Whitney Houston tells Oprah that she was "devastated" by Michael's passing

I don't know if it was pointed out but it was actually Oprah who said to Whitney 'You didn't want to go down that road. . .', I thought kind of leading her on. Whitney said, 'yeah. . . yeah.'

Whitney only said that she knew Mike was on painkillers at one time. I am assuming that was the time in 1993 where Michael made a public statement about that and having to go to rehab. It was Oprah who was leading the conversation of Michael's "drug addiction" compared to Whitney's.

But IDK. . . even I thought Michael didn't look like his usual fabulous self on stage during the concert.

I really think Oprah's show today is going to pointless to watch. It's clear what she thinks about Michael. :( Maybe she'll throw us a bone and actual be nice and honor him.
You shouldnt be jealous. Remember, this was prior to Michaels pain killer addiction and trials - so, other than the fact that people speculated about Michaels skin tone and maybe wrote some wierd stories here and there, there wasnt this overwhelming sense of compassion to have towards Michael - because of the Oprah interview, we do know that Joe beat Micheael, that he had vitiligo, that he was saying he was lonely - these are things we were hearing out of his mouth for the first time. So cut her a little slack....Im sure if Oprah knew what we know now and had a present day interview, things would go much different.

What? ...I think you misunderstood my post. Or didn't click on the link. I'm referring to her interview with Whitney Houston yesterday and the similarities between Whitney's story and Michael's. I'm not comparing her interview with Whitney to her interview with Michael. I'm comparing the compassion and forgiveness exhibited in the interview with her lack of such feelings towards Michael today. It comes across as hypocritical.

I was jealous of how she treated Whitney yesterday for three reasons. 1) She was fawning over, not just her talent, but the place she holds as an icon of American culture.

"Oprah: There's a wonderful quote by the L.A. Times. They said, "The pain, and frankly, disgust that so many pop fans felt during Houston's decline was caused not so much by her personal distress as by her seemingly careless treatment of the national treasure that happened to reside within her." ... You were not like any of the others. You really were given the voice. You were given that treasure. And people felt, how could you not know that that was to be treasured?"

You could say the exact same thing about Michael. He was part of the fabric of American culture. Yet, when he fell from society's good graces, it wasn't viewed as a sad disregard for the "treasure" he held inside or the plaque he had been given in the pages of history. The "disgust" was based solely on his "personal distress" and the rumors engulfing him.

2) Whitney: When I became "Whitney Houston" and all this other stuff that happened, my life became the world's. My privacy. My business. Who I was with. Who I married. And I was, like, that's not fair. I wanted to go to the park. I wanted to walk down the street with my husband, hand in hand, without somebody looking at us or having the media always in my business. ... I just wanted to be normal.

Whitney: Yes. ... I love to get dressed up and I love to do makeup and hair and stuff, but that was my performance. That was my entertainment.

Oprah: And then when you were expected to be that all the time?

Whitney: That was too much. ... Too much to try to live up to. Too much to try to be, you know? And I wanted out at some point.

No different than Michael and no one in history has ever felt it on as grand a scale as he did.

3) Oprah: It's so interesting that you would say that because for years I have thought that, in many ways, the Whitney Houston that we have seen has been a creation of the media. That obviously your voice and your talent is what it is. But the gowns, the hair, that first video, all of that stuff was a creation.

Was Michael's image (as "The King of Pop" or as "W**** J****") not also "a creation of the media"? C'mon now!

Oprah may recognize the immensity of his talent and the milestones he's laid in music history. She may feel badly for him and his family and regret the way he was treated [leaving the allegations out] by society. However, in the interviews given and statements released since his death, she has not been extending the same courtesy towards him that she has extended to Whitney. She has been careless in the picture she's painting of him, regarding his cause of death. Yet, she very carefully chose her words and stepped lightly, so as not to offend, when speaking on the subject of Whitney's drug addictions. This is what has spurred my jealousy. He deserves the same treatment, no less.

(But, as previously stated, I may be getting ahead of myself, we'll find out today.)
His smile was one of his features I loved. I was upset to see him looking like that at the time even when he got into the rock n roll hall of fame in 2000 but that smile came back.

