Where were you when you heard about MJ death?

Most ppl say if your a boy then ure fathers meant to be your childhood idol, the person u look upto in life, and vise verser if ure girl then ure mum, but my parent where never around, Michael he was always there when i needed him his music help me through some of the hardest moments in my life, and i know his music will love on and he will be watching over us, I keep tryin to tell myself that he will want to us 2 be strong and live now but how can i look up 2 know that hes gone he was one of my childhood idols. It hurts so much that even listing to "Your not alone" makes me cry.

Michael please come bk :(
I will never accept the fact he's gone, it just doesnt register with me. Lennon, Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain maybe, but Jackson? I didnt expect to see that day for at least another 30 odd years.

i know what you mean, i never expected him to be young, always imagined he would be on stage getting some grammy lifetime achievement award at 80
still can't really believe it

I know, the music world has been heavily knocked from its axis, and to be honest, I dont think it will ever recover for a long long time. Michael Jackson was the last anchor holding everything down. Even though he hadnt released anything in ages, that simply doesnt matter, he was going to bring a little magic into the world again, something everyone worldwide really needed.

I should be buzzing out my tits here cos I was due to go down to London on Monday, now I'm watching T in The Park live on TV, every band is almost identical....this what we got to look forward to now? Jesus!!
I don't even want to think back on what happend. I was sleeping than my best friend texted me and first I thought it was her mom cause she spelled it kinda weird than I read it once again and understood what she meant. I jumped off of my bed than kept staring like, no its not true. he's not dead are you kiddn me?

Than I went on my phone to MJJC reading RIP and stuff, I felt SO dizzy. I havent said it earlier here but it was like im on a rollercoaster wich happens to me if I don't breathe for a second or 2. than yeah..I told my lil' brother cause he was the only one awake and he laughed. few days ago he told me (he doesnt really like MJ just like my older brother to act cool nd stuff) what he really felt, he said he didn't believe it when I told him and that he was sad about it, he's 9 years so I thought it was really sweet.
I was in my bed, sleeping. My sister was waking me up and told me that MJ passed away. I didn't believe her at first but when i turned on the TV, i realized it was true. I was depressed, heartbroken and devastated. I cried too.
I was home reading and watching TV - Oprah was on and they went to break
The 5 p.m news review came on and I heard " Michael Jackson has been rushed to the hospital." I immediately turned to CNN and logged on to MJJC. I was all over the internet and the MJ forums. Then my local News reported that according to reports from TMZ Michael had died. According to CNN and other cable news, it was not confirmed. Of course I was hoping and praying that Michael would once again prove the tabloids wrong. Later when it was confirmed- I was in disbelief and felt that maybe after the memorial service
reality would hit me. But I am still in disbelief. I feel that this a bad dream that will soon go away. I don't know if this is normal or if I need to get a grip and face reality. :(
I will never accept the fact he's gone, it just doesnt register with me. Lennon, Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain maybe, but Jackson? I didnt expect to see that day for at least another 30 odd years.

i know what you mean, i never expected him to be young, always imagined he would be on stage getting some grammy lifetime achievement award at 80
still can't really believe it

EXACTLY. That is why I cannot accept it either. It just doesn't register in my mind. If you had told me he'd die at 50, I NEVER would have believed it. I always imagined him performing and singing until he was much older. I thought I'd be married, have kids, by the time he passed. I'm only 25! I thought it would only happen when I was in my 40s.. I thought I had so much time to prepare myself for it. Just awful :cry:


