Where were you when you heard about MJ death?

I was on computer,it was night,and some fan said to me that he is in hospital,something like that,but I didn't belive in that,I though it was only tabloid trash,or something like that.and then I turned tv,I just run to my room and cried,I couldn't belive
I know, the music world has been heavily knocked from its axis, and to be honest, I dont think it will ever recover for a long long time. Michael Jackson was the last anchor holding everything down. Even though he hadnt released anything in ages, that simply doesnt matter, he was going to bring a little magic into the world again, something everyone worldwide really needed.

I should be buzzing out my tits here cos I was due to go down to London on Monday, now I'm watching T in The Park live on TV, every band is almost identical....this what we got to look forward to now? Jesus!!

Exactly. You have said all my thoughts in one paragrapgh. What do we do now? I feel like I have grieved in two stages. First;y it was devastating sobbing heartache for the loss of the most beautiful life on this planet, this still hurts but now I'm in a second stage as well where I feel depressed, sometimes angry thinking what the hell now? No one can compare to Michael, the simple fact is....no one is close to him in talent, charisma, energy, beauty. I feel like my dreams, my life has disintigrated into nothingness.

On the subject of where was I on June 25th. I had got back from a lovely evening with my friends and there little new born baby. Me and my boyfriend were saying what a nice time we had and turned on the internet to have a look at MJJC when we saw a thread saying about Michael taken to hospital...words like cardiac arrest and heart attack and ambulance jumped out at me. You know that feeling where you are frozen and blood seems to drain from your face - a bit like on Thriller when the camera shot moves away from Ola. Such a shock through me. We then turned on Sky News, heard stuff about coma, I was just staring shaking my head thinking "no, no, no..." then I heard that TMZ had said Michael had died. That word, so final, I felt sick and started shaking uncontrollably. Then I heard it confirmed, the woman said the words passed away and I sobbed until I couldn't breathe. I didn't sleep, I couldn't eat. That night will never ever leave me.
I was at home and read on a Celebrity blog that MJ rushed into a hospital...so I discussed what happened on a german MJ Forum...and yeah all the news said MJ died...and I thouGht..just wait it's not official!!!!
This can't be...and then...I just cried the whole night and couldn't sleep...

And still it's like a nightmare...

No one can compare to Michael, the simple fact is....no one is close to him in talent, charisma, energy, beauty. I feel like my dreams, my life has disintigrated into nothingness.
I was at home and read on a Celebrity blog that MJ rushed into a hospital...so I discussed what happened on a german MJ Forum...and yeah all the news said MJ died...and I thouGht..just wait it's not official!!!!
This can't be...and then...I just cried the whole night and couldn't sleep...

And still it's like a nightmare...


You're welcome, although sometimes words just can't explain our loss can they? I still feel that dread inside me every morning, as you say its still like a nightmare. Sometimes I look around and see that the world has not stopped, people carrying on with their normal business. I know that this is all we can do, you know to keep going, keep breathing but its so so hard. I also think philosophically about time and space...thinking stuff like the last time I heard this song, watched this movie, was at this place etc. Michael was still here. I often feel guilty thinking he would always be here. Does anyone else feel like this or am I seriously going crazy?!
I was all alone when news filtered through of Michael passing away.

My wife had literally left the house 20 minutes previous to the news breaking, as she left to stay at her friends house for a long weekend. It was late here in the UK, around 9:30/10:00pm if I remember.

I watch Sky News pretty religiously, because I like to know what's going on in the world (no, I'm not a walking Sky News commercial!), and the news broke that Michael had been taken to hospital with a suspected Cardiac Arrest.

Within 15 minutes the news changed from "suspected" to "unconfirmed reports" from TMZ that Michael had in fact passed away.

When the Breaking News banner scrolled across the screen with the words on it, I literally sank to my knees on the spot ... I've got a chill down my spine and goosebumps just reliving the moment in my mind.

I remember having both hands clasped over my mouth, which was wide open with utter shock.

It's a night I'll never forget ... and one I'm still struggling, like the rest of us, to fully come to terms with.
^^ It must have been devastating on your own there. It was awful for all of us but I can't begin to understand how it must have felt on your own. In a way talking about what we remember that night can help as we realise that we all went through such pain so were were never really alone.
^^ It must have been devastating on your own there. It was awful for all of us but I can't begin to understand how it must have felt on your own. In a way talking about what we remember that night can help as we realise that we all went through such pain so were were never really alone.

It wasn't a pleasant experience, no ... and when my wife did find out on arrival at her friends house, she phoned me to see how I was because she knew how much Michael meant to me on a personal level, as well as as a musician.

