Who Should Star In The 'We Are The World' Remake?

if they're going to change some lyrics they might as well write a completely different song
if they're going to change some lyrics they might as well write a completely different song


Exactly. I understand that Michael died and everyone is angry but trashing and badmouthing every single thing is never going to bring him back or make anyone feel any better.

Once again speaking for myself, trashing others is not helping me cope with grief, I'm bothered by other things.
Exactly. I understand that Michael died and everyone is angry but trashing and badmouthing every single thing is never going to bring him back or make anyone feel any better.

It won't be like the original but you have to understand that if they want to raise money to help those people going through hell in Haiti right now, they have to aim it at a broad audience that includes the new generations. Teens and young adults... most of them wouldn't buy the original. Those who say they would are the exception. It's just the way it is.

They interviewed Orianthi before she went in and she was super excited because she was just born when it happened the first time around, but now she gets to take part. She feels like she's making a difference... I'm sure they all do and it's meaningful on a personal level as well. It's more than many regular folks have done for Haiti....

It's the way of the world... as the years go on there will be more of this. More of Michael's songs are going to be remade. My dad said it to me plain and simple.... when your favorite artist dies this is what happens. He went through it with two of his favorite artists over the years, one who was massively popular. It's never the same as the "real" version but it helps ensure the legacy lives on.

I know it's hard :hug: but I wish people could try to be just a little positive. It's tough coming on this board, everything is negative. :(

(sorry for my little rant :ph34r: but it's been bothering me)

I just had to say...Thank you! :clapping:
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I'm not looking forward to this remake, you just can't get knowhere near as good as the original, I suspect if Michael did record it they will deffinatly use him, it will sell a lot more that it will without him. But at the end of the day its for charity and I'm sure it will still be good, but I love the original I hope noone does Michaels part.
I'm gonna stick to what i said. I am NOT HAPPY about the list of singers(Em, Wayne, Jamie Foxx.)--> And I KNOW this is not a tribute to Michael. But from all the ppl. they could choice. Even one reporter said that when lil wayne was asked to do a part...HE SAID "I cant SING"! DUDE thats a sign right there. These ppl. are not role-models. I dont know what this world has come too...They're gone tipsy all over. I'm very disappointed.

Also about the lyrics. They can do all the tribute they want. I respect them for that. But changing the lyrics? Replacing Michael's voice? This should be a WHOLE Another song. Not We are the World.

I'm not looking forward to this remake, you just can't get knowhere near as good as the original, I suspect if Michael did record it they will deffinatly use him, it will sell a lot more that it will without him. But at the end of the day its for charity and I'm sure it will still be good, but I love the original I hope noone does Michaels part.


I'm gonna stick to what i said. I am NOT HAPPY about the list of singers(Em, Wayne, Jamie Foxx.)--> And I KNOW this is not a tribute to Michael. But from all the ppl. they could choice. Even one reporter said that when lil wayne was asked to do a part...HE SAID "I cant SING"! DUDE thats a sign right there. These ppl. are not role-models. I dont know what this world has come too...They're gone tipsy all over. I'm very disappointed.

Also about the lyrics. They can do all the tribute they want. I respect them for that. But changing the lyrics? Replacing Michael's voice? This should be a WHOLE Another song. Not We are the World.


:clapping: Mhmmmm.. I completely agree, if they wanted to change the original lyrics then they should have took the time and the effort to write a different song and left "We Are The World" alone. If they really wanted to "accomplish" something they should have wrote a different song and did the hardwork that came with it. Instead they are ruining someone elses hard work. I don't care if it's 25th anniversary. W.e. People need to learn to stop messing with things that don't need to be messed with, just leave them be. Which is what they should have done with "We Are The World." But no, instead they want things to sound "cool" and "updated." I already donated to Haiti and I will be donating again. But I'm not going to buy this song.
What artists should be in We Are the World?! Um, how about Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen, Cyndi Lauper, Stevie Wonder, Steve Perry, Huey Lewis, Bob Dylan, Diana Ross, and maybe that other guy, what's his name again, oh yeah MICHAEL JACKSON. . . . YOU CAN'T IMPROVE WHAT'S ALREADY PERFECT.

