Whitney Houston tells Oprah that she was "devastated" by Michael's passing

Whitney is a good woman, im glad she stood there for Michael, even though Michael must have been in so much pain that he didnt want people he wanted to see him all destroyed, poor Michael, what they did to him, all his passed tru, and he died at the end, its so sad and aweful, he fighted all he could, but he was just a human

Yeah Whitney knows what it feels to suffer

i would watch it, i cared for Michael, i dont think Oprah is gonna be bad now, she must regert not understanding him

But she meant the addiction, not the kind of drugs

i think she was meaning that cause Michael was not giving interviews to ANYBODY, Michael was very reclusive to media those days, in fact he did it till his death except for Bashit(bastard)

Oh no, that was LOW and dirty minded, very low, that comment only shows Oprah would do otherwise if she was in bed with an underage male, chris rock disgust me, cant stand him so the other guy, they are the ones who would have done other stuff with boys in bed, they are the dirty minded ones, and so is she, they all were expressing what they would have done, they see a boy and think SEX, they are the perverts ones, how can some be so dirty in their minds, i mean you can tell that comment about a common man sleeping with children(i mean areal pervert), but Michael was different, soooo different, like Michael said said "people think sex, you think sex, thats not how my mind runs" and people like Oprah, chris tucker and john stewart think SEX related to boys, anyways she must have realized now the thruth cause Michael could never really recover from all that witch hunt, taht alone shows he was innocent, all that pain of beeing acused of the most disgusting thing, the ones accusing him wanted to digg him, and they did, i alwasy thought this was about jelousy and racism, they must be soo happy now

First of all when did Chris Tucker say this as he and Mike have been friends for years. I think you are getting him confused with Chris Rock and Tucker was the one who warned mike about that crazed 2003 family that damn near ruined him.
So, I've never had anything against Oprah. In fact, I respect her not jumping on any bandwagons. When she was asked if she attended the memorial or funeral, she said (paraphrasing) "No, because we weren't really friends. I wasn't close to him, I didn't wanna be one of those people going just because it's Michael Jackson." I also respect(ed) her staying silent if she was, in fact, not convinced he was innocent. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all...

Regarding the accusations, she's said numerous times that she doesn't really know what happened. (Ignorance - by choice - upsets me. If you don't know, LOOK IT UP. The internet is an invaluable tool. The truth is all right there for you, if you want it.) I also think she puts too much focus on the idea of child molestation itself as opposed to what the allegations really stated and what the facts presented in the trial were. This is most people's problem, they can't look past the allegations. Just the thought of it is so horrible, so upsetting, so maddening to them, that the blinders go up and they can't see past it. I know she's dealt with child abuse first hand and so I understand her hurt and anger towards the subject. However, I have too - and because of that, I'm definitely not one to brush it off. But you can't let that affect your judgment. You can't get caught up in your emotions.

This is why I'm terrified of tomorrow's show. I'm scared of what she's going to say and that she'll just feed the belabored "drug addictions" and "odd behavior with children" story. I so hope she proves me wrong. But the only thing that would prove that would be for her to come forward saying she's looked at the facts over the last couple of months and she believes he was an innocent, but easy target. =/
I never knew that he and Whitney were such good friends until I read David Gest's book
Edit: Actaully what I wrotes would be best for a p/m

Anyhow, I love Whitney she's divalicious.
Okay, I just finished watching the Whitney interview (her "best interview ever", in her words.) I enjoyed it and am so proud of Whitney, she showed a lot of maturity and class that she lacked in the Diane Sawyer interview years ago. The only thing that drove me crazy was how much compassion and forgiveness Oprah extended to her -- and not to Michael. I really am glad that Whitney made it out and continues to get better and stronger every day. But there was one part that really really really got under my skin. Read this page.
Fitting from top to bottom.

This makes me so JEALOUS. She might as well be interviewing MJ here. ALL the same stuff applies. The circumstances were the same. How can she not see this?! It made me mad to see Oprah fawning over her. Michael was the world's golden boy and when he began to fall to the ground, the world just stared. This interview hurt to watch because she never extended the same courtesy to him.

(I may be getting ahead of myself, we'll find out tomorrow.)
THE MEDIA is making it seem like Michael took meds. just for the fun of it, Not because of the pain he had...He had Chronic back pain, leg pain, Lupus, Vitiligo, His head hurt...and for these pains, he needed to take pills. then those pills Have side effect which leads to more pain meds. Its NOT Michael's fault that he took pain meds. ITS FOR HIS PAIN!!!

