Whitney Houston tells Oprah that she was "devastated" by Michael's passing

I agree.

Plus I was at the 30th anniversary and Mike looked fit and healthy whereas Whitney looked anorexic. But it's good to hear she supported Mike during 2005.

And what does Oprah mean "she was suprised at how far Michael was willing to go."

She really does seem judgemental without any of the facts, typical tabloid reporter.

Did anyone record Whitney Houstons interview, it would be nice to see the part where she talks about Mike only.

And does anyone know if we can watch tomorrows episode on line, I really want to see it,

People are already misquoting and taking things out of context. Whitney said she knew Michael had a problem with prescription drugs but she did not know the extent and Whitney said Michael did not look healthy at the 30th Anniversary concert. Oprah did not make the direct statement she was surprised how far Michael was willing to go with drugs. She was referring to answering questions during the 93 interview.
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I'm curious, has Oprah ever done/said anything to make so many MJ fans dislike her? I mean, the 1993 interview was a pretty positive one, she didn't try to make him seem like something he wasn't IMO. So what's the deal? Did I miss something more recent?
Sorry if this is a stupid/obvious question.

I am still new to this site but based on the comments I've read most of the dislike towards Oprah is unwarranted. It's based on rumors, misquotes and outright lies. I watched the Whitney interview and neither Oprah nor Whitney disrespected Michael yet I already see people taking things out of context and lying.
I just knew she would be asking Whitney about Michael! there's no way she was gonna let that opportunity slide.

Anyway, I'm gonna tape her show on MJ tomorrow, but frankly all I'm interested in his the unseen footage.....I can do without her commentary!
I am still new to this site but based on the comments I've read most of the dislike towards Oprah is unwarranted. It's based on rumors, misquotes and outright lies. I watched the Whitney interview and neither Oprah nor Whitney disrespected Michael yet I already see people taking things out of context and lying.

For the love of God! we are'nt just all here sitting behind our key boards spewing ish against Oprah for the heck of it! The evidence is there, most of us have heard with our own ears, seen with our own eyes.

And if you want further proof.....go watch the footage of the report Access Hollywood did with her last week and you'll see what people are talking about. The woman said outright that now that Michael has passed we'll never know the TRUTH of what happened re the molestation charges! What does that statement tell you? that regardless of the NOT GUILTY verdicts, Miss Know It All Winfrey does not see those NOT GUILTY verdicts as Michael Jackson did not molest this child!
I am still new to this site but based on the comments I've read most of the dislike towards Oprah is unwarranted. It's based on rumors, misquotes and outright lies. I watched the Whitney interview and neither Oprah nor Whitney disrespected Michael yet I already see people taking things out of context and lying.

Everything I stated in my post is a FACT! I saw it I heard it! Unless u have seen what I stated then u can not judge! Now, the whitney interview is different, that wasn't bad.
I don't feel whitney disrespected Michael per se but michael had legitamate illnesses in which he was taking painkillers for and when whitney said she did not want to go down that road that is false. He was not a mirror image for her becauase she just wanted to get high he has medical issues and was a victim of medical malpractice and was lied about by many people including oprah.
Thanks for posting this. It reaffirms my stance to not watch or ever support the Oprah show. That line of questioning makes me realize she hates MJ and will always show him in a poor light. I can just imagine the cray cray that will be her show tomorrow.
Oprah's season ended in May and the new season started yesterday. As far as you know she has been in contact with the Jackson family.

I’m not familiar with that.
As I know, she always has something to say.

She didn't give any public statement.

Maybe it's better that way.
Oprah did not make the direct statement she was surprised how far Michael was willing to go with drugs. She was referring to answering questions during the 93 interview.

Yup. I know I said that I saw that during the ad about tomorrow's show and what I thought she meant by it. I never said I thought she meant drugs. Its not a long clip or the entire show so I can't say for absolutely certain. Only what I thought she meant.