However, that phone call didn't come until a good hour after the news had been confirmed that Michael had passed away (even writing that sentence feels "wrong").

The one "comfort" I take from that night is the amount of phonecalls, emails, and messages on Bebo I received from people who had known me throughout the years, even those who used to dish out the jibes because I was a Michael Jackson fan.

The comfort I take is that my loyalty to Michael, the way I defended him against all adversity, must have been that strong even at a relatively young age (through secondary school and college, so from the ages of 12 through to 19), that it left an impression on them. So much so that they said I was the first person they thought of upon hearing the news.

I had work on the following day, bearing in mind that the news broke here in the UK late on Thursday evening, and I went to work the following morning like a zombie after sitting up watching Sky News through my hands most of the night/early hours.
My daughter told ME i was in shock .and broke down and cried .been crying forever miss him so much
My daughter told ME i was in shock .and broke down and cried .been crying forever miss him so much

We all do pal, I was in shock and denial more than anything else when the news broke but the Memorial Service was the trigger for me to break down.

When the end piece of "Will You Be There", the part where Michael speaks, was played after Jennifer Hudson finished singing the song itself, that was when it hit home for me.
I was driving home from Six Flags with my boyfriend, and we were listening to a rock radio station...and the DJ goes, "Michael Jackson just passed away this afternoon, of cardiac arrest", and I was like..."huh?!" I didn't believe he actually said that, so I was just in shock for a minute, I was trying to convince myself he said something else, and not what he really said. So the DJ was playing some songs for him as requested by the listeners as a tribute.

Then we went to stop at a corner store, and while he was in there, It really hit me and I started crying. Not really because Michael was dead, but I was just feeling so awful for how he was treated while he was alive. Then my boyfriend came back in the car and saw me crying and he was really supportive because he knows I'm a big Michael Jackson fan, and he knew why I was crying. Then I just broke down in front of him and went on about how mean people were to him while he was alive, and I was just like, "how much can one person take?! It finally got to him, they destroyed him!"

etc etc, it was a bitter sweet day. Having all this fun with my boyfriend, and then on the way back, THIS news. :-/
I was on holiday, and woke up to what seemed like a normal morning.
all that was on the t.v was some really babyish cartoons - that was abit weird, so i got dressed and was sitting reading through brouchers of where we could go that day, then my dad sat down and said "I've got some bad news for you.." i kept saying "what? what?"
Then he told me. i was just shaking my head, smiling and saying "no he's not, no he's not" he said he wasn't joking and the smile just faded from my face, and i reajusted my position on the sofa so i was facing my dad side on. I felt physically sick, my stomach in knots. Then came the tears. "It's not fair..he's too young.." i had said. Then i watched the news and couldn't stop crying all that day and then on.

It's was a holiday i will remember for all the bad reasons for the rest of my life.
It was around 5 pm here, i was just finished watching the movie Bride Wards on dvd so i wasnt on my PC online as usual. I was home alone, waiting for my mom and dad. So when they got home we got a phone call from my brother, he told my mom to put CNN because it seemed that Michael Jackson was in a hospital in coma...:( She didnt know how to tell me, she just said: "Calm down ( about to cry), seems like Michael Jackson is in a coma, put CNN" God, i fell apart i ran to the telly, logged into Facebook and the fatal news was everywhere..I was in shock i didnt know how to react, the sky got dark and it started raining, it was a sad and depressing evening... Ever since that day, my life hast been the same. 3 weeks ago today to be exactly.
I was on youtube watching Flair video's and in between on Facebook, when someone's status popped up 'TMZ is saying Michael Jackson is dead' I was sitting there going 'no,no,no he can't be.' Then more and more status' were popping up by the second, saying the same thing, and so then i turned on Sky news. First he was dead, then in a coma, then confirmed he had passed. At that moment I cried my eyes out and have barely stopped since.
I was with friends and family at a friend's home in Los Angeles following the entire process on CNN. People were texting me constantly, and announcing his death. I didn't want to accept it. I didn't accept it until CNN finally confirmed it. It was heartbreaking. And then the tears began.
I first saw on Twitter that he had been rushed to hospital with cardiac arrest and for a second thought it was just another silly rumour. However I turned on the TV and it was all over the news on Sky and shortly afterwards they confirmed that he had died. I fell over........
Twitter and this forum .. It was like I was in the US to.
I had just gotten home from work -
logged on to the forum and saw the threads about the cardiac arrest-turned on the TV and they were reporting the CA but unconfirmed.
Then I heard the unthinkable- the KOP has died.
So did a part of me. I was in shock.
Still, 3 weeks later (which seems like yesterday when I think of the whole thing)
I cant believe it.
I was on a cruise, coming back from Norway.