When did the smile came back?? For how long could he not smile??
Yeah, I also dislike the focus on his appearance at the 30th anniversary concert. I mean, yeah, it was a rough time for him, but dear God, next to Whitney no one would have even glanced twice at him. She had pounds digitally added onto her and she still looked *extremely* worrisome. I mean, there was a difference. Her appearance wasn't just one of bad plastic surgery, but one obviously indicative of a VERY serious drug problem. Oprah had both of their pictures out in front of her and she only made a fleeting comment on Whitney's appearance. She put words into Whitney's mouth after *every* sentence. And her questions about "him being a mirror" and "not wanting to go down that road" implied that he was worse off than her, which was NOT the case. It's almost laughable. By her own admission, she was on coke 24 hours a day! Comparisons can be made about addictions in general, but once it got to that point for her - the two stories bared no resemblance. And by not going into depth on why she was "cut off" from seeing him, she made it sound like it was because he was too drugged out, when the truth was that he needed his personal alone time to go off with his children and recover emotionally from the trial - which anyone can understand. I know it wasn't intentional, but ugghhh, I still hate when things come across the wrong way and he can't explain himself. =(
I'm glad Whitney is doing well. She is a great artist and performer and deserves better in life than what she had these past years. Her addiction thought is quite different than what Michael went through. And as of yet I'm not believing the whole Michael was an addict story. That's not what killed him.

I only wish someone had been there for Michael to save him.

I'm happy she was a friend of Michaels.
What? ...I think you misunderstood my post. Or didn't click on the link. I'm referring to her interview with Whitney Houston yesterday and the similarities between Whitney's story and Michael's. I'm not comparing her interview with Whitney to her interview with Michael. I'm comparing the compassion and forgiveness exhibited in the interview with her lack of such feelings towards Michael today. It comes across as hypocritical.

I was jealous of how she treated Whitney yesterday for three reasons. 1) She was fawning over, not just her talent, but the place she holds as an icon of American culture.

"Oprah: There's a wonderful quote by the L.A. Times. They said, "The pain, and frankly, disgust that so many pop fans felt during Houston's decline was caused not so much by her personal distress as by her seemingly careless treatment of the national treasure that happened to reside within her." ... You were not like any of the others. You really were given the voice. You were given that treasure. And people felt, how could you not know that that was to be treasured?"

You could say the exact same thing about Michael. He was part of the fabric of American culture. Yet, when he fell from society's good graces, it wasn't viewed as a sad disregard for the "treasure" he held inside or the plaque he had been given in the pages of history. The "disgust" was based solely on his "personal distress" and the rumors engulfing him.

2) Whitney: When I became "Whitney Houston" and all this other stuff that happened, my life became the world's. My privacy. My business. Who I was with. Who I married. And I was, like, that's not fair. I wanted to go to the park. I wanted to walk down the street with my husband, hand in hand, without somebody looking at us or having the media always in my business. ... I just wanted to be normal.

Whitney: Yes. ... I love to get dressed up and I love to do makeup and hair and stuff, but that was my performance. That was my entertainment.

Oprah: And then when you were expected to be that all the time?

Whitney: That was too much. ... Too much to try to live up to. Too much to try to be, you know? And I wanted out at some point.

No different than Michael and no one in history has ever felt it on as grand a scale as he did.

3) Oprah: It's so interesting that you would say that because for years I have thought that, in many ways, the Whitney Houston that we have seen has been a creation of the media. That obviously your voice and your talent is what it is. But the gowns, the hair, that first video, all of that stuff was a creation.

Was Michael's image (as "The King of Pop" or as "W**** J****") not also "a creation of the media"? C'mon now!

Oprah may recognize the immensity of his talent and the milestones he's laid in music history. She may feel badly for him and his family and regret the way he was treated [leaving the allegations out] by society. However, in the interviews given and statements released since his death, she has not been extending the same courtesy towards him that she has extended to Whitney. She has been careless in the picture she's painting of him, regarding his cause of death. Yet, she very carefully chose her words and stepped lightly, so as not to offend, when speaking on the subject of Whitney's drug addictions. This is what has spurred my jealousy. He deserves the same treatment, no less.

(But, as previously stated, I may be getting ahead of myself, we'll find out today.)