Regarding what people are saying about Oprah, I see that people are saying what they've seen. Not what their brother's cousin's aunt's husband's neighbor said.

For people saying the Whitney interview is being taken out of context, I've reported what I've seen and remember honestly and tried not to skew anything. I don't know what people want. I just wanted to share Whitney's comments about Michael.

I’m not familiar with that.
As I know, she always has something to say.

She didn't give any public statement.

Maybe it's better that way.

I think she means for all we know, Oprah could have contacted the Jacksons.
Oprah? Praying for Michael? Pleeeeease! That bitch ain't praying for anyone. She's just praying for money. Gaaah! Sorry,but I just can't stand her. She seems so fake to me!
For the love of God! we are'nt just all here sitting behind our key boards spewing ish against Oprah for the heck of it! The evidence is there, most of us have heard with our own ears, seen with our own eyes.

And if you want further proof.....go watch the footage of the report Access Hollywood did with her last week and you'll see what people are talking about. The woman said outright that now that Michael has passed we'll never know the TRUTH of what happened re the molestation charges! What does that statement tell you? that regardless of the NOT GUILTY verdicts, Miss Know It All Winfrey does not see those NOT GUILTY verdicts as Michael Jackson did not molest this child!

I believe Michael was innocent but I agree with that statement we will never know the truth. Those accusers and their families have most likely gone into hiding since Michael passed. Now that he has passed the chances of those accusers coming forward and telling the truth is very unlikely because of the backlash they would face.
I believe Michael was innocent but I agree with that statement we will never know the truth. Those accusers and their families have most likely gone into hiding since Michael passed. Now that he has passed the chances of those accusers coming forward and telling the truth is very unlikely because of the backlash they would face.

*eye roll* Sorry and no diss but your screen name does not match your comments pertaining to Michael. Specially this bit of media smear kool aid right here.
I'll be the odd one out, Oprah has said some very rude things about Michael. BUT, I do watch her if I see previews of a show that looks interesting, one show that seriously made me cry like a baby is Dani the Feral child...seriously, that is one reason we are considering adoption in the next few years. I will be watching tomorrow just to see the interview with Michael, not to hear what she has to say. On another note, I loooooooove the Oprah's favorite things episodes!
I was able to catch a short bit of Whitney's interview with Oprah which is still on now. She also showed a preview (a short advertisement) of her show tomorrow which is about Michael.

Whitney said that she and Michael were very close and that she and Michael would share things with her when they talked on the phone. She said she knew his family for a long time. She said that when he died, she kept saying/thinking: 'This can't be true. This can't be true.'

She said the last time she spoke to him was during the 2005 trials. She mentioned that he had been cutting people off. Oprah asked if Mike had cut her (Whitney) off. She said he would take her calls but that he didn't want her to see him.

She said that she knew he had problems with prescription meds. but wasn't aware to what extent. She says that she had never met a man like him (or something very close to that). She talked about performing at his 30th annversary celebration. Oprah asked her if looking at Michael during then was like looking into a mirror. Whitney replied that in some ways, it was. Whitney was saying that I was worried for him and I was worried for me; I had problems going on with my marriage, etc.

Oprah was asking Whitney (this isn't a direct quote) if looking at him made her realize that she had to get things right in her life and also I think something about not wanting to end up like him. Oprah kept saying that she was praying for Whitney all this time. It makes me wonder if she was praying for Michael. She didn't say that she was.

Whitney is a good woman, im glad she stood there for Michael, even though Michael must have been in so much pain that he didnt want people he wanted to see him all destroyed, poor Michael, what they did to him, all his passed tru, and he died at the end, its so sad and aweful, he fighted all he could, but he was just a human

Raymon Bain and Jermaine said that Hollywood turned their backs on him during 2005 so it's good to hear that Whitney spoke to him during then.
Yeah Whitney knows what it feels to suffer

I saw this interview as well. Love Whitney! She was very sad about Michael. The fact that she said that it still hurts, or words to that effect says it all.

