Whitney Houston tells Oprah that she was "devastated" by Michael's passing


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was able to catch a short bit of Whitney's interview with Oprah which is still on now. She also showed a preview (a short advertisement) of her show tomorrow which is about Michael.

Whitney said that she and Michael were very close and that she and Michael would share things with her when they talked on the phone. She said she had so many good memories of spending time with him. She said she knew his family for a long time. She said that when he died, she kept saying/thinking: 'This can't be true. This can't be true.'

She said the last time she spoke to him was during the 2005 trials. She mentioned that he had been cutting people off. Oprah asked if Mike had cut her (Whitney) off. She said he would take her calls but that he didn't want her to see him.

She said that she knew he was on painkillers at one time but wasn't aware to what extent. She says that she had never met a man like him (or something very close to that). She talked about performing at his 30th annversary celebration. Oprah asked her if looking at Michael during then was like looking into a mirror. Whitney replied that in some ways, it was. Whitney was saying that I was worried for him and I was worried for me; I had problems going on with my marriage, etc.

Oprah was asking Whitney (this isn't a direct quote) if looking at him made her realize that she had to get things right in her life and also I think something about not wanting to end up like him.

Oprah kept saying that she was praying for Whitney all this time. It makes me wonder if she was praying for Michael. She didn't say that she was.

you can watch the interview here:


she starts talking about michael at about the 21 minutes mark

She talks about Mike at the 14 min mark. Also as elmari said, she didn't mention anything about the current investigation & circumstances surrounding MJ's passing.
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When is Oprah's show gonna be on? I mean the special about MJ? Not that i care much for what Oprah has to say....but the new footage and stuff.
When is Oprah's show gonna be on? I mean the special about MJ? Not that i care much for what Oprah has to say....but the new footage and stuff.

Her show is tomorrow. She said during the ad they showed for it that she was suprised at how far Michael was willing to go.
I was able to catch a short bit of Whitney's interview with Oprah which is still on now.

Whitney said that she and Michael were very close and that she and Michael would share things with her when they talked on the phone. She said she knew his family for a long time.

She said the last time she spoke to him was during the trials. She said he would take her calls but that he didn't want her to see him.

She said that she knew he had problems with prescription meds. but wasn't aware to what extent. She says that she had never met a man like him (or something very close to that). She talked about performing at his 30th annversary celebration. Oprah asked her if looking at Michael during then was like looking into a mirror. Whitney replied that in some ways, it was.

Aww. . .:(

I remember that Michael had wanted her to sing "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" on the Bad album and it just didn't work out.

I love this picture of the two of them together.


Man, Oprah is nosy! Did she egg Whitney on to talk about the prescription med stuff or did Whitney volunteer the info?
Raymon Bain and Jermaine said that Hollywood turned their backs on him during 2005 so it's good to hear that Whitney spoke to him during then.
I saw this interview as well. Love Whitney! She was very sad about Michael. The fact that she said that it still hurts, or words to that effect says it all.

I am not going to watch Oprah tomorrow. I will tape it though and if I hear that it was positive and not more bashing of Michael or his family I will watch it. If it's bad I will just hit the delete button.
Michael would share things with anyone when he was on the phone, he was such a lonely soul....I believe Whitney when she says her heart ripped apart at the news, I think everybody who loved him was in disbelief for some time
Why ask if whitney saw herself in MJ? Michael wasn't on crack! Totally different Oprah!

Agree.. MJ and Whitney are two different stories and had two different "needs". She were doing hard-core drugs (crack etc). Its like comparing apple and oranges...
I am not watching Oprah.

If she shows rare footage tomorrow, I'm sure someone will post it. Its likely they'll upload the whole thing.

Why ask if whitney saw herself in MJ? Michael wasn't on crack! Totally different Oprah!

Possibly because to Oprah, Whitney= drug addict musician (recovered) and Michael=drug addict pedo musician. We know Mike had insomia. But I don't want to derail the thread, b/c I know the other one got locked & I assume it was over people's opinions of Oprah.
Why ask if whitney saw herself in MJ? Michael wasn't on crack! Totally different Oprah!

I agree.

Plus I was at the 30th anniversary and Mike looked fit and healthy whereas Whitney looked anorexic. But it's good to hear she supported Mike during 2005.

And what does Oprah mean "she was suprised at how far Michael was willing to go."

She really does seem judgemental without any of the facts, typical tabloid reporter.

Did anyone record Whitney Houstons interview, it would be nice to see the part where she talks about Mike only.

And does anyone know if we can watch tomorrows episode on line, I really want to see it,
I'm curious, has Oprah ever done/said anything to make so many MJ fans dislike her? I mean, the 1993 interview was a pretty positive one, she didn't try to make him seem like something he wasn't IMO. So what's the deal? Did I miss something more recent?
Sorry if this is a stupid/obvious question.
No time at all for Whitney Houston ... it seems it's ok to be a celebrity in Hollywood, admit using a bit of Crack, go into rehab, then re-emerge and have people listen to what you say and hang on your words.

