Whitney Houston tells Oprah that she was "devastated" by Michael's passing

Whitney is a good woman, im glad she stood there for Michael, even though Michael must have been in so much pain that he didnt want people he wanted to see him all destroyed, poor Michael, what they did to him, all his passed tru, and he died at the end, its so sad and aweful, he fighted all he could, but he was just a human

Yeah Whitney knows what it feels to suffer

i would watch it, i cared for Michael, i dont think Oprah is gonna be bad now, she must regert not understanding him

Oh no, that was LOW and dirty minded, very low, that comment only shows Oprah would do otherwise if she was in bed with an underage male, chris rock disgust me, cant stand him so the other guy, they are the ones who would have done other stuff with boys in bed, they are the dirty minded ones, and so is she, they all were expressing what they would have done, they see a boy and think SEX, they are the perverts ones, how can some be so dirty in their minds, i mean you can tell that comment about a common man sleeping with children(i mean areal pervert), but Michael was different, soooo different, like Michael said said "people think sex, you think sex, thats not how my mind runs" and people like Oprah, chris tucker and john stewart think SEX related to boys, anyways she must have realized now the thruth cause Michael could never really recover from all that witch hunt, taht alone shows he was innocent, all that pain of beeing acused of the most disgusting thing, the ones accusing him wanted to digg him, and they did, i alwasy thought this was about jelousy and racism, they must be soo happy now

I think you meant Chris Rock, not Chris Tucker. Chris Tucker was always a good friend of Michael and never betrayed him and he and his then-girlfriend testified for Michael at the 2005 trial ( Aya I believe her name is).
First of all when did Chris Tucker say this as he and Mike have been friends for years. I think you are getting him confused with Chris Rock and Tucker was the one who warned mike about that crazed 2003 family that damn near ruined him.
Oh God im ashamed i mean to say chris ROCK, NOT chris tucker, stupid me
I think you meant Chris Rock, not Chris Tucker. Chris Tucker was always a good friend of Michael and never betrayed him and he and his then-girlfriend testified for Michael at the 2005 trial ( Aya I believe her name is).
YES!! im so stupid, imeant to say Chris Rock, no Tucker, he was a real good friend of Michael, God, im sorry
Who mentioned Chris tucker? No one did, I don't think? LOL I know on my post I said CHRIS ROCK!
I did it, i confused the last names, im soo stupid , sorry, i meant to say Chris ROCK not Tucker:doh:, Tucker was a good friend of Michael

I think you meant Chris Rock, not Chris Tucker. Chris Tucker was always a good friend of Michael and never betrayed him and he and his then-girlfriend testified for Michael at the 2005 trial ( Aya I believe her name is).
yes i messed up the last names, i meant to say CHRIS ROCK CHRIS NOT TUCKER.:doh:
Thank you Moddie for sharing that with us. Guiliana is from E! News w/ Ryan Seacrest.

You are so welcome MJJG.O.A.T,

I think she is now feeling guilty as she should be. Maybe now, she will research him and really get to know what she missed out on all these years by not being there for him?

At least thats what I am hopeful for.
For those hating on Oprah Winfrey let me say, I understand How that anger has manifest through the years.

I'm not supporting it nor am I attacking or questioning it but.........

The other day, I saw a brief one on one interview with Oprah and I think that young lady named Giliana from "E'?

When asked about Michael Jackson, Oprah told her, she had sent FLOWERS AND A NOTE to Michael's Mother and family after hearing of his death. She went on to say even though SHE WAS NOT ASKED, that her biggest REGRET will ALWAYS BE, THAT SHE NEVER BECAME REAL FRIENDS WITH MICHAEL

I paraphrased a little but thats the best i can do from memory.

Maybe you can google it and find the clip online by now?


at least Madonna was honest. Oprah is such a suck-up, God I wanna punch her in the face!!! :evil:
I am fed up with these sneaky low Oprah remarks about Michael! That is so insensitive and rude. What's wrong with people like her? Have they no hearts and feelings? Why always talk about Mike as the worst human being ever? The only factual thing about Mike was his kindness. How can they neglect his wonderful deeds easily? Oprah is just venting her own trauma on Mike even though he was acquitted. Poor Michael.
Exactly what time will this be? I wanna see the unreleased footage of Mike.
What she has to say....i don't really care for much. But what time and where?
Agree.. MJ and Whitney are two different stories and had two different "needs". She were doing hard-core drugs (crack etc). Its like comparing apple and oranges...

You poor things. She was talking about how fame can destroy you, not drugs per se.....

I saw both concerts live and on TV - was exciting but concerning at the same time because it was during Michaels frozen face period and he did seem slightly medicated...or wait, I take that back...either medicated or he didnt have his mojo because he was self-concious about his face.

In any event, I believe they were talking about what the pressures of fame can do to you - and you have to remember, Whitney was friends with Mike from over the years, she was used to looking at his face a certain way, not frozen like that - so she had every right to look and say "not me!" - and also see herself, because she was skeltel and Im sure it was a wakeup call.

Oprah to MJ: Are you a virgin?

MJ: I can't believe you asked me that.

... End of story. she's an idiot, period. :rolleyes:

sorry, my opinion, as always.