It was 2am and I was in the club with my wife, my sister-in-law, and my best mate. My mate went over to ask the DJ to play Billie Jean (we had already heard a couple of MJ tunes during the night). My mate came back and said "I don't want to tell you this, but the DJ just said Michael Jackson has died!"

My initial reaction (having heard so much bull over the years about MJ) was not to believe it, but I couldn't help thinking "Why would the DJ make that up?"

I went back to my room thinking "If I have any missed texts or calls, then it will be true". Picking my phone up in the room, I had 3 missed calls from the UK, all around midnight. My heart sunk as I knew that something must be wrong.

I don't know if any of you have been on a cruise but, to my amazement, when you are out at sea you are unable to get a phone signal for most of the time. Along with that we only had news channels from 6am to 6pm, from which point the Cruise TV switched to onboard movie channels. I couldn't sleep that night, and I kept the TV turned on to the News channel just in case. At 6am the first image to come on the screen was;

"Michael Jackson has died"

My worst fears had come true. I gently woke my wife and said, "It's true babe. Michael Jackson has died."

My wife has always liked his music, and always believed his innocence, but I would never have called her a 'fan' like me. But she was truly shocked and saddened. Even now she keeps saying (whenever we hear his songs or see a video), "I can't believe he is dead. I thought he would live forever."

Through the sadness has come a real sense of pride for me. Pride for the man that gave so much to the world, but asked for very little in return.

I am greatful for living in a time when Michael Jackson walked this earth. A true legend, and a real gentle man!
I was on here.

I kept refreshing the page on TMZ until that just pooped up. 'Michael Jackson Dies'. Probably one of the most horrible moments of my life :\
I was watching the news with my husband when I first heard he passed away. At first all I heard was he was taken to the hospital, so I said to my husband that I hoped he was alright. Then I heard he had no pulse, then I said "he's dead?", and my husband said yes. I've been crying since then.
my mum came into the room in the morning and woke me up telling me Michael had a heart attack and has been rushed to hospital. Automatically I thought oh no and I got up and went to watch the TV and they said that Michael had died.My whole world just started to fall a part.
I just got up in the morning and went to the internet to see the news before getting ready to work.... :(
i was sleeping it was 8am and a friday June 26 (from where I am, My country's ahead 1day)
i got a text message from a friend that keeps pulling those 'death' jokes on april fools (funny I still consider her a friend) and I was like another joke-nice, really nice. then I got another text from an Mj fan stating MJ official site was all white that scared me lil' bit. then turned on my computer, BAM! nice way to wake-up. I was still in denial, I keep saying, this is a hoax! I'll wait for CNN report once I read an article. BOOM I was BLANK! I Forze, I did not know what to do, I dunno' what to think, I just didn't know!

Even my system forzed, it just didn't know how to react--really shocked me! as reality was kicking in--TEARS was rolling in, I cried, it hurt so bad... :(
I woke up and going on Facebook.. Then I saw many people write on theirs status: "R.I.P Michael Jackson" And I through is was a joke and said: "What the fuck?"
then I turn TV and saw that it was real he was gone :S
I was at school where they always have the radio on and all I heard was "TMZ is reporting so and so has died" but I couldn't hear very well because everyone was so loud, so I just frowned a little and decided to check online when I got home. So when I got home and opened up my homepage which is a news site, the top banner was in red "Breaking News: Michael Jackson dead aged 50." My jaw dropped and I was in shock. I really couldn't believe what I was reading, I must have read the banner 10 times over and over... then a couple seconds later I began getting texts about it. I then went to tell my dad who was lying down resting and I asked him if he knew that Michael Jackson had died and his eyes instantly opened and we both went to turn on the TV. It was still not confirmed by CNN but something in my heart told me it was true. It was a very surreal moment... I didn't know how to feel... sad obviously but for a moment I was just numb. I cried later on after it kind of set in.
I was on the forum, and on MSN talking to someone via voice chat.. Poefiend,
we saw the thread about the ambulance being spotted at his home.. and followed it from there. Then TMZ reported he had died, Neither of us believed it true.. then my phone rang and my mum said it was being reported on the news that he had died..
I started to cry and freak out saying no no no he can't have died and still didn't belive what I was seeing/hearing. I repeated what was said to me on mic.. and both were just in shock, and then it was confirmed :cry: we stayed up all night my time just comforting eachother and both crying.. A very sad night.. I will never forget that night EVER! :(