A normal person finds themselves on Crack and in rehab, their lives are ruined, their family is torn apart, and their reputation is gone forever among friends and peers alike.

Utter hypocrisy and being honest, Whitney's still not all there upstairs.
I'm curious, has Oprah ever done/said anything to make so many MJ fans dislike her? I mean, the 1993 interview was a pretty positive one, she didn't try to make him seem like something he wasn't IMO. So what's the deal? Did I miss something more recent?
Sorry if this is a stupid/obvious question.

Oprah has said somethings about Mike, rather something that she made a connection with...one was on 2005 while the trial was going on, she had a show called "THE DOWN LOW" Which is black merried men having an affair with other men"

Some how she managed to squize in something stupid about Michael...and there are other times too...cant post them now but i'll when i got time...
True that "Crack is whack" and to think that it is all over and done with remains to be seen, I hope and pray this is a long recovery for Whitney!?
Oprah would never pray for Michael Jackson. I think she only told Whitney that she prayed for her was because Whitney was right in front of her face.

Sorry, I've no love or sympathy for Oprah at all.
Possibly because to Oprah, Whitney= drug addict musician (recovered) and Michael=drug addict pedo musician. We know Mike had insomia. But I don't want to derail the thread, b/c I know the other one got locked & I assume it was over people's opinions of Oprah.

Yeah, I don't know if she felt that way about Michael...She never actually said that did she?..

As far the the Whitney interview...she looked horribly sad when Oprah mentioned him.
"Oprah has said somethings about Mike, rather something that she made a connection with...one was on 2005 while the trial was going on, she had a show called "THE DOWN LOW" Which is black merried men having an affair with other men"

Some how she managed to squize in something stupid about Michael...and there are other times too...cant post them now but i'll when i got time..."

Oh man I remember this a gay dude was on and he said he laid in a bed with another dude and he was saying something like it's possible to sleep in a bed with another guy and not have sex and oprah not believing him said "OH! YOU SOUND LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON NOW!" The dude face was like OH MY GOD! He was studded and didn't speak for like 3 secs and then continued talking like if nothing happened.

I WAS SO PISSED OFF! She also made it clear in the past and on access holywood that she pretty much feels something happen between MJ and children by sayin when she hears someone acussed of something like that it gives her pause, that she doesn't know the truth and that she proably never will! BOOOOOOOO!

It's called investigating oprah u should try it out sometimes!

She also had chris rock and John stewart on her show making fun of mj and oprah laughing her ass off at the jokes OKAy PRISON JOKES AND ISH! AGAIN IT PIST ME OFF SHE CAN LITERALLY FU.CK HERSELF!
And what does Oprah mean "she was suprised at how far Michael was willing to go."

She could mean how open he was during the interview; how much he was willing to share. I dunno...

Yeah, I don't know if she felt that way about Michael...She never actually said that did she?..

As far the the Whitney interview...she looked horribly sad when Oprah mentioned him.

I said possibly. But you can see that people are posting things that they remember seeing Oprah say. Like the "Down Low" episode + other things.

Anyways, they showed two pictures of Mike & Whitney together that were very nice. Whitney did seem sad discussing him; she was wiping the corners of her eyes. I guess she was trying to keep tears from messing up her make-up.
"Oprah has said somethings about Mike, rather something that she made a connection with...one was on 2005 while the trial was going on, she had a show called "THE DOWN LOW" Which is black merried men having an affair with other men"

Some how she managed to squize in something stupid about Michael...and there are other times too...cant post them now but i'll when i got time..."

Oh man I remember this a gay dude was on and he said he laid in a bed with another dude and he was saying something like it's possible to sleep in a bed with another guy and not have sex and oprah not believing him said "OH! YOU SOUND LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON NOW!" The dude face was like OH MY GOD! He was studded and didn't speak for like 3 secs and then continued talking like if nothing happened.

I WAS SO PISSED OFF! She also made it clear in the past and on access holywood that she pretty much feels something happen between MJ and children by sayin when she hears someone acussed of something like that it gives her pause, that she doesn't know the truth and that she proably never will! BOOOOOOOO!

It's called investigating oprah u should try it out sometimes!

She also had chris rock and John stewart on her show making fun of mj and oprah laughing her ass off at the jokes OKAy PRISON JOKES AND ISH! AGAIN IT PIST ME OFF SHE CAN LITERALLY FU.CK HERSELF!

She said that? :wild:

I'm so happy I can't watch her shows here :evil:
Personally I don't rate Oprah at all
So therefore I couldnt careless about so called tribute for Michael
Too little too late!
She should have aired a Tribute to the King while he was still alive then prehaps I wuld have some respect for her!