HE is SUCH A strong person but He's ALSO Human and we are NOT perfect. He sometimes made bad choices but HE IS NOT AT FAULT when it concerns his pain meds. And HE took the pain meds just cuz he wanted it? R u 4 real now?

I'm NOT in denial and am NOT Sayin Michael is A perfect human being...but to say that he was an addict is not right...nor is it true...

You are called A drug addict if you use drugs(pills) with out having any pain. Not when you clearly have Problems(illness)...Like Mike did.

If you have lupus, Everything starts hurting Out of no where...your insides and outsides Your Joints, Skin, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Blood vessels, Brain.
...Ask people who have lupus...my friend has it and the pain she suffers is excruciating. She takes sooo Many drugs Everyday...and the timing has to be just right...there are meds. that are taken b4 you eat anything...then after you eat something...she took over a dosen pain meds. A DAY!!!

she takes drugs for treatments to Reduce swelling and pain, Prevent or reduce flares, Calm the immune system, Reduce or prevent damage to joints.

NOW imagine having that added to Vitiligo, Chronic back and leg pain and more problems...Who in their RIGHT Minds dont take pain meds. That was his Nature taking its course...
Thank You girl could not have said it better myself!
First of all when did Chris Tucker say this as he and Mike have been friends for years. I think you are getting him confused with Chris Rock and Tucker was the one who warned mike about that crazed 2003 family that damn near ruined him.

Who mentioned Chris tucker? No one did, I don't think? LOL I know on my post I said CHRIS ROCK!
you can watch the interview here:


she starts talking about michael at about the 21 minutes mark

Thanks PrinceLNJ. :)

It actually starts around the 14 min mark.

Yeah, Whitney got emotional and she was tearing up. She said that her and Mike were very close. That she called him a lot during the trial (not just once, like I thought). She said that she never met anyone 'like that young man'.

Poor Whitney. . . she really did look and sound devastated. Oprah on the other hand. . . I don't really know the extent of Whitney's drug use or how bad it got for her, but Oprah made it seem like Michael was waaaaaay worse, at least during 2001.

Whitney was the one that said that she had known that he was dependent on painkillers at one time. But didn't say anything about what she thought happened during the present. She says that they way that it ended for him is so tragic (which it is) and that it saddens her so much.
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I was able to catch a short bit of Whitney's interview with Oprah which is still on now. She also showed a preview (a short advertisement) of her show tomorrow which is about Michael.

Whitney said that she and Michael were very close and that she and Michael would share things with her when they talked on the phone. She said she knew his family for a long time. She said that when he died, she kept saying/thinking: 'This can't be true. This can't be true.'

She said the last time she spoke to him was during the 2005 trials. She mentioned that he had been cutting people off. Oprah asked if Mike had cut her (Whitney) off. She said he would take her calls but that he didn't want her to see him.

She said that she knew he had problems with prescription meds. but wasn't aware to what extent. She says that she had never met a man like him (or something very close to that). She talked about performing at his 30th annversary celebration. Oprah asked her if looking at Michael during then was like looking into a mirror. Whitney replied that in some ways, it was. Whitney was saying that I was worried for him and I was worried for me; I had problems going on with my marriage, etc.

Oprah was asking Whitney (this isn't a direct quote) if looking at him made her realize that she had to get things right in her life and also I think something about not wanting to end up like him. Oprah kept saying that she was praying for Whitney all this time. It makes me wonder if she was praying for Michael. She didn't say that she was.

She wasn't praying for MJ. She isn't an MJ fan. She's always been hesitant about him because of the allegations. As far as I am concerned the show with MJ is being done as a formality. I mean how can she not do a show dedicated to him? She's doing it because she feels like she must. Otherwise she wouldn't be. . . I strongly believe that.

Think about it. The Jackson family has been all over. Why not try to get one of them on the show? It's because she doesn't care that much.
For those hating on Oprah Winfrey let me say, I understand How that anger has manifest through the years.

I'm not supporting it nor am I attacking or questioning it but.........

The other day, I saw a brief one on one interview with Oprah and I think that young lady named Giliana from "E'?

When asked about Michael Jackson, Oprah told her, she had sent FLOWERS AND A NOTE to Michael's Mother and family after hearing of his death. She went on to say even though SHE WAS NOT ASKED, that her biggest REGRET will ALWAYS BE, THAT SHE NEVER BECAME REAL FRIENDS WITH MICHAEL

I paraphrased a little but thats the best i can do from memory.

