Where were you when you heard about MJ death?

I was reading a political forum, and somebody made a new thread saying that Michael Jackson died. A lot of other posters in the thread made pissed off replies because
#1. They didn't think it was true
#2. This was a political forum, not an entertainment forum, and certainly not a tabloid trash forum

I thought no way, and I went to TMZ.com first. I don't usually ever like sites like that, but I thought they'd probably be on it before anybody else was. And they said he had died! I said to my boyfriend in a low tone, "woah, I think Michael Jackson died," and he didn't believe me.

I turned on the news (CNN and MSNBC here in the US) and the channels were just saying he was rushed to the hospital. None of the channels were claiming he was dead. I figured TMZ was just wrong and was spreading trash to try to get a better story. Then, slowly, all the channels changed their stories to "confirmed dead". CNN was the last channel to switch. All the other channels said he was dead, but CNN refused to confirm it until they had more information. Finally, they confirmed it too.

It all seemed to take forever, but I think I was only watching TV then for less than an hour.

My boyfriend and I went for a long car drive then, and a lot of the radio stations were playing Michael Jackson songs (in the United States, that almost never happened these days!), and we really liked the music. The car ride was nice.

Definitely a memorable experience, that whole day.

edit: I remember a lot of other things then too. I remember I went to michaeljackson.com and it still had information about going to the concerts. It wasn't until a couple hours later at least that they removed all of the text on the page, and had just a photo of Michael Jackson for his new tour with his name under it on a red background, and no statement at all.

I remember the internet was running really, really slowly too. :)
i was on a forum, not this, just general discassions forum,
and suddenly saw somebody posted michael jackson is dead!

somthing hit to my heart...
i didn't want to believe, than i watched cnn live and there was written
that is was unconfirmed, so i remained the hope
that he is still alive and doctors could help and survive him,
i began to pray, i was crying and praying: o god please help michael,
don't let him to happen somthing bad, please god help to my michael, i want only this, only him to be ok,
please let they say that he is better now and soon will be ok,
soon will be at home, safe..
i was begging so ....
just wanted to hear that he was ok... that doctors survived him..

but it appeared the truth was different.. after about 40 minutes
they say they got confirmed informaition that michael jackson is really dead...
that killed me, just devastated, i believed so much in god that he will help my michael..
what i felt can't be described..
only thing i was asking was why god?! why?!
why didn't you helped my sweet angel...
i gussed i didn't know what was pain till that day...
I was at my mother in law's house. As soon as I arrived I changed into my comfy clothes took the TV remote and started surfing the TV Guide Channel menu. My sister calls me at my cell and asks: "Did you hear the news?" I said: "No. What's up?" She said: "Michael Jackson passed away". Thinking this was one of her jokes, I told her laughing: "Liar! Tell me, what's up"? She said: "Im watching ABC." Since I didn't remember ABC's channel number I tuned into CNN. I got the shock of my life. I had hopes it was just another rumor blown out of proportion, since the LA Times was the only source that confirmed the news, like the CNN graph read. As time went by, the other sources began to confirm the news and when Jermaine confirmed it, it really sank in. MJ was gone. I'll never forget it. The next day at work, me and a fellow worker tuned into the same radio station that was playing MJ's music all day long.
I was in the sitting room, watching TV and then I got a text from a friend that said 'Michael Jackson died' I thought it was a stupid joke, so I tried to scroll down for the rest of it, but there wasn't any. I text my best friend, also an MJ fan and said did Michael Jackson really die and she said 'Omg ya, I can't believe it, turn on Sky news' so I did and there was a huge headline 'Michael Jackson Has Died' I had a huge lump in my throat and tried not to cry, I'm crying now thinking about it!
i was at my yr 11 prom

i couldnt believe it, it spread like fire

and right after a billie jean/thriller mix
i couldnt believe it

i rang my dad in the limo and he confirmed it

it ruined my evening
I was on here and saw the first posts in the thread about the ambulance at his house. I didn't think much of it until cardiac arrest came into the picture. I was hoping beyond hope that it either wasn't true, or that he had been resuscitated and would somehow come through.

