Who Should Star In The 'We Are The World' Remake?

No prince no usher no timberlake are on Michael's level, sorry Prince lovers, his voice is weak...it is, take it or leave it and i do like him, but come on... he is nothing like Michael, let him be the pretty good multi-intrumentalist he is, but im tired of some of you comparing prince to Michael even though he is good, but compared to Michael, sorry it has to stop, cause is like taking Michael to a total common level, the best solo artist will always be Michael Jackson whether people accept or not, or better said understand it or not

About usher, usher comes nowhere near Michael vocally either (Do i need to clear all this about prince, usher and timberlake?),

if they want to do a remake do it, use the word REPLACE if u want, may help timberlake to promote himself, but we all know that there is NO replacement for geniuses, there will always be one Rachmaninoff, one Michael Jackson and one Charlie Chaplin, bye
^^^^Who's the best at anything in an opinion, it's not a fact. It can't be proven.
That is an opinion as well.. as a matter of fact your opinion. It can be measured imo. but that's just my opinion :lol:
How is it an opinion? If every single person that is living on earth today says that Halle Berry is the most beautiful woman, how is that provable? It's an opinion, because they haven't seen every woman, and even if they have, it doesn't mean anything. You can't do tests on it to see how that is so. If I stick my hand on a fire, I can prove that I'll get burned. If I stand in the rain, I'll get wet. Some people say that opera singers are "real" singers and other types of singers are not. It's what appeals to an individual. Maybe to one person, Justin is the equal of Mike, but to somebody else, Justin is not. How is any of their views "wrong"?
How is it an opinion? If every single person that is living on earth today says that Halle Berry is the most beautiful woman, how is that provable? It's an opinion, because they haven't seen every woman, and even if they have, it doesn't mean anything. You can't do tests on it to see how that is so. If I stick my hand on a fire, I can prove that I'll get burned. If I stand in the rain, I'll get wet. Some people say that opera singers are "real" singers and other types of singers are not. It's what appeals to an individual. Maybe to one person, Justin is the equal of Mike, but to somebody else, Justin is not. How is any of their views "wrong"?
Only to the deranged, deluded, delusional and mentally sick is ''just- in'' the equal of Michael. Just like you don't compare every wanna be scientist to Einstein, you don't compare any wanna be ''artist' to Michael Jackson.

NOONE! The original song is an anthem and should not be sang by anyone else except for the original participants...

(click to enlarge)
Only to the deranged, deluded, delusional and mentally sick is ''just- in'' the equal of Michael. Just like you don't compare every wanna be scientist to Einstein, you don't compare any wanna be ''artist' to Michael Jackson.

Saying someone is 'mentally sick' because they like someone you don't is making a mockery of people who are really mentally disabled. An autistic or schizophrenic person have no choice of their mental state. I don't see how someone liking JT or Lil Wayne is an indicator of someone's mental state. Who someone likes is nothing of any importance. If I don't like somebody's music, I just don't listen to it.
Saying someone is 'mentally sick' because they like someone you don't is making a mockery of people who are really mentally disabled. An autistic or schizophrenic person have no choice of their mental state. I don't see how someone liking JT or Lil Wayne is an indicator of someone's mental state. Who someone likes is nothing of any importance.
yes I agree, and I knew you would come up with this..
It's even worse than that, don't wanna insult the ones who got the real issues. People who got those issues cannot be blamed. The likes of Lil Wayne don't even deserve to be called ''artists'' as that would be an insult to the real artists out there. -_--_--_-
Saying someone is 'mentally sick' because they like someone you don't is making a mockery of people who are really mentally disabled. An autistic or schizophrenic person have no choice of their mental state. I don't see how someone liking JT or Lil Wayne is an indicator of someone's mental state. Who someone likes is nothing of any importance. If I don't like somebody's music, I just don't listen to it.
OMG duran, lol, give it a rest... ANYBODY comparing JT to MJ needs some serious help.
How is it an opinion? If every single person that is living on earth today says that Halle Berry is the most beautiful woman, how is that provable? It's an opinion, because they haven't seen every woman, and even if they have, it doesn't mean anything. You can't do tests on it to see how that is so. If I stick my hand on a fire, I can prove that I'll get burned. If I stand in the rain, I'll get wet. Some people say that opera singers are "real" singers and other types of singers are not. It's what appeals to an individual. Maybe to one person, Justin is the equal of Mike, but to somebody else, Justin is not. How is any of their views "wrong"?

well..best selling artist of all time. MJ. record number of people that have ur opinion, but are on an MJ board..along with those who have Fedora Hat's opinion, which are many. lol.
apparently, with Michael...people who normally don't buy music, bought music. MJ revived the industry twice, and has been called the greatest entertainer of all time, and has guiness records that no other artist has. mtv hated him, but now calls him america's greatest entertainment export, after death. so, they thought it, before. not that they still haven't mistreated him. but the greatest tribute to MJ is his own label's and the media's fears of letting him release charity singles,(after 'we are the world') for fear that they would be automatically successful. envy in the worst possible way, never encountered by an artist, before. this is the saddest proof, that MJ was the greatest musical threat, in history. and still is.

if Halle Berry gets more internet hits, mag covers, proposals, and is in the fantasies of more men and women, than any other person in history, of who is most beautiful..then, Halle Berry gets the nod.
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Man, folks be missing Michael huh?
In a damn tailspin trying to recreate history & what Michael would do. IF he recorded new vocals this better still be credited as his song.