Maybe you can google it and find the clip online by now?

That was nice of Oprah to send flowers to Mr.s Jackson. I think Oprah is confuse about of who the real MJ was. She's probably confused on what to believe about him with the all negative information the media is and was spitting out. I think if Oprah got to know MJ, she wouldn't doubt for a second that he was innocent in those cases. I personally do not like all of the jokes Oprah made but it's true that it was fashionable to make a crack at MJ during those times(2003-2005). I am mad that she was making those jokes about him but I still think she is a good person deep down.
My opinion is that Oprah will use Michael as an example of various personal issues and how to deal with them (self-loathing/plastic surgery, addiction to medication, inappropriate relationships). Highlighting, of course, of Michael failed in these areas and the consequences of those failures.

Hope I am wrong and get pleasantly surprised when she looks at how Michael was treated by the media and general public in a fair and unbiased way.

We shall see.
Okay, I just finished watching the Whitney interview (her "best interview ever", in her words.) I enjoyed it and am so proud of Whitney, she showed a lot of maturity and class that she lacked in the Diane Sawyer interview years ago. The only thing that drove me crazy was how much compassion and forgiveness Oprah extended to her -- and not to Michael. I really am glad that Whitney made it out and continues to get better and stronger every day. But there was one part that really really really got under my skin. Read this page.
Fitting from top to bottom.

This makes me so JEALOUS. She might as well be interviewing MJ here. ALL the same stuff applies. The circumstances were the same. How can she not see this?! It made me mad to see Oprah fawning over her. Michael was the world's golden boy and when he began to fall to the ground, the world just stared. This interview hurt to watch because she never extended the same courtesy to him.

(I may be getting ahead of myself, we'll find out tomorrow.)

pisses me off too..........Tom Joyner does the same thing...
I'm curious, has Oprah ever done/said anything to make so many MJ fans dislike her? I mean, the 1993 interview was a pretty positive one, she didn't try to make him seem like something he wasn't IMO. So what's the deal? Did I miss something more recent?
Sorry if this is a stupid/obvious question.


Oprah to MJ: Are you a virgin?

MJ: I can't believe you asked me that.

... End of story. she's an idiot, period. :rolleyes:

sorry, my opinion, as always.
For those hating on Oprah Winfrey let me say, I understand How that anger has manifest through the years.

I'm not supporting it nor am I attacking or questioning it but.........

The other day, I saw a brief one on one interview with Oprah and I think that young lady named Giliana from "E'?

When asked about Michael Jackson, Oprah told her, she had sent FLOWERS AND A NOTE to Michael's Mother and family after hearing of his death. She went on to say even though SHE WAS NOT ASKED, that her biggest REGRET will ALWAYS BE, THAT SHE NEVER BECAME REAL FRIENDS WITH MICHAEL

I paraphrased a little but thats the best i can do from memory.

Maybe you can google it and find the clip online by now?

wtf? too little, too late, Opie dear. you didn't get to be friends with Michael because YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE IN HIM WHEN HE WAS ALIVE. NO USE CRYING CROCODILE TEARS NOW, LADY.

god this woman makes me so frickin' angry at times!
Okay, I just finished watching the Whitney interview (her "best interview ever", in her words.) I enjoyed it and am so proud of Whitney, she showed a lot of maturity and class that she lacked in the Diane Sawyer interview years ago. The only thing that drove me crazy was how much compassion and forgiveness Oprah extended to her -- and not to Michael. I really am glad that Whitney made it out and continues to get better and stronger every day. But there was one part that really really really got under my skin. Read this page.
Fitting from top to bottom.

This makes me so JEALOUS. She might as well be interviewing MJ here. ALL the same stuff applies. The circumstances were the same. How can she not see this?! It made me mad to see Oprah fawning over her. Michael was the world's golden boy and when he began to fall to the ground, the world just stared. This interview hurt to watch because she never extended the same courtesy to him.

(I may be getting ahead of myself, we'll find out tomorrow.)

I feel the same way. I HATE that the world was so damn cruel to this beautiful wonderful man. I can't even explain my feelings in a post. They are indescribable. I honestly don't even know how he managed to hold on so long because it was just ENDLESS for him. Just a stream of NEVER ENDING BULLSHIT and everyone just left him to crash and burn.

Anyway, it was good of her to talk about him. There isn't much more I can say about it really.

Oprah to MJ: Are you a virgin?

MJ: I can't believe you asked me that.