I am not going to watch Oprah tomorrow. I will tape it though and if I hear that it was positive and not more bashing of Michael or his family I will watch it. If it's bad I will just hit the delete button.
i would watch it, i cared for Michael, i dont think Oprah is gonna be bad now, she must regert not understanding him

Why ask if whitney saw herself in MJ? Michael wasn't on crack! Totally different Oprah!
But she meant the addiction, not the kind of drugs

I agree.

Plus I was at the 30th anniversary and Mike looked fit and healthy whereas Whitney looked anorexic. But it's good to hear she supported Mike during 2005.

And what does Oprah mean "she was suprised at how far Michael was willing to go."

She really does seem judgemental without any of the facts, typical tabloid reporter.

Did anyone record Whitney Houstons interview, it would be nice to see the part where she talks about Mike only.

And does anyone know if we can watch tomorrows episode on line, I really want to see it,
i think she was meaning that cause Michael was not giving interviews to ANYBODY, Michael was very reclusive to media those days, in fact he did it till his death except for Bashit(bastard)

"Oprah has said somethings about Mike, rather something that she made a connection with...one was on 2005 while the trial was going on, she had a show called "THE DOWN LOW" Which is black merried men having an affair with other men"

Some how she managed to squize in something stupid about Michael...and there are other times too...cant post them now but i'll when i got time..."

Oh man I remember this a gay dude was on and he said he laid in a bed with another dude and he was saying something like it's possible to sleep in a bed with another guy and not have sex and oprah not believing him said "OH! YOU SOUND LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON NOW!" The dude face was like OH MY GOD! He was studded and didn't speak for like 3 secs and then continued talking like if nothing happened.

I WAS SO PISSED OFF! She also made it clear in the past and on access holywood that she pretty much feels something happen between MJ and children by sayin when she hears someone acussed of something like that it gives her pause, that she doesn't know the truth and that she proably never will! BOOOOOOOO!

It's called investigating oprah u should try it out sometimes!

She also had chris rock and John stewart on her show making fun of mj and oprah laughing her ass off at the jokes OKAy PRISON JOKES AND ISH! AGAIN IT PIST ME OFF SHE CAN LITERALLY FU.CK HERSELF!
Oh no, that was LOW and dirty minded, very low, that comment only shows Oprah would do otherwise if she was in bed with an underage male, chris rock disgust me, cant stand him so the other guy, they are the ones who would have done other stuff with boys in bed, they are the dirty minded ones, and so is she, they all were expressing what they would have done, they see a boy and think SEX, they are the perverts ones, how can some be so dirty in their minds, i mean you can tell that comment about a common man sleeping with children(i mean areal pervert), but Michael was different, soooo different, like Michael said said "people think sex, you think sex, thats not how my mind runs" and people like Oprah, chris ROCK and john stewart think SEX related to boys, anyways she must have realized now the thruth cause Michael could never really recover from all that witch hunt, taht alone shows he was innocent, all that pain of beeing acused of the most disgusting thing, the ones accusing him wanted to digg him, and they did, i alwasy thought this was about jelousy and racism, they must be soo happy now
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Originally Posted by earthlyme

"Oprah has said somethings about Mike, rather something that she made a connection with...one was on 2005 while the trial was going on, she had a show called "THE DOWN LOW" Which is black merried men having an affair with other men"

Some how she managed to squize in something stupid about Michael...and there are other times too...cant post them now but i'll when i got time..."
Oh man I remember this a gay dude was on and he said he laid in a bed with another dude and he was saying something like it's possible to sleep in a bed with another guy and not have sex and oprah not believing him said "OH! YOU SOUND LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON NOW!" The dude face was like OH MY GOD! He was studded and didn't speak for like 3 secs and then continued talking like if nothing happened.

I WAS SO PISSED OFF! She also made it clear in the past and on access holywood that she pretty much feels something happen between MJ and children by sayin when she hears someone acussed of something like that it gives her pause, that she doesn't know the truth and that she proably never will! BOOOOOOOO!