I was at work, on Twitter, when it suddenly exploded with people saying 'pray for Michael', 'Get well soon Michael' and I was completely puzzled. I started googling like mad trying to find any piece of information when it linked me to TMZ stating that he had been rushed to the hospital. I got really nervous, but figured "eh, no big deal" maybe something happened during rehearsals, he'll be just fine. Then the reports just kept getting worse and worse.. they said he was in a coma... and TMZ was then the first to confirm his death at about 5:20. But I didn't want to believe it. Especially because TMZ is usually not the most credible source. But when CNN and several other place confirmed it, I knew it had to be true. So I was following it as it was happening in real time, and I was panicking like crazy the entire time. I left work early that night. I was in complete shock and disbelief. Worst moment of my life. I'll never forget how I felt when I saw those words on the screen in front of me.
I live in the UK so he died around 10 or 11PM here, i had been playing snooker during the day with my friend and at one point i sat on the table and sung the chorus of beat it, like in the video when Michael sits on the pool table! We got home and my new TV had been delivered for our living room. My friend and i set it up and took the old one up to my room and set that one up. By this time it was exactly 10PM and my dad had just came home from work, i said to him 'Ohh do you want to see the new tv :)!!!!' i turned it on for him to see and the first channel that came on was Sky News and it said 'MICHAEL JACKSON RUSHED TO HOSPITAL WITH SUSPECTED CARDIAC ARREST' i then ran upstairs, came on MJJC to find out what the hell was going on. I turned on sky news in my room and after a few mins of anxious waiting and uncertainty they said he had passed away according to TMZ!! I laughed!!!! i was like OMG what shit, like MJ is going to die! TMZ talk rubbish they are a gossip website and not reliable! Then i started getting phone calls with people saying OMG you heard MJ is dead, your not going to the concerts anymore and i was like.. no!! dont listen to TMZ it will be bullshit trust me, dont believe anything until its official. Then when it was confirmed i was just in complete shock. I found it so weird when people were saying 'Michael Jackson WAS an singer and referencing him to being dead. I went on wikipedia and it showed the date he died and said talked about him in previous tense (dont know if thats the correct term). I stayed awake till 3 in the morning just watching the news about it. I was so shocked
I first heard that MJ was taken to the hospital at work. MSNBC had a "Breaking News" headline saying that he was taken, but they didn't really have any other information. I listened to the radio on the way home, and that's when I heard that TMZ was reporting that he had passed away. The radio announcer added that only TMZ was reporting this, and that no major media outlet had reported it. I called my husband to have him read the story and let me know what was going on.

I was hoping and praying that TMZ had just messed up big time on this story. I turned on my computer as soon as I got home, and just kept looking for updates. Slowly, each network confirmed the horrible news.

I just couldn't believe it. It still feels unreal.
I live in the UK and i was watching Big brother, my friend text me & said "michael jackson just died!" i didn't really take it in coz he had been winding me up lately. about 10 mins later, i heard the word 'Jackson' from downstairs TV. I shot up & ran downstairs, looked at the headline and.... well...... you know the rest :(

This is it would be on monday :'(
was at computer listening to "one day in your life" by Michael, then everyones facebook status had stuff about michael.

It was hard to believe
I was in the forrest in a cabin me and my mother rent for seven days, we went home the next day..
A few hours before it all happened, i was online listening to backstreet boys 'drowning' and 'dont wanna loose u now' (abit strange really considering the lyrics for that song).


I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you, baby
Girl if only I knew what I've done
You know, so why don't you tell me
And I, I would bring down the moon and the sun
To show how much I care

Don't wanna lose you now
Baby, I know we can win this
Don't wanna lose you now
No, no, or ever again

I've got this feeling you're not gonna stay
It's burning within me
The fear of losing
Of slipping away
It just keeps getting closer, baby
Whatever reason to leave that I've had
My place was always beside you
And i wish that I didn't need you so bad
Your face just won't go away

i was drawn to michaels photos, the ones i had saved on my laptop, i couldnt stop lookin at him and i cried and cried for some reason, i was sad anyway cos of some other personal stuff but i knew something wasnt right. i bought some stuff off a website some interiors and then went to bed at 10:20pm my time which is 2:20pm in LA. my friend sent me a txt saying michael was rished to hopsital, i was very concerned and she told me it was on the news. so i turned sky news on and there it was.

i was very concerned, then after about 20 mins they said 'there are unconfirmed reports that michael jackson has indeed died' i was like what? no. so i waited and then it was all true. i was so confused and i just prayed and cried in the dark, looked out the window from downstairs and just kept talkin to god wondering why.

im glad i knew there and then rather than waking up to it. i didnt sleep that night and didnt eat the next day, i didnt want to go to work but i had too and i didnt talk to anyone, im amazed i got thru the day but the day flew so quickly, such a dark day all it did was rain and rain. a very dark day indeed, the worst day of our lives