Oprah asks what people want to know. It was a bold question, but not idiotic. I guess some of you are really young and dont understand the context of how Michael was seen during this time frame. You really had to know what it was like then - atmosphere wise...to understand why she asked that question and why it was relevant....besides, he's a grown man - if he wants to say - None of yo damn bizness Oprah!! he certainly would have been within his boundaries.
I just watched Whitney talk about Michael. And when she talks about the anniversary concert she said she didn't wanna go down that road as Michael. But was it ever said that during that time Michael was using anything, really?

At that time...the horrible allegations hadn't even started, right?
Okay, I just finished watching the Whitney interview (her "best interview ever", in her words.) I enjoyed it and am so proud of Whitney, she showed a lot of maturity and class that she lacked in the Diane Sawyer interview years ago. The only thing that drove me crazy was how much compassion and forgiveness Oprah extended to her -- and not to Michael. I really am glad that Whitney made it out and continues to get better and stronger every day. But there was one part that really really really got under my skin. Read this page.
Fitting from top to bottom.

This makes me so JEALOUS. She might as well be interviewing MJ here. ALL the same stuff applies. The circumstances were the same. How can she not see this?! It made me mad to see Oprah fawning over her. Michael was the world's golden boy and when he began to fall to the ground, the world just stared. This interview hurt to watch because she never extended the same courtesy to him.

(I may be getting ahead of myself, we'll find out tomorrow.)

You shouldnt be jealous. Remember, this was prior to Michaels pain killer addiction and trials - so, other than the fact that people speculated about Michaels skin tone and maybe wrote some wierd stories here and there, there wasnt this overwhelming sense of compassion to have towards Michael - because of the Oprah interview, we do know that Joe beat Micheael, that he had vitiligo, that he was saying he was lonely - these are things we were hearing out of his mouth for the first time. So cut her a little slack....Im sure if Oprah knew what we know now and had a present day interview, things would go much different.
I just watched Whitney talk about Michael. And when she talks about the anniversary concert she said she didn't wanna go down that road as Michael. But was it ever said that during that time Michael was using anything, really?

At that time...the horrible allegations hadn't even started, right?

The FIRST "horrible allegations" had started in 1993, the concert was in 2001 - and he had already been through painkiller rehab....and had already recorded HIStory in 1995.....

Surely you know this...
I will watch the interview, b/c I want ot remember Michael for the way he was and we will always perceive him as being; sweet, funny, artistic and talented.

As for as Whiteny, I always loved that woman, and thought it was the cruelist thing how that radio host taunted her years ago etc. People really have to walk in other's shows...sad world. I'm so happy to have her back where she belongs, grew-up loving her.

And Oprah, it angers me that she never even took the time to make a statement on Michael's passing....not that I know of, and believe me if she had, I think we all would have known.
The FIRST "horrible allegations" had started in 1993, the concert was in 2001 - and he had already been through painkiller rehab....and had already recorded HIStory in 1995.....

Surely you know this...

I knew about the rehab yes, Michael even spoke about that in the video where he says he's innocent and explains what he had to do for then police, photographs, etc. But 2001 was a whole different story....Whitney takls about that as if Michael was going downhill there....while MJ actually seemed to be doing quite good. New cd, new concert...he was back.
Oprah thinks she knows everything! So even until now, she still thinks MJ molest some child? Is she so stupid not to do her research and understand the person MJ was and the manipulating and brainwashing the media can be?
I will watch this on youtube,no way I will give to her show some ratings..
can't stand her,after everything she said about him
Exactly what time will this be? I wanna see the unreleased footage of Mike.
What she has to say....i don't really care for much. But what time and where?

4 pm on the East coast in the US. As for international viewing, I'm not sure. I think somebody will post the entire footage online though, they did that yesterday with Whitney.
I knew about the rehab yes, Michael even spoke about that in the video where he says he's innocent and explains what he had to do for then police, photographs, etc. But 2001 was a whole different story....Whitney takls about that as if Michael was going downhill there....while MJ actually seemed to be doing quite good. New cd, new concert...he was back.

He wasnt happy. He had problems with Sony and also had problems with something cosmetic. I hate looking at pictures from those concerts.
He wasnt happy. He had problems with Sony and also had problems with something cosmetic. I hate looking at pictures from those concerts.

Yeah he ha a problem with his lips so he coudn´t smile anymore.

Does someone know when the "lip-problem" startet and when he could smile again.
Was this an issue for more than 1 year???
Yeah he ha a problem with his lips so he coudn´t smile anymore.

Does someone know when the "lip-problem" startet and when he could smile again.
Was this an issue for more than 1 year???
It looked like a bad botox shot to me around that area. If you notice, he was able to smile again. Botox lasts months.
People are already misquoting and taking things out of context. Whitney said she knew Michael had a problem with prescription drugs but she did not know the extent and Whitney said Michael did not look healthy at the 30th Anniversary concert. Oprah did not make the direct statement she was surprised how far Michael was willing to go with drugs. She was referring to answering questions during the 93 interview.

You misunderstood my post.

I'm aware Whitney was saying that she thought Michael did not look well. I'm saying he looked good to me, and it was Whitney who looked really skinny and I remember people commenting on how thin she was.

My second point was asking what Oprah meant when she was surprised how far Michael went. That was not in the interview with Whitney but someone mentioned seeing the trailer for the show she is doing on Michael and in that she said that comment. As someone has already said it could mean how open he was in the interview.
His smile was one of his features I loved. I was upset to see him looking like that at the time even when he got into the rock n roll hall of fame in 2000 but that smile came back.