I turned on the news channels and sat on the couch waiting for updates. It turned to "Michael Jackson in a coma," and then finally "Michael Jackson dead."

Biggest shock of my life.
I just woke up from a nap.. I was trying to sleep and forget physical pain I was feeling.. and then yeah... I woke up.. when I got to computer, I got several MSN messages and stuff... asking me about it and telling me.. then I went on the board. =/ Then.. it just hit me when I turned on the news channel.. for a bit.
I was logging on to the sony mj board and there were loads of posts saying Michael had died. Now, that place was full of trolls, no moderators so I just thought it was the trolls playing a sick joke.

I refreshed the page..and the board had completely gone down. Then my phone was ringing my mate was screaming down the phone "he's dead omg he's dead!!!!!!! is it true?"

She was at glastonbury with no internet and I was here on my own. My freeview wouldn't work so I quickly logged on to sky news and saw the live feed...the words right there running across the computer screen

I still have terrible flashbacks of seeing that on the screen :(

My mate was still on the phone but I dropped it....I have never had a shock like it..I couldn't speak...awful awful day
My alarm went off at 7.20am (UK) on the Friday morning and for some reason I laid there listening for a while (which was unusual as I always switch it straight off), I think there was a song on at the time of it going off then I heard the guy on there saying that Madonna couldn't stop crying over the news of Michael Jacksons death!
I sat up in bed as fast as I think I have ever moved in all my life.I can't remember what was said next but I bolted from my bed and ran downstairs shaking.I was shaking so much I had trouble turning the TV on.
My two children were already downstairs dressed for school and as I entered the room they were about to turn the tv on.I am so glad that they didn't turn that tv on.
Then I saw it on my TV screen :cry: I couldn't beleive what I was seeing?????
We all immediatly were in floods of tears.

The heartache of it all was while the whole world was talking about it the night before I was happily booking my hotel room for London to see him.I was on such a high on the Thursday and Wednesday as I finally managed to get tickets on the Weds morning which were the production seats (right next to the stage too) I was soooo happy.Seems a lifetime away now though :cry:

My poor husband was driving to work when he switched on the radio in the car and heard the news.He nearly crashed the car with shock.
He then had to carry on to work and drive a bus all day although he wasn't concentrating on his job properly.I was so worried about him.I couldn't even talk to him on the phone from crying so much.
I will never forget that day ever. I dread my alarm going off now and I have to turn it off instantly.
well when I first hread that mj has passed, my father was looking @ the news speacial tell at mj & all of the sudden my dad told me "MICHEAL JACKSON HAS DIED!" & I was crying all micheal jackson! so hard! sayin plesse don't go!
I was in Toronto celebrating Pride Week with my friend. My sister sent me a text telling me what happened and I couldn't believe it, I hadn't been watching the news at all so it was a total shock.

I was in denial the four days I was there, they played his music a lot at all the festivals and stuff and it wasn't until I was home that it really hit me.
I was at work and my wife called me and told me Mike had been taken to the hospital. When I got in the car to go home from work I put on the radio and the DJ said they had a report that he had passed but they were not sure yet. I did not know for sure until CNN reported it when I got home. Next to my father passing away suddenly, one of the saddest days of my life.
I will never forget this moment.. there are some events that you never forget where you were or what you did and this is one.

I were at a friends house. I was about to leave but decided to check this board first and saw the thread "an ambulance went inside". I clicked on it and thought it was crap as usual. I thought that it can be for anything or for anyone. Then i went to TMZ and saw that he had a cardiac arrest and something just hit me. I read the comments and saw someone who had posted a link to a website claiming he had passed away. I didnt buy it since it was just a random website and thought that person was joking about him passing away. Even though it wasnt even official that he had a cardiac arrest, my eyes started to get teary I cried because I didnt know what was going on.

