hold the material until they're even more valuable. He's clearly not doing it for respect.

And I laugh at people who say "MJ would like that, MJ would say that" or whatever... First, I hate to tell ya, but you didn't know Michael in person. You didn't know what he would think of it and you have absolutely no idea of what he thought about releasing this or that material in case of death. Sure there was material he wouldn't want to be released... But how can we just say this is the same case when this was meant to be released when finished - in LIFE? This is not a case of Michael being alive and being able to record and mix until he's satisfied. Sad reality, he's dead. I believe he wouldn't mind having this material being worked on for a proper release in this case, if he ever thought about it. But, again, I didn't know MJ, so... Who knows. I just hope we'll be able to listen to the material.
And I laugh at people who say "MJ would like that, MJ would say that" or whatever... First, I hate to tell ya, but you didn't know Michael in person. You didn't know what he would think of it and you have absolutely no idea of what he thought about releasing this or that material in case of death. Sure there was material he wouldn't want to be released... But how can we just say this is the same case when this was meant to be released when finished - in LIFE? This is not a case of Michael being alive and being able to record and mix until he's satisfied. Sad reality, he's dead. I believe he wouldn't mind having this material being worked on for a proper release in this case, if he ever thought about it. But, again, I didn't know MJ, so... Who knows. I just hope we'll be able to listen to the material.

^ ^True. We will never know what Michael would have wanted. However, MJ and Will.I.Am spent a lot of time together in the studio. MJ was the one who asked Will.I.Am to meet and work with him in Ireland. The remixes they worked on did appear on Thriller 25.

So based on what we do know, one would come to the conclusion that the work MJ did with Will.I.Am would be on the new album. And they did complete 3 tracks.
Aww, I guess that's it for The Future being the title :(

I still wish we someday hear those songs they did together. I understand where he's coming from, too, though.
Even though I'd LOVE to hear the music! If I produced for MJ and I was told or even got a vibe that Michael did not want the public to hear it for whatever reason.. I wouldn't release it. so might as well hate on me too lol!
PLUS who knows what kind of contract and/or legal mumbo jumbo he is stuck in > We as MJ fans should know how many things are signed working with and for Michael all the privacy contracts etc.. I know MJ's music is now owned by the estate and Will.i.Am is a Sony/ATV artist so they could work something out I'm sure but just give it time.. I wouldn't want all his songs released NOW anyways.. I'd like releases to come years on end..
Will.I.Am should be commended for not releasing them to the highest bidder. Yes it would be nice to hear them but he's doing the honourable thing here. Too many people would have sold them to the highest bidder but he didn't so that we should respect that.
This is for the Michael Jackson estate. There is no wrong doing here to a "highest bidder". The majority of the money that is earned goes to Michael Jackson's kids and to charity.

Will.I.Am being honorable by not allowing the Michael Jackson estate to release the music? I don't get that. What is there to respect?
It wouldnt suprise me if he didnt have any songs and he said he did to make him self sound better....if they wher as good as he said he would release them, canr see him going back on his word any time soon now
I think the Estate should leak them on "accident". Either way we should start a Facebook petition to get the songs released…