It's called investigating oprah u should try it out sometimes!

She also had chris rock and John stewart on her show making fun of mj and oprah laughing her ass off at the jokes OKAy PRISON JOKES AND ISH! AGAIN IT PIST ME OFF SHE CAN LITERALLY FU.CK HERSELF!

Bluetopez---I got it right...lolz:punk:

Yes thats what she Said exactly...the Audiance even got quiet for a sec and she repeated the same thing and made a face and the audiance laughed...I know she had A terrible Childhood but To do that on her show, to say that, Thats just MESSED UP Man!!!

and When she interviewed Lisa, or Barbra Walters about Michael...the way she asked was interesting*in a messed up way*...

and somebody said that she made a comment on Access Hollywood last week? where she said, "Now that he's gone, Nobody's gonna know the truth about the Molestation" I MEAN C'mon Man! What ever nice things she's gonna be sayin about Michael Tomorrow might actually be out of guilt. Cuz like Madonna said "We had Abandond him"...And one of the 1st ppl. on that list is "OPRAH"...Cher is on there too...

I know ppl. LOVE her 4 what she does for others...but honestly, I dont really care...

These things she did and said are the things we Know...Its Just too MUCH And Too SAD what Michael went through.
For those hating on Oprah Winfrey let me say, I understand How that anger has manifest through the years.

I'm not supporting it nor am I attacking or questioning it but.........

The other day, I saw a brief one on one interview with Oprah and I think that young lady named Giliana from "E'?

When asked about Michael Jackson, Oprah told her, she had sent FLOWERS AND A NOTE to Michael's Mother and family after hearing of his death. She went on to say even though SHE WAS NOT ASKED, that her biggest REGRET will ALWAYS BE, THAT SHE NEVER BECAME REAL FRIENDS WITH MICHAEL

I paraphrased a little but thats the best i can do from memory.

Maybe you can google it and find the clip online by now?
For those hating on Oprah Winfrey let me say, I understand How that anger has manifest through the years.

I'm not supporting it nor am I attacking or questioning it but.........

The other day, I saw a brief one on one interview with Oprah and I think that young lady named Giliana from "E'?

When asked about Michael Jackson, Oprah told her, she had sent FLOWERS AND A NOTE to Michael's Mother and family after hearing of his death. She went on to say even though SHE WAS NOT ASKED, that her biggest REGRET will ALWAYS BE, THAT SHE NEVER BECAME REAL FRIENDS WITH MICHAEL

I paraphrased a little but thats the best i can do from memory.

Maybe you can google it and find the clip online by now?
thats the least she could do, she was part of the witch hunt
Bluetopez---I got it right...lolz:punk:

Yes thats what she Said exactly...the Audiance even got quiet for a sec and she repeated the same thing and made a face and the audiance laughed...I know she had A terrible Childhood but To do that on her show, to say that, Thats just MESSED UP Man!!!

and When she interviewed Lisa, or Barbra Walters about Michael...the way she asked was interesting*in a messed up way*...

and somebody said that she made a comment on Access Hollywood last week? where she said, "Now that he's gone, Nobody's gonna know the truth about the Molestation" I MEAN C'mon Man! What ever nice things she's gonna be sayin about Michael Tomorrow might actually be out of guilt. Cuz like Madonna said "We had Abandond him"...And one of the 1st ppl. on that list is "OPRAH"...Cher is on there too...

I know ppl. LOVE her 4 what she does for others...but honestly, I dont really care...

These things she did and said are the things we Know...Its Just too MUCH And Too SAD what Michael went through.
She said that, are you sure, NO THAST MUST BE A LIE, if she did she's a BASTARD, Madonna is a great woman, she's the only one with true class
"Oprah has said somethings about Mike, rather something that she made a connection with...one was on 2005 while the trial was going on, she had a show called "THE DOWN LOW" Which is black merried men having an affair with other men"

Some how she managed to squize in something stupid about Michael...and there are other times too...cant post them now but i'll when i got time..."