I don't think I'll ever get over this though...where the f*ck was Jones, Richie, videographers, MTV, artists in 2005 for Katrina?

Do you know what the record companies did to him back then? "sorry Michael we can't sign release forms for this artist(s) because of what it will look like to be associated with you" no.Katrina.single.

Seriously, it makes me physically ill. NOW they want MJ back, now they NEED him.

History Disc 2 Track 7
And the timberlake Jackson comparisons are the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.
Just stop & think for 2 seconds. We won't be listening to futuresex in 25 years, I promise you.
And the timberlake Jackson comparisons are the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.
Just stop & think for 2 seconds. We won't be listening to futuresex in 25 years, I promise you.
lol very true, but I guess to some its just as good as thriller after all its just a matter of opinion ..nothing of importance..
And the timberlake Jackson comparisons are the most ridiculous thing I've ever read.
Just stop & think for 2 seconds. We won't be listening to futuresex in 25 years, I promise you.
I've never listened to it. :p
Here's an idea


I know I keep saying this but I'm not pleased with this, it's insulting and lazy.
Here's an idea


I know I keep saying this but I'm not pleased with this, it's insulting and lazy.

i know. it's why i know MJ really wrote the first. Ritchie dabbled in a lyric line or 2, i guess.
MJ had new songs coming out of his nostrils, that sony and the media didn't want released, out of envy,[yeah, the media and sony are cold and not charitable] after 'we are the world' cus they knew they would be successful. so..why doesn't Ritchie have new songs coming out of HIS notstrils, right now?
I think it would be cool to see Lady Gaga and Adam Lambert together doing a tribute to the king since they are big in the pop industry right now.

and omg still people are making Justin comparisons? Its been going on for years! The two are really nothing alike.. Will it ever end? :lol:
Here's an idea


I know I keep saying this but I'm not pleased with this, it's insulting and lazy.

yes that's a better idea. You know this will not be anything too great without Michaels voice :(
well..best selling artist of all time. MJ. record number of people that have ur opinion, but are on an MJ board..along with those who have Fedora Hat's opinion, which are many. lol.
apparently, with Michael...people who normally don't buy music, bought music. MJ revived the industry twice, and has been called the greatest entertainer of all time, and has guiness records that no other artist has. mtv hated him, but now calls him america's greatest entertainment export, after death. so, they thought it, before. not that they still haven't mistreated him. but the greatest tribute to MJ is his own label's and the media's fears of letting him release charity singles,(after 'we are the world') for fear that they would be automatically successful. envy in the worst possible way, never encountered by an artist, before. this is the saddest proof, that MJ was the greatest musical threat, in history. and still is.

if Halle Berry gets more internet hits, mag covers, proposals, and is in the fantasies of more men and women, than any other person in history, of who is most beautiful..then, Halle Berry gets the nod.
Totally agree, totally:agree:

And yeah why dont they just record a NEW song... cant be that difficult...:smilerolleyes:
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at an article because I was angry about it.

This just disgraceful. Justin Timberlake? Um...no. They really need to stop pushing this "next Michael Jackson" thing with Timberlake because it will never happen. Timberlake's music and voice make my ears bleed. I'll pass.

Why are they going to ruin such a beautiful, special song? And without Michael's vocals? What's so hard about making a new song? I like to think that this song was special to Michael and I'm sure if he were here, he'd for sure want to be apart of this, considering the cause and everything. To leave him completely out of it is just totally unnessecary. There's no explanation for it and it's pretty insulting to Michael. :glare:
I think it's awesome that they're re-recording We Are The World. I'm positive that if MJ was still alive, he would have organized a Haiti relief concert and performed a new version of We Are the World.
I heard that lady gaga is going to be on this too..
can't wait :)
but Justin Bieber and Miley?for real now,what the?.lol
How about just re assemble the old We Are The World cast you know the artists that have TALENT

and Justin Beiber and Miley Oh Jesus Im out Im not even going to watch this.

Why not just donate money to help Haiti? Or re air the original

there is NO need to butcher a classic
The answer is simple: everyone who can sing should. I don't care about names.