Who Should Star In The 'We Are The World' Remake?

Who is Justin Beiber? Never heard of him. From the comments I'm not sure if I dare youtube him. :lol:
Michael will still be on the song Quincey just said!!
Bitter old MF has no other choice since nobody's gonna buy it, he;s trying to milk the cash cow by leaving MJ's vocals in.
Btw. Good luck to 3T if they are involved, as for all the other ''artists'' involved, and Mr. Jealousy himself. I couldn't care less.
Jonas Brothers


this is all just a game!

AGREE. I'm heartbroken too. Michael will never be replaced. :cry:


But's not even only Michael. who's gonna replace Ray Charles???
Who's gonna sing the part between Stevie and Bruce??? Who can sing like Dionne Warwick and Tina Turner???

No one can convey the emotions

This is all just a game....it's official I have lost all hope in the music industry...it's going beserk...I can bet 10000$ this would not be happening if Mike was around do you know why???

Because Mike doesnt half ass anything, he would have wrote a new song just like he did for 9/11 and hurricane katrina.

and you know what else is BS??? the preparation
they are just picking popular names out of hats it seems...how can you record a song in one day???
Quincy Jones using this song instead of coming up with something of his own, just shows what a ''genius'' he is. As for the Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber and Timberfake, Eminem (?), and all the other folks named wtf?! Is this going to be a remake or a parody? Quincy is making a fool out of himself, good for him!
I don't think he is making a fool out of himself at all. It's the 25th anniversary and I think it is great to remake it. I look forward to hearing it.
Don't get me wrong I love love LOVE Quincy Jones....but his mind is in the wrong place.

This is bad, are they throwing random non singers in just because???

Someone is saying "Hey there were random comedians..do we have to do the same thing this time"

the meaning is all false and BS, I'm disappointed in Lionel and Quincy.
I think we should wait and see what happens...it might not be that bad. *hopes*
Orianti (sp) is there...she said she is singing and playing guitar
Me and you guys of course.

Thinking about it we should all do it first! Maybe record ourselves singing the song acapella, then one of us putting all of our voices together with Michael's and the music and making it big on YouTube before they can even get the one they are doing out. The one we make will be posted on the news if it gets big enough.

Just a thought. But I like that they are doing this to help those in Haiti. :heart:
I don't think Quincys head is in the wrong place at all. I am waiting to hear it before passing judgement.
If Michael was alive he'd be joining them too, so stop moaning peeps, this ain't about MJ, this is for raising money & awareness for people in haiti.
AMEN Sidewalk. If your that much against it don't buy it, but why do we have to be so negative about everything on here
I want Lionel to succeed but don't care about Quincy's two faced behind.
If Michael was alive he'd be joining them too, so stop moaning peeps, this ain't about MJ, this is for raising money & awareness for people in haiti.

AMEN Sidewalk. If your that much against it don't buy it, but why do we have to be so negative about everything on here

Exactly, which is why they need to make a new song.

Speaking for myself, it's not about Michael not being in it
it's about the meaning of the song, and how much heart and soul was put into sending the message back in 1984....now it just seems more like a popular get together rather than spreading awareness for the people of Haiti.

Because the truth is that there are a bunch of ego maniacs on board (Kanye, Jonas Brothers, etc)

I honestly feel like it's not so much about the people of Haiti, that's my problem with the whole thing.
I want Lionel to succeed but don't care about Quincy's two faced behind.

Brace yourself, he did an interview with CNN all about Michael. Don't know when it's gonna air...but I am looking forward to dissecting ever word and syllable.

For the past few years, he has been very harsh toward MJ. So, I am sure like every hypocrite he will probably change his tune now that MJ is gone.

Quincy's problem is MJ wasn't a naive boy, and wouldn't let him (quincy) take undue credit for his songs.
Song with Michael's vocals in it will earn more money for Haiti, that's why it's a good idea to record We Are The World again rather than making a brand new song. People love WATW and will buy it.
Song with Michael's vocals in it will earn more money for Haiti, that's why it's a good idea to record We Are The World again rather than making a brand new song. People love WATW and will buy it.

Yeah but that's called half assing, come on now
they need to stop the madness.

What's the point of recording it again??? if Michael's vocals are there regardless why do they need to do it again??

If that's reason for leaving Michael's vocals then my point is proven, this is not about Haiti, it's all about trying to be apart of a hit song.

And I love Michael but you know something EVERY SINGLE ARTIST in the original worked their butt off to get the message across and spread awareness...so everyone's vocals need to stay and that goes back to reason why it shouldnt be touched.

Why not just record a sequel, "We Are Still The World"??
explaining how the love never left and how we will continue to spread awareness to those in need??? I think that would make more sense.
and you know what else is BS??? the preparation
they are just picking popular names out of hats it seems...how can you record a song in one day???

Ummm.. you are aware that in 1985 the people who sang the song were popular names, right? And you are also aware that the original song was recorded basically in one night? Sure they went back and added a little bit more soul with Ray Charles and James Ingram, but the bulk of the song was recorded right after the AMAs in 1985.

Do some HW before you blindly criticize a project that has the potential to help out a lot of people in Haiti. And I'm saying this with Love... L O V E. :D
Ummm.. you are aware that in 1985 the people who sang the song were popular names, right? And you are also aware that the original song was recorded basically in one night? Sure they went back and added a little bit more soul with Ray Charles and James Ingram, but the bulk of the song was recorded right after the AMAs in 1985.