Im not the one that cries in public and shows emotional, so my friends were in shock that I even cried. Then I tried to convince myself that "naahh, its just a silly rumour" and my friends also tried to cheer me up and say its probably a rumour. However, deep deep inside I knew something was wrong because I said to my friends all the time "but what if..". I gave a friend a ride home and we were listening to "Essential Michael Jackson" in my car. As I dropped her off and was speeding off to get home and log onto this forum and see what was really going on, I recieved a textmessage from a friend who works in Iraq! He basically just asked if MJ had passed away. To recieve a text like that from Iraq.. oh boy, it started to hit me. Minutes later, the friend I had visit called and then I knew.. I mean, her voice and the fact that she called me.. gosh.. I just asked her "Did he die" and she wouldnt answer me so I asked her again and she just said "Well, that's what they say". I hung up on her and completely broke down in my car while speeding off at the highway. I was crying so hard. Ive never cried that much and that way for someone. I was a mess and then "Dirty Diana" (one of my fave songs) came on in my cd player and i dont wanna remember my condition. It felt like someone had ripped my heart out. It felt like I couldnt breath. I got home and ran inside. My dad was watchin an old movie and mom was asleep. Dad saw my tear-stained face and asked what happened.. I screamed "Michael Jackson just died". He was such in shock and my mom woke up.. they turned on tele-text and there it was in big bold letters.. "Michael Jackson has passed away". We all were in complete shock. They tried hard to console me but I was just sobbing like a baby..

Then I went inside my room and locked the door. I went on this forum to follow the thread "an ambulance went inside" and every other major news outlet to see any kind of confirmation. I didnt wanna believe it and I cried so much. I slept 2 hours that night. I was a mess, didnt open the door in the morning. One of my best friends drove home to me and staged what she called an intervention hehe. Mission- to get me out from my room so I could take my mind off this whole tragedy.