So my answer to the question? NOBODY should be in it -- these 'artists,' especially the 'genius' Quincy Jones who everyone seems to credit as the 100% brains/genius/success for Off the Wall/Thriller/Bad should write a new damn song! Oh that's right, that old fool didn't even want Billie Jean on Thriller, so it looks like HE'S a huge ZERO nowadays without Michael's talents. This washed-up old has-been who was last relevant 20 years ago (thanks to Michael), needs to just STFU and go away.

Oh by the way, as for it helping Haiti, this project is all for vanity. All of the artists partaking, if they contributed all of their available cash instead of their shitty vocals/'production talents,' would have Porte au Prince built within a week!
What artists should be in We Are the World?! Um, how about Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen, Cyndi Lauper, Stevie Wonder, Steve Perry, Huey Lewis, Bob Dylan, Diana Ross, and maybe that other guy, what's his name again, oh yeah MICHAEL JACKSON. . . . YOU CAN'T IMPROVE WHAT'S ALREADY PERFECT.

So my answer to the question? NOBODY should be in it -- these 'artists,' especially the 'genius' Quincy Jones who everyone seems to credit as the 100% brains/genius/success for Off the Wall/Thriller/Bad should write a new damn song! Oh that's right, that old fool didn't even want Billie Jean on Thriller, so it looks like HE'S a huge ZERO nowadays without Michael's talents. This washed-up old has-been who was last relevant 20 years ago (thanks to Michael), needs to just STFU and go away.

Oh by the way, as for it helping Haiti, this project is all for vanity. All of the artists partaking, if they contributed all of their available cash instead of their shitty vocals/'production talents,' would have Porte au Prince built within a week!

Totally agree. There just shouldn't be a remake.
Don't agree with a remake. Re-release the original version and market it well.

You could never meet or top the original so don't try.
My heart says no one could replace Michael in anyway. If Michael's part was to sing by someone else, let it be. I wonder why Whitney Houston not included. Her voice is so beautiful !
.... I miss the 80s. :(

I hate the 2000 era. I really do. I've had to lower and change my standards over and over just to co-exist in today's "whats hip". And I'm tired of lying to myself. I do not feel ANY of today's mainstream popular artists. I just don't. I don't feel anything real coming from any of them. All I sense is an incredible yearn for attention. Doing things just to get people talking and stay popular.
Forcing fame on themselves.

But what about the music itself!? Cut the circus acts already. Or better yet, balance it out. Like Michael did. He had a great act attached to great music.

Yes I know, that's just my opinion. But I'm being real here. And I'm sorry if it irks anyone.
I don't mean to. :no:

I think I last appreciated music in the late 90s. Once 2000 got here, I noticed things went completely no substance, all style. And it just kept getting worst. Wearing slutty clothes. Shaking butts. Showing lots of skin. Causing drama. Singing and rapping about uninspiring stuff. Pushing shock value over the edge to compensate for their lack of draw to their music...
I mean come on already? Really??

Am I the only one who feels this way!? lol... PROBABLY. :lol:

Bring music back to the basics please. Good melody. Good vocals. Good lyrics. Good sensations. And REAL. Cut the booty shaking down a little, at least until the balance is restored.

I wonder how many of our mainstream pop stars would survive if they were stripped away of their crazy antics and left to their singing core. No really.

That's why Michael Jackson rocked. That man was like a big ball of pure and i mean PURE energy. Super beautiful. Inspiring. Devoted. Incredible. Totally human. And KING!

I miss him.

PS. MTV sucks. And some of their equivalent slots are unimaginable.
lol. That is all.
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.... I miss the 80s. :(

I hate the 2000 era. I really do. I've had to lower and change my standards over and over just to co-exist in today's "whats hip". And I'm tired of lying to myself. I do not feel ANY of today's mainstream popular artists. I just don't. I don't feel anything real coming from any of them. All I sense is an incredible yearn for attention. Doing things just to get people talking and stay popular.
Forcing fame on themselves.

But what about the music itself!? Cut the circus acts already. Or better yet, balance it out. Like Michael did. He had a great act attached to great music.

Yes I know, that's just my opinion. But I'm being real here. And I'm sorry if it irks anyone.
I don't mean to. :no:

I think I last appreciated music in the late 90s. Once 2000 got here, I noticed things went completely no substance, all style. And it just kept getting worst. Wearing slutty clothes. Shaking butts. Showing lots of skin. Causing drama. Singing and rapping about uninspiring stuff. Pushing shock value over the edge to compensate for their lack of draw to their music...
I mean come on already? Really??