I understood completely but Im not sure you understood what I was saying. Michael wasnt in a frame of space in his lifetime where people felt he needed that compassion that Whitney at this stage in her life needs. Like I said, timing is everything and where Michael was in his life during his interview versus where whitney is today is two different things, plus Oprah has more experience now and probably because of Michaels death has learned that perhaps she could interject more compassion into her interview. I understand where you are coming from but I dont agree with what youre saying. I think if the interview happened today it may be another story, and Michael would need to be forthcoming with a no holds barred interview and just be relateable - and Oprah may do the same - but to compare the two interviews I dont think really is fair. Michaels Oprah interview was a huge success, we shouldnt look back and say it could have been better - it is what it is....NOW - that trick Diane Sawyer...she's the one you need to be upset with! AND BARBARA WALTERS!!!!!
When did the smile came back?? For how long could he not smile??
I notice it coming back in 2003. I guess the botox wear off. Look at when he was at the trial, in Bahrain, the 2007 Ebony photos, etc. He got his smile back. botox make your face stiff.
Yeah, I also dislike the focus on his appearance at the 30th anniversary concert. I mean, yeah, it was a rough time for him, but dear God, next to Whitney no one would have even glanced twice at him. She had pounds digitally added onto her and she still looked *extremely* worrisome. I mean, there was a difference. Her appearance wasn't just one of bad plastic surgery, but one obviously indicative of a VERY serious drug problem. Oprah had both of their pictures out in front of her and she only made a fleeting comment on Whitney's appearance. She put words into Whitney's mouth after *every* sentence. And her questions about "him being a mirror" and "not wanting to go down that road" implied that he was worse off than her, which was NOT the case. It's almost laughable. By her own admission, she was on coke 24 hours a day! Comparisons can be made about addictions in general, but once it got to that point for her - the two stories bared no resemblance. And by not going into depth on why she was "cut off" from seeing him, she made it sound like it was because he was too drugged out, when the truth was that he needed his personal alone time to go off with his children and recover emotionally from the trial - which anyone can understand. I know it wasn't intentional, but ugghhh, I still hate when things come across the wrong way and he can't explain himself. =(
Michael got better after those shows. Look his 2003 BET with James Brown. Michael LOOKED GOOD and he knew it and everyone talke about it. SO he recovered from the 2001 show.
I understood completely but Im not sure you understood what I was saying. Michael wasnt in a frame of space in his lifetime where people felt he needed that compassion that Whitney at this stage in her life needs. Like I said, timing is everything and where Michael was in his life during his interview versus where whitney is today is two different things, plus Oprah has more experience now and probably because of Michaels death has learned that perhaps she could interject more compassion into her interview. I understand where you are coming from but I dont agree with what youre saying. I think if the interview happened today it may be another story, and Michael would need to be forthcoming with a no holds barred interview and just be relateable - and Oprah may do the same - but to compare the two interviews I dont think really is fair. Michaels Oprah interview was a huge success, we shouldnt look back and say it could have been better - it is what it is....NOW - that trick Diane Sawyer...she's the one you need to be upset with! AND BARBARA WALTERS!!!!!

LoL, I don't want this to turn into an argument, but you're still misunderstanding. You obviously didn't carefully read what I wrote...

I'm not comparing her interview with Whitney to her interview with Michael.

I'm comparing the compassion and forgiveness exhibited in the interview with her lack of such feelings towards Michael *today*.

None of this has *anything* to do with the 1993 interview. I never mentioned that once. I'm speaking specifically on her stance since his passing...
Michael got better after those shows. Look his 2003 BET with James Brown. Michael LOOKED GOOD and he knew it and everyone talke about it. SO he recovered from the 2001 show.

I don't see the relevance in this to my original post, LoL, but yes, I agree. He looked damn good. =)
LoL, I don't want this to turn into an argument, but you're still misunderstanding. You obviously didn't carefully read what I wrote...

None of this has *anything* to do with the 1993 interview. I never mentioned that once. I'm speaking specifically on her stance since his passing...

I dont know what to tell you - I think her episode today was compassion enough . . . I dont know, for some reason I dont need Oprahs compassion for Michael....Michael is so much more to me than Oprah so I guess I just dont care, as much as I do respect Oprah.
LoL, I don't want this to turn into an argument, but you're still misunderstanding. You obviously didn't carefully read what I wrote...

None of this has *anything* to do with the 1993 interview. I never mentioned that once. I'm speaking specifically on her stance since his passing...

Also....i still think this type of disdain should be reserved for Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer...they were actually mean spirited in their interviews....as where Oprah was just very matter-of-fact....
Also....i still think this type of disdain should be reserved for Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer...they were actually mean spirited in their interviews....as where Oprah was just very matter-of-fact....

I don't have any disdain for her at all. In fact, I like her. However, her show is broadcast all over the world. She's very influential. What she has to say holds a lot of sway over her audience. And I just don't think she's invested enough time into learning about him, considering the position she's in. I don't need her opinion or compassion either, but I do think it matters. With that said, I don't think she's said anything particularly bad or negative about him, but she has been unintentionally misleading. My final feelings and thoughts on her are just that she needs to look further into him. That's all.
I just watch the oprah show the MJ tribute It was good, she said that Michael told her some things off camera, she said she would not talk about what they talk about Thank you oprah.......
Oprah asks what people want to know. It was a bold question, but not idiotic. I guess some of you are really young and dont understand the context of how Michael was seen during this time frame. You really had to know what it was like then - atmosphere wise...to understand why she asked that question and why it was relevant....besides, he's a grown man - if he wants to say - None of yo damn bizness Oprah!! he certainly would have been within his boundaries.

uhh, exactly how old are YOU?

I am 45.

and, yes, I've watched Oprah and Michael BOTH since I was a teenager. and I think Oprah is an idiot.
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I was able to catch a short bit of Whitney's interview with Oprah which is still on now. She also showed a preview (a short advertisement) of her show tomorrow which is about Michael.