I will never forget this moment :(
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I was at home in California when I heard confirmation of MJ's death. I was in the middle of watching my soap operas on ABC when KABC- Los Angeles reported that MJ had been rushed to the hospital and CPR was administered. The news had just broke and they didn't have any additional details. Afterwards, I rushed online to see what I could find out about what happened and what's wrong. At first, I thought maybe this was just exhaustion, but then I heard he had suffered from cardiac arrest. I was in panic mode and I just had a horrible feeling inside. A friend that I was chatting with was scared as well and she had read the TMZ report and she also heard other reports on the TV that Michael Jackson had died. I didn't want to believe it. I thought it was just speculation and I wanted to wait for official word. My friend said: "He's gone, Rob." I said "No. No way. It's all a lie." But then I was listening to CNN while I was online and that's when I heard the dire news that he was in a coma. Then the L.A. Times reported that he had died. Not long after that, CNN confirmed that he indeed did die. My chest started to hurt so bad and I lost my breath. I held my chest and I felt like I couldn't breathe. It felt like my chest was being crushed in and it hurted. I don't know what a panic attack feels like, but I think I had one. I was just in utter shock and I was devastated. I cried a little but I was mostly in shock. That is my story of that horrific day of June 25, 2009. My heart literally hit the floor that evening.
I had just finished watching eastenders (so 10.30pm) and was loading up the xbox ready to play while my boyf was on the net. My boyf found an article while browsing news sites bout him being rushed to hospital. He said he had to wait a good 10 mins before he could find the words to tell me. I didn't believe it at first and came on here to find out if it was. Cudn't get on cos of too much traffic and i knew something was wrong. I went on twitter and someone said to turn on the news. Turned on the telly and it was on every news channel. We sat watching it the whole time till bout 3am. When the first report came on tv (from TMZ) that he had died i fell to the floor and had a panic attack. Once i'd calmed down, i realised "unconfirmed" and sat as they flipped back and forth from dead to into a coma. I didn't want to believe it, but as soon as i saw jermain utter those words, a part of me died inside :(. I didn't sleep at all that night, and headed straight for the o2 the next day on no sleep to meet with fans.
it was a weird day!!!...okay first, i wear a michael jackson picture pendant around my neck. NEVER take it off, had it for three years. EVERYONE i know knows it as my trademark....but that morning i woke up and it was broken!!!! the picture was completely ripped off the pendant!...weird. after three years (well, that SPECIFIC pendant for two years)....then i'm out with my friend talkin about michael jackson all day....we're at walmart and we pass by the magazine isle, i said to her "i better keep an eye out. REAL SOON he's gonna be on the cover of EVERY MAGAZINE!" (thinkin about the fact that his tour was starting in a few weeks). then we go to the perfume isle. i've been obsessed with a cheap one at walmart for a while now...it's tinkerbell and called FOREVER NEVERLAND....(after all, neverland lives on forever right?)....but they discontinued it!! and i was yelling (jokingly) about it saying that it's called "FOREVER" neverland...how can something that's forever, be discontinued...while walking out of that isle complaining my friend called me to let me know. i was stunned. i was all prayers and denial jokes since...and then i was at my friend house eating dinner (i converted my friend haha, she used to hate michael and her parents still didn't like him) ..but they turned the news on for me and we watched...i never cry in front of people..ever...but i cried my heart out that day. my friend held me and her parents did what they could to comfort me, but in the end i could only go home to my mommy,...when i got home and saw her i broke down completely hugging her. i was a total mess.....it's like i should have known..so many ironies that day...there are more than i mentioned....i should have known! lol..i think God was trying to warn me..to prepare me for the news :p.....:( it's funny though, Forever Neverland being discontinued... michael WAS the living form of neverland, and he will be FOREVER, even though on earth he is "discontinued". he IS on the cover of every magazine...but not the way i planned...i have a new picture pendant on my neck, but my favorite one, the most sturdy one, the one i've worn the longest that has lasted through EVERYTHING, somehow managed to fall apart the day he died. my mom and i discussing what comcast.net would look like if michael passed...we couldnt' even talk about it...it's unimaginable and besides "it's not like it's actually going to happen any time soon"....................sigh
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Well, that was the day I took the kids to see Transformers 2; on the way back, I listened to our local talk radio show and I picked up the feeling that Farah Fawcett had died. So when I got home, I logged onto the computer and went straight to Drudge Report to verify the suspicion. Sure enough, she had passed away. But another headline caught my eye - that MJ had been taken to the hospital in cardiac arrest. I monitored Drudge for awhile and realized with each progressive headline that it truly wasn't sounding good (in particular, it was the report that he had arrived at the hospital and wasn't breathing). That's when it really hit me that this was serious so I then turned on the news and kept watch on that as well as Drudge. It was quickly becoming clear to me that he was either dead or going to die. And I was actually kind of numb about the whole thing at the time. I mean, it was sad to me - but I actually feel more grief about it now (nearly 3 weeks later) than I did on that first day. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that when he died, I began to aggressively research all those allegations against him. At the time all that stuff was going down with him I'd already drifted away for a number of years and I didn't put much time into understanding all the details. So now I feel as if I'm getting back in touch with him, so to speak . . . making up for all those years I was away. And I'm discovering that the magnitude of what he endured is heartbreaking. Therefore, his death is hitting me so much harder than I ever thought possible.
i was in my French class at school. i was sneakily texting during a movie we were watching & then all of a sudden my mum txts me saying Mike's been sent to hospital & it doesn't look good. i immediately excused myself from class, called my mum & got the facts. it hate going to my french class now :( lol
I was on the computer. I read Michael was taken to the hospital but thought he had been stabilized. I hoped he was ok but really didn’t think much beyond that. Then my brother came in and told me MJ had died. I thought for sure he had misread something. So I went on yahoo to see and saw it was true. It didn’t sink in for a few days and even now it just seems like it should be a very bad dream.
i was for visit in a friend's house.When i was in the door of my car to go away, he made a call and told me.I didnt believed him.I was 1 minute before with him.How could it be true i said......But i saw it in my home again in internet.It was so sad....
I was at home.. first thing in the morning for us in Australia. I got up with the kids at about 7am and received an sms from my mum telling me to turn the tv on the news that Michael may have died. (i had kids shows on). So i switched it over and then jumped on here.. i had so many people calling me after that to ask if it was true and if i was ok. My husband even called me from work to see if i was ok. :( It was then confirmed a few hours later.
this whole thing feels like a nightmare
i cant wake up from
i still cant belive it
i keep telling myself hes not dead hes alive
then i look on my wall of my mj tribute poster
"1958-2009* and tears begin to roll.
I was on holiday, in Majorca, and it was evening. In my hotel room just coming back from seeing a show that the hotel puts on for the guests. That night they had a dance group from Africa, there was me thinking of Michael and his dancing. That day I was getting excited to see him on his first opening night at the O2 in over 2 weeks.
As I got back to my room ready to go bed early after just popping on internet check any emails and on twitter, I read so many messages saying 'he's not good'. Then I get a text back from home (UK) from my friend telling me the sad news, I just sat there frozen and shaking, I just didn't want to believe her. My parents were asleep then Mum woke up as I was watching CNN news she just stared at screen taking in what she read.I wanted to cry so bad but couldn't infront of her. I cried quietly later when we went to bed after the lights went out. I went on facebook before I went to bed and talked to my MJ friend, consoling each other.
Next morning, Dad came up to me as I woke up asked me if I was ok, and said he couldn't believe it either. Felt like I just wanted to go home. It was my parents wedding anniversary next day.
I also couldn't face going into work if I was home that time.
I was on the computer sitting on my bed...