Am I the only one who feels this way!? lol... PROBABLY. :lol:

Bring music back to the basics please. Good melody. Good vocals. Good lyrics. Good sensations. And REAL. Cut the booty shaking down a little, at least until the balance is restored.

I wonder how many of our mainstream pop stars would survive if they were stripped away of their crazy antics and left to their singing core. No really.

That's why Michael Jackson rocked. That man was like a big ball of pure and i mean PURE energy. Super beautiful. Inspiring. Devoted. Incredible. Totally human. And KING!

I miss him.

PS. MTV sucks. And some of their equivalent slots are unimaginable.
lol. That is all.

Dont ever hold back from the TRUTH and NO you are not the only one lol I'm sick and tired of todays mainstream and im tired of the over praised and recognition it gets when its far from spetacular. Ive never denied it to myself and I dont deny it to other people lol Ive gotten into a many debates over todays music but the sad part about it is, its the TRUTH. There will never be artists like Prince, Michael Jackson , Stevie Wonder etc NEVER.. The industry has changed to much. The industry is now more focused on popularity and doing what sells. If artists exactly put more time into there music as in putting pen to paper, sitting down and writing there own songs, focus on the music composition INSTEAD of dressing provacative, shaking there asses, singing about bullish and stage performances they might exactly have some classic materila/ quality music.

Its so frustrating and watching award shows are a disgrace. Thats why Im so glad this year was my last year for that. Did u see the grammys? Wasnt that a disgrace to music? Just about 95 percent of everyone nominated and won, shpuld not have won anything or have been nominated in the first place. Any time an artist gets more grammys then Michael Jackson, Prince, Marvin Gaye and they put out commercial garbage you know the POP music world is really dead foreal and the 2010 Grammys was a sad example of that.

I just wish that I had music that I can look back to when Im in my forties and fifties but I dont. Most of the music that I listen to are MY PARENTS music. Music from there generation or non commercial artists. But great music is out there, and I be damn if I lower my standards just becuase mainstream music is wack. But you are not alone and I feel exactly the same.
Dont ever hold back from the TRUTH and NO you are not the only one lol I'm sick and tired of todays mainstream and im tired of the over praised and recognition it gets when its far from spetacular. Ive never denied it to myself and I dont deny it to other people lol Ive gotten into a many debates over todays music but the sad part about it is, its the TRUTH. There will never be artists like Prince, Michael Jackson , Stevie Wonder etc NEVER.. The industry has changed to much. The industry is now more focused on popularity and doing what sells. If artists exactly put more time into there music as in putting pen to paper, sitting down and writing there own songs, focus on the music composition INSTEAD of dressing provacative, shaking there asses, singing about bullish and stage performances they might exactly have some classic materila/ quality music.

Its so frustrating and watching award shows are a disgrace. Thats why Im so glad this year was my last year for that. Did u see the grammys? Wasnt that a disgrace to music? Just about 95 percent of everyone nominated and won, shpuld not have won anything or have been nominated in the first place. Any time an artist gets more grammys then Michael Jackson, Prince, Marvin Gaye and they put out commercial garbage you know the POP music world is really dead foreal and the 2010 Grammys was a sad example of that.

I just wish that I had music that I can look back to when Im in my forties and fifties but I dont. Most of the music that I listen to are MY PARENTS music. Music from there generation or non commercial artists. But great music is out there, and I be damn if I lower my standards just becuase mainstream music is wack. But you are not alone and I feel exactly the same.

I third this, there is too much halfassing going on and it's really corrupting the music world.

No one has to work hard anymore....and that is not a good thing.

They rely too much on looks, autotune, and repitition.

It hurts me as a music lover

all of the donators can read my blog here

To stay on topic, this remake is the perfect example of everything we just said.

What's even more sad is that Q and Lionel are condoning it.

I third this, there is too much halfassing going on and it's really corrupting the music world.

No one has to work hard anymore....and that is not a good thing.

They rely too much on looks, autotune, and repitition.

It hurts me as a music lover

all of the donators can read my blog here

To stay on topic, this remake is the perfect example of everything we just said.

What's even more sad is that Q and Lionel are condoning it.

LOL Thanks. But you know the beautiful thing about a REAL classic. This remake is never going to be near the original or have the same impact.
.... I miss the 80s. :(

I hate the 2000 era. I really do. I've had to lower and change my standards over and over just to co-exist in today's "whats hip". And I'm tired of lying to myself. I do not feel ANY of today's mainstream popular artists. I just don't. I don't feel anything real coming from any of them. All I sense is an incredible yearn for attention. Doing things just to get people talking and stay popular.
Forcing fame on themselves.