Whitney said that she and Michael were very close and that she and Michael would share things with her when they talked on the phone. She said she had so many good memories of spending time with him. She said she knew his family for a long time. She said that when he died, she kept saying/thinking: 'This can't be true. This can't be true.'

She said the last time she spoke to him was during the 2005 trials. She mentioned that he had been cutting people off. Oprah asked if Mike had cut her (Whitney) off. She said he would take her calls but that he didn't want her to see him.

She said that she knew he was on painkillers at one time but wasn't aware to what extent. She says that she had never met a man like him (or something very close to that). She talked about performing at his 30th annversary celebration. Oprah asked her if looking at Michael during then was like looking into a mirror. Whitney replied that in some ways, it was. Whitney was saying that I was worried for him and I was worried for me; I had problems going on with my marriage, etc.

Oprah was asking Whitney (this isn't a direct quote) if looking at him made her realize that she had to get things right in her life and also I think something about not wanting to end up like him.

Oprah kept saying that she was praying for Whitney all this time. It makes me wonder if she was praying for Michael. She didn't say that she was.


She talks about Mike at the 14 min mark. Also as elmari said, she didn't mention anything about the current investigation & circumstances surrounding MJ's passing.

I just saw the pathetic Oprah show tribute to MJ & her interview with Whitney and she did not pray for him (whatever) screw you Oprah.... she has no compassion for him IMO, she's just like all the rest of the media, believing Michael was a child molester....Look just b/c her big ass was molested (god bless her for going thru that) don't believe everyone else is too. just b/c some money hungry feinds say so, so I'm sorry Oprah can pound sand with her big boring butt/ and her show can go down the toilet as fas as I'm concerned..
Who knew Whitney and MJ were so close. I could see the pain she is in over MJ's death. :( I'm glad she got clean and is getting her life back on track.
Oprah has said somethings about Mike, rather something that she made a connection with...one was on 2005 while the trial was going on, she had a show called "THE DOWN LOW" Which is black merried men having an affair with other men"

Some how she managed to squize in something stupid about Michael...and there are other times too...cant post them now but i'll when i got time...

no offense intended but i have EVERY oprah episode from mid to late 2004 up to the beginning of 2008 and obviously random ones i've liked between then and now and there is no such show called "the down low" also i don't remember oprah EVER discussing michael during 2004-2008 except when she interviewed jan in 2006 and VERY briefly in another episode when an audience member trying to make the point to oprah that mney = happpiness said "look at the Jackson family they've got lots of money, theu've got no problems and they're happy" and oprah got up from her chair and said "They look like a happy family to you?" then the guy started saying how of course they must be they've got lots of money and oprah avoided confrontation with him and the topic changed, but even then michael's name was not mentioned by either just the family asa whole.

Alot of what people r saying about oprah mentioning michael as a pedofile or implying he was in the numerous shows she did about child molestation are completely FALSE. i have all those shows and remember watching them very closely because sexual abuse is something i feel very strongly about and NOT once was michael's or the jackson family's names ever mentioned or implied. This is FACT.
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uhh, exactly how old are YOU?

I am 45.

and, yes, I've watched Oprah and Michael BOTH since I was a teenager. and I think Oprah is an idiot.

36.... Listen, I think Oprah could have done more for Michael, certainly - but is she exactly obligated to? No. I wouldnt go so far as to say she's an idiot but she definately didnt go out of her way to champion Michael in a way that she could have....do I hold that against her? Not really. At some point I was disgruntled with Oprah in regards to her opinion or lack there of, of Michael - but we grow older, we mature - and again - she could have said more/done more - i wont hold it against her though - because at the end of the day Oprahs opinion on Michael is irrelevant to me. Shes not worth my emotional investment to care either way really...I have my love for Michael and I dont need it validated or co-signed by ANYONE, including Oprah, Quincy or anyone else...

BTW - what exactly made you think I was talking about YOU?
no offense intended but i have every oprah episode from mid to late 2004 up to the beginning of 2008 and obviously random ones i've liked between then and now and there is no such show called "the down low" also i don't remember oprah ever discussing michael during 2004-2008 except when she interviewed jan in 2006 and very briefly in another episode when an audience member trying to make the point to oprah that mney = happpiness said "look at the jackson family they've got lots of money, theu've got no problems and they're happy" and oprah got up from her chair and said "they look like a happy family to you?" then the guy started saying how of course they must be they've got lots of money and oprah avoided confrontation with him and the topic changed, but even then michael's name was not mentioned by either just the family asa whole.

Alot of what people r saying about oprah mentioning michael as a pedofile or implying he was in the numerous shows she did about child molestation are completely false. I have all those shows and remember watching them very closely because sexual abuse is something i feel very strongly about and not once was michael's or the jackson family's names ever mentioned or implied. This is fact.

thank you!
This interview will be aired in the UK this Saturday at 5pm on the Diva channel.