I had got off the phone with my sister telling her we need to get last minute things for our trip to london and then a few minutes later she called me back. She asked me if I knew that michael was in the hospital and "I was like ah thats a lie thats made up" and then she said he's dead, from reading tmz, I told her that's a tabloid website. SO I go "ok let me check the forum (here)" and I thats when I saw the thread....and OH MY GOD! I was watching cnn trying to found out if he was alive or not and you know the rest. The worst day of my life.
I was watching TV downstairs when I randomly checked Facebook on my iPod. I saw someone's status saying "please pray Michael is ok. Please" So I immediatley run upstairs and log onto MJ forums, I see the dreaded "Michael rushed to hospital with cardiac arrest" and my heart beats faster and faster then I turn the TV on and see it on the news headlines "Michael Jackson rushed to hospital with cardiac arrest" and I'm on MSN to my MJ friends like "Oh God, he has to be ok" I call my Michael friend who wasn't online telling her to turn the news on..and by that time the headlines were saying "Michael Jackson has died" so of course we're going crazy, but at the same time we're like "Nooo, it's a rumour it isn't true" then it was changed to "Michael in a coma" I have never prayed so hard for someone to be in a coma in my life..and then it was confirmed and I have to say when I actually believed it to be confirmed..that was the single worst moment in my life. The pain was unbearable, surreal and just heartbreaking. Those words don't even describe half of it.
I knew from news in the morning!!
In that moment, i didn't have any action,
and i thought "Is it a joke??"
But i knew it's not the lie, it's the truth...
I felt so strange=]
I shouted and cried, i can't stop it~~
I knew that i need to accept it but it's so hard to do.
It's so hard to believe that Michael will die although he also same as human...
I wish that Michael won't feel alone in there,
like his song= "You are not alone"
I was asleep in bed and was woken up to be told MJ was dead... "Your joking?" i said, "No im sorry" she says, i check my phone, 64 MESSAGES and 15 MISSED CALLS, i turn on the news, and that was it :( tears roll down my face.

I love you MJ
I was on holidays... It was late morning, I had a massage from my friend. I told her that there were many false information in newspaper etc. so I didn't believe it. After few minutes I realized that it was true...