But what about the music itself!? Cut the circus acts already. Or better yet, balance it out. Like Michael did. He had a great act attached to great music.

Yes I know, that's just my opinion. But I'm being real here. And I'm sorry if it irks anyone.
I don't mean to. :no:

I think I last appreciated music in the late 90s. Once 2000 got here, I noticed things went completely no substance, all style. And it just kept getting worst. Wearing slutty clothes. Shaking butts. Showing lots of skin. Causing drama. Singing and rapping about uninspiring stuff. Pushing shock value over the edge to compensate for their lack of draw to their music...
I mean come on already? Really??

Am I the only one who feels this way!? lol... PROBABLY. :lol:

Bring music back to the basics please. Good melody. Good vocals. Good lyrics. Good sensations. And REAL. Cut the booty shaking down a little, at least until the balance is restored.

I wonder how many of our mainstream pop stars would survive if they were stripped away of their crazy antics and left to their singing core. No really.

That's why Michael Jackson rocked. That man was like a big ball of pure and i mean PURE energy. Super beautiful. Inspiring. Devoted. Incredible. Totally human. And KING!

I miss him.

PS. MTV sucks. And some of their equivalent slots are unimaginable.
lol. That is all.

lol...i haven't lowered my standards..i just don't listen to fm radio or watch tv, anymore, except for sports. i can always have the net, if i wanna hear music..and the original is available to me..

and, of course, i can't live my life on someone else trying to guilt trip me..the best way to have love in your heart, is make sure you are happy with your giving. that means, give from the place you are, instead of the place where someone tells you. sorta like what MJ did.

otherwise, a person may be liable to stop giving altogether...and, that's not a good thing.
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Don't agree with a remake. Re-release the original version and market it well.

You could never meet or top the original so don't try.

I have to say now I've seen what they've done, I take back my words. It was well done.
.... I miss the 80s. :(

I hate the 2000 era. I really do. I've had to lower and change my standards over and over just to co-exist in today's "whats hip". And I'm tired of lying to myself. I do not feel ANY of today's mainstream popular artists. I just don't. I don't feel anything real coming from any of them. All I sense is an incredible yearn for attention. Doing things just to get people talking and stay popular.
Forcing fame on themselves.

But what about the music itself!? Cut the circus acts already. Or better yet, balance it out. Like Michael did. He had a great act attached to great music.

Yes I know, that's just my opinion. But I'm being real here. And I'm sorry if it irks anyone.
I don't mean to. :no:

I think I last appreciated music in the late 90s. Once 2000 got here, I noticed things went completely no substance, all style. And it just kept getting worst. Wearing slutty clothes. Shaking butts. Showing lots of skin. Causing drama. Singing and rapping about uninspiring stuff. Pushing shock value over the edge to compensate for their lack of draw to their music...
I mean come on already? Really??

Am I the only one who feels this way!? lol... PROBABLY. :lol:

Bring music back to the basics please. Good melody. Good vocals. Good lyrics. Good sensations. And REAL. Cut the booty shaking down a little, at least until the balance is restored.

I wonder how many of our mainstream pop stars would survive if they were stripped away of their crazy antics and left to their singing core. No really.

That's why Michael Jackson rocked. That man was like a big ball of pure and i mean PURE energy. Super beautiful. Inspiring. Devoted. Incredible. Totally human. And KING!

I miss him.

PS. MTV sucks. And some of their equivalent slots are unimaginable.
lol. That is all.

i know what u mean i'm a teenager and i perfer songs from the 70's 80's, and 90's and when i was in school kids thought i was lame b/c i didn't care for the artists of today era but you're right that's why michael rocked and yesterday on the bus these middle and elementery school kids were rocking out to all his songs which is cool, he is the master of music
Who Should Star In The 'We Are The World' Remake?
Michael Jackson
2010 Equivalent: Justin Timberlake. The heir to Jackson's throne as America's greatest entertainment export should be front and center. However, it should be noted that Jackson supposedly recorded parts for "We Are the World" in preparation for his "This Is It" concerts, so the 2010 version of Michael Jackson could very well be Michael Jackson.


OMG!!! Are they serious there is absolutely no way Justin is even in the same league as Michael OMG!!! this is crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!