Do some HW before you blindly criticize a project that has the potential to help out a lot of people in Haiti. And I'm saying this with Love... L O V E. :D

I know exactly what went down in 1985 which is why the whole idea of the new song bugs me,
maybe I should have re-worded it...those people were popular names with TALENT! lots of it.

Do you see who is on the new list?? Justin Beiber, Jonas Brothers, Kanye West....aka people who have crappy vocals, they are being paired with powerhouses. The only somewhat rapper I remember being in the original was Sheila E who was just an extra.

There is a big difference between the popular names of 1985 and the popular names of 2009.

Also this new recording is playing the "Teenybopper" card
alot of the artists in the original were popular, but they were also alot older and alot of them had been in the game for a long long time.

My question remains, is this more to boost Haiti awareness or is it to boost the popularity of certain artists??? Because "celebrity get togethers is the cool thing to do" I don't like thinking the worst of things....but it all sounds bleh.

I say it all with L.O.V.E. as well
I know exactly what went down in 1985 which is why the whole idea of the new song bugs me,
maybe I should have re-worded it...those people were popular names with TALENT! lots of it.

Do you see who is on the new list?? Justin Beiber, Jonas Brothers, Kanye West....aka people who have crappy vocals, they are being paired with powerhouses. The only somewhat rapper I remember being in the original was Sheila E who was just an extra.

There is a big difference between the popular names of 1985 and the popular names of 2009.

Also this new recording is playing the "Teenybopper" card
alot of the artists in the original were popular, but they were also alot older and alot of them had been in the game for a long long time.

My question remains, is this more to boost Haiti awareness or is it to boost the popularity of certain artists??? Because "celebrity get togethers is the cool thing to do" I don't like thinking the worst of things....but it all sounds bleh.

I say it all with L.O.V.E. as well

those artist you named probaly won't even make the cut or at least get their own line.
quincy will know the best voices when he hears them, i have faith in him.

does it matter if its to boost the popularity of certain artists? at the end of the day peoples lives are going to be changed for the better after a truly horrific event.
those artist you named probaly won't even make the cut or at least get their own line.
quincy will know the best voices when he hears them, i have faith in him.

does it matter if its to boost the popularity of certain artists? at the end of the day peoples lives are going to be changed for the better after a truly horrific event.

Hmmmm I honestly don't know what to think of Quincy, I don't know what he's capable of....if people like Gladys, Jennifer, Stevie, Bono get the best parts then that would be terrific because their voices will be heard, they will be talking to the people of the world.

It kinda does matter to me, because it would seem like "My popularity first, Haiti's problems...it will be what it will be"
It kinda does matter to me, because it would seem like "My popularity first, Haiti's problems...it will be what it will be"

Then that is their problem and they should be taking a good at themselves, I doubt there is many people there today thinking that, maybe if people like vanilla ice or paris hilton turned up i'd be like ''GET THE F*CK OUT!'' lol but seriously i think its all for love.
I know exactly what went down in 1985 which is why the whole idea of the new song bugs me,
maybe I should have re-worded it...those people were popular names with TALENT! lots of it.

Do you see who is on the new list?? Justin Beiber, Jonas Brothers, Kanye West....aka people who have crappy vocals, they are being paired with powerhouses. The only somewhat rapper I remember being in the original was Sheila E who was just an extra.

There is a big difference between the popular names of 1985 and the popular names of 2009.

Also this new recording is playing the "Teenybopper" card
alot of the artists in the original were popular, but they were also alot older and alot of them had been in the game for a long long time.

My question remains, is this more to boost Haiti awareness or is it to boost the popularity of certain artists??? Because "celebrity get togethers is the cool thing to do" I don't like thinking the worst of things....but it all sounds bleh.

I say it all with L.O.V.E. as well

It seems to me there are 2 goals for this recording.
One, it is an anniversary of the original.
Two, it is for Haiti relief.

I definitely think they should leave Michael's vocals in to honor him, and to remind people that he was the one who pulled this all together the first time. And because he simply has the best voice ever to inhabit the planet.

As far as goal 2, the more popular artists that participate, the more money it will raise for Haiti. So, I am sure they want to include as many artists as possible. Hopefully they can do this and still produce and decent recording.
AMEN Sidewalk. If your that much against it don't buy it, but why do we have to be so negative about everything on here

Exactly. I understand that Michael died and everyone is angry but trashing and badmouthing every single thing is never going to bring him back or make anyone feel any better.

It won't be like the original but you have to understand that if they want to raise money to help those people going through hell in Haiti right now, they have to aim it at a broad audience that includes the new generations. Teens and young adults... most of them wouldn't buy the original. Those who say they would are the exception. It's just the way it is.

They interviewed Orianthi before she went in and she was super excited because she was just born when it happened the first time around, but now she gets to take part. She feels like she's making a difference... I'm sure they all do and it's meaningful on a personal level as well. It's more than many regular folks have done for Haiti....

It's the way of the world... as the years go on there will be more of this. More of Michael's songs are going to be remade. My dad said it to me plain and simple.... when your favorite artist dies this is what happens. He went through it with two of his favorite artists over the years, one who was massively popular. It's never the same as the "real" version but it helps ensure the legacy lives on.

I know it's hard :hug: but I wish people could try to be just a little positive. It's tough coming on this board, everything is negative. :(

(sorry for my little rant :ph34r: but it's been bothering me)