... End of story. she's an idiot, period. :rolleyes:

sorry, my opinion, as always.

Well, in reality, she was addressing rumors in that interview, and she even said so. So that's probably why she asked.
I hated when she asked a grown man if he is a virgin? WTF kind of a question was that? Michael was too good to her, he should of cuss her out..Damn Woman..Ratings is all she is after. You bet, after that interview Michael would not want to be your friend, you fool!!
I don't look at Oprah, today I saw what she said on AH..or whichever, they are all the bloody same.
I am taking a chance looking at her tomorrow because I want to see My Baby Michael..but if she talks shit, I will be writing comments on her board..There have been a few comments so she better take heed and do good now..It is too late, I know.
OT. I think she is dumb, because when the crowd did a Flash Mob with BEP on her show..She said she has never seen anything like it before..Didn't she look at the one in NY or Sweden? for Michael? dang!!
Thanks PrinceLNJ. :)

It actually starts around the 14 min mark.

Yeah, Whitney got emotional and she was tearing up. She said that her and Mike were very close. That she called him a lot during the trial (not just once, like I thought). She said that she never met anyone 'like that young man'.

Poor Whitney. . . she really did look and sound devastated. Oprah on the other hand. . . I don't really know the extent of Whitney's drug use or who bad it got for her, but Oprah made it seem like Michael was waaaaaay worse, at least during 2001.

Whitney was the one that said that she had known that he was dependent on painkillers at one time. But didn't say anything about what she thought happened during the present. She says that they way that it ended for him is so tragic (which it is) and that it saddens her so much.

you can watch the interview here:


she starts talking about michael at about the 21 minutes mark

Thank you guys! I'll edit my original post accordingly and include the link.

Oprah to MJ: Are you a virgin?

MJ: I can't believe you asked me that.

... End of story. she's an idiot, period. :rolleyes:

sorry, my opinion, as always.

I know i was like WTF?? You dont ask a person that!..its none of ur business!!
I saw the interview today. Whitney was very respectful towards Michael and obviously very hurt by his passing. Michael & Whitney always liked and respected eachohter. It's too bad the duet for "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" didn't work out as I think they would have sounded brilliant together. Two of the best voices in the business imo! Whitney's interview was great all around and I know she's hurting for Michael and his family.

She's lucky she had people in her family step in and help her though or else she would have ended up dead eventually. No way she would have made it too much longer. I still worry about Whitney, but I hope she continues to be strong and I wish her nothing but the best.
I never realized Oprah was so Shady with her comments. Some of the things she has said about MJ were not in the best context. I know Tina Turner is one of her favorite celebs and I know she would not anything negative about her.
Agree.. MJ and Whitney are two different stories and had two different "needs". She were doing hard-core drugs (crack etc). Its like comparing apple and oranges...

Yeah, I don't like Oprah's comments about him, and saying "You didn't want to end up like him." Oh really? No offense AT ALL intended to Whitney, and I'm sooo glad she's done with the drug life, but her story is very different from Michael's. I am not even sure why people keep bringing up painkillers anyway, like he died from an overdose of painkillers. Whatever. I wanted to see the show, but now I don't know because I can't handle Oprah's comments about him.
I never realized Oprah was so Shady with her comments. Some of the things she has said about MJ were not in the best context. I know Tina Turner is one of her favorite celebs and I know she would not anything negative about her.

well, in general, she's easier on women. she's got a past that she's tried to cope with in terms of molestation, so I can kinda understand her psyche. still, I hate what she did to MJ over the years. I've been around a while, and I've been watching... believe me/us when we say she's two-faced when it comes to Mike.
I am still new to this site but based on the comments I've read most of the dislike towards Oprah is unwarranted. It's based on rumors, misquotes and outright lies. I watched the Whitney interview and neither Oprah nor Whitney disrespected Michael yet I already see people taking things out of context and lying.

NO, it isn't based on lies or misquotes! We are talking about things Oprah has said in the past! She fully believed the lies about Michael, and she made that very clear.
Drug addiction is all the same.

In a way, yes, but in a way, no. If someone has to take painkillers because they genuinely in pain, and then they become addicted to it, it isn't the same as someone who knowingly tries something they don't NEED and do it just to get high. The addiction part may be similar, but that's it.
But still, why is everyone talking like he died from an overdose of painkillers? He didn't, did he??? Oprah's line of questioning is disturbing because she's implying things. I'm not sure why Whitney said when she saw Michael that he didn't look well. It doesn't mean he was on drugs.