Oh man I remember this a gay dude was on and he said he laid in a bed with another dude and he was saying something like it's possible to sleep in a bed with another guy and not have sex and oprah not believing him said "OH! YOU SOUND LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON NOW!" The dude face was like OH MY GOD! He was studded and didn't speak for like 3 secs and then continued talking like if nothing happened.

I WAS SO PISSED OFF! She also made it clear in the past and on access holywood that she pretty much feels something happen between MJ and children by sayin when she hears someone acussed of something like that it gives her pause, that she doesn't know the truth and that she proably never will! BOOOOOOOO!

It's called investigating oprah u should try it out sometimes!

She also had chris rock and John stewart on her show making fun of mj and oprah laughing her ass off at the jokes OKAy PRISON JOKES AND ISH! AGAIN IT PIST ME OFF SHE CAN LITERALLY FU.CK HERSELF!

You AINT NEVA LIED YOU AINT NEVA LIED!....I remember that show oh my gosh!

I watched that show and right as day she said that ish...you described it exactly how it went down.. and she said that sh*t like it was some sort of epiphany! like.."oh you sound like Michael Jackson.." pff

not only was she belittling that gay man she was also throwing MJ under the bus*killing two birds with one stone*...basically calling that gay man and MJ LIARS!

Oprah has said and insinuated some nasty stuff about Mike and it is very REAL and not lies made by fans.
No time at all for Whitney Houston ... it seems it's ok to be a celebrity in Hollywood, admit using a bit of Crack, go into rehab, then re-emerge and have people listen to what you say and hang on your words.

A normal person finds themselves on Crack and in rehab, their lives are ruined, their family is torn apart, and their reputation is gone forever among friends and peers alike.

Utter hypocrisy and being honest, Whitney's still not all there upstairs.

Oh Whitney is okay and you know Oprah doesn't care for men NO NO just kidding. Anyway I am glad Whitney and Gladys stood by Michael even when some of his so-called lady friends didn't.
Drug addiction is all the same.

hey hun, I disagree with ur post...

Mike was NOT addicted to drugs...( I know some wont agree with me) and he said he was dependant on Perscription pills in the early 90's..

THIS is my post on another thread...

THE MEDIA is making it seem like Michael took meds. just for the fun of it, Not because of the pain he had...He had Chronic back pain, leg pain, Lupus, Vitiligo, His head hurt...and for these pains, he needed to take pills. then those pills Have side effect which leads to more pain meds. Its NOT Michael's fault that he took pain meds. ITS FOR HIS PAIN!!!

HE is SUCH A strong person but He's ALSO Human and we are NOT perfect. He sometimes made bad choices but HE IS NOT AT FAULT when it concerns his pain meds.
And HE took the pain meds just cuz he wanted it? R u 4 real now?

I'm NOT in denial and am NOT Sayin Michael is A perfect human being...but to say that he was an addict is not right...nor is it true...

You are called A drug addict if you use drugs(pills) with out having any pain. Not when you clearly have Problems(illness)...Like Mike did.

If you have lupus, Everything starts hurting Out of no where...your insides and outsides Your Joints, Skin, Kidneys, Heart, Lungs, Blood vessels, Brain.
...Ask people who have lupus...my friend has it and the pain she suffers is excruciating. She takes sooo Many drugs Everyday...and the timing has to be just right...there are meds. that are taken b4 you eat anything...then after you eat something...she took over a dosen pain meds. A DAY!!!

she takes drugs for treatments to Reduce swelling and pain, Prevent or reduce flares, Calm the immune system, Reduce or prevent damage to joints.

NOW imagine having that added to Vitiligo, Chronic back and leg pain and more problems...Who in their RIGHT Minds dont take pain meds. That was his Nature taking its course...
Sorry Most of the statements were meant to another post...Hopefully you get where I'm coming from...