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This makes really hard reading, and to re-live how I heard the news we all hoped we would never live to hear...........
I was catching up with Big Brother on tv, the late night evictions prog, when I got a text, who's number didnt show, so thought it was some sick joke. :-(
Not expecting to see anything of the sort I turned to sky news, to see ''unconfirmed reports'' and despite my unbelief and total shock I was stupidly allowing myself to believe that ''unconfirmed'' meant that this wasnt really actually happening :-(
Adrenalin was pumping and text messages flying, and I worried how I would possibly explain this news to my adult son who has autistic spectrum disorder that his hero and icon might be no longer alive.:-( :-( Too sad for words.
We had tickets to see MJ live at the O2 on august 10th for my son's b day.
We are both as with millions of others totally GUTTED at having to accept MJ is gone :-(
i was on 106 & Park for those who dont know its a show that BET airs on the channel. when rocsi and terrence came out they were looking so sad, and all of a sudden mj pics pops on the screen for a minute i though mj was coming on the show (yea right) but that minute rocsi broke the news the mj had been rushed to hospital, now rocsi starts crying because through her ear piece they tell her the news that mj has passed. then we are on a break, she breaks down into tears and that when i knew mj had passed. i was in utter shock.
I was here on the computer. I saw the news that he had been rushed to the hospital from a website, but i thought it was just all media hype. Then i turned the TV on -- to CNN -- and they were reporting on him....i thought to myself "whoa this must be serious..." Afterwards I told my mom, she's a huge fan too, and we were glued to the TV....we thought that he was just seriously sick. It took a while for CNN to confirm his death..but eventually they did.

we found out he passed........:(
I had just come back from seeing the Transformers 2 movie for the first time. I didn't want to see it, but my bro persuaded me to watch it with him, so I did, and I absolutely loved it!

Then I come home, turn on the tv and it's on Fox News, and my world came crashing down very quickly.

Gosh, I just remember feeling so good that day too! I didn't have to work, so I saw T2 that afternoon. Felt so great after seeing the movie, and it all just falls.

Good thing I wasn't at work, because I would have broke down so fast in front of all of the customers. I would have died right in front of them...
I was standing in my living room and I was watching the local news and they said they've had some reports say Michael is in the hospital and other reports saying he had died and I was like "omg..I hope that's just another stupid tabloid or something, it has to be.." and then a few minutes later they interrupted the local news for Breaking News and reported he was dead, I was in such shock but I was crying instantly, I couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it and it's still hard to believe
I was in my room watching tv and being on my computer when I heard the horrible news. I had the one main channel on because I knew Farrah Fawcett died that day. And I wanted to hear what they had to say about her. But instead of showing her it was Michael that they were reporting instead. And I saw them showing Michael Jackson and the years 1958-2009 on it. I let out a loud cried and said no it can't be. Not my beloved Michael. Then I came directly in to this site and it turn out it was true. OMG did I cry that night. Even though I was still in very much disbelieve and shock. Because I just couldn't believe that the only person that I have loved most in the entire world is gone forever. So I spend the rest of that night in my room and in my bed really crying over Michael. And the last time I had cried that hard over Michael was when I had heard about the second molestation allegations. I had spent that entire first week crying over that. Especially since I remember the first ones like it happen yesterday. I was 13 at the time when they had happen. Which was why it was so painful for me when I had heard about the second molestation allegations. And I had made myself really sick over them too.
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My friend and I just finished our evening walk, and as I was about to turn the corner to walk back to my house, my friend ran out of her house yelling for me to come back. She had a very sad look on her face, and that's when she told me the news. :( I ran home quickly, my mother was sitting in the living room and she had the TV on CNN. It was such a shock, that I could not even express any emotion. :no:

A few nights later, as my friend and I went on our walk, her and I realized that we were standing on Jackson Ave when she told me the news that night.
I was at work when one of my customers told me. I was like, "WHAT??" Then, since no one else seemed to have heard that he had passed, all of us were second guessing the customer. Then my sister sent me a text at 6:30PM EST and said MJ has died. I knew it was real then. :-(
I remember I was siting at the kitchen table with my husband, My 19 year old son came in the kitchen and he put his hand on my shoulder and just looked at me, I was like,what? He said I have bad news. I was like what ?? He was like someone passed away, I was like who?? and he just looked at me. I could tell by that look, I was like nooo, not Michael and he just looked at me and I was like your lying and he said no ma I am serious. I remember covering my mouth with my hand so I wouldn't scream. I got up and ran to the living room and turned on the TV. One channel after another was saying..Michael Jackson is in a coma. I just kept saying why are they lying,??? then I heard cnn I think say, We just got confirmation that Michael has died. I kept changing the channel frantically asthough the people were lying and I would find a channel that told me that Michael was ok. But that did not happen. I cried and cried and cried. Never did get any sleep that night or the next. I was just devastated.
I had gone to the dentist that day. I had a 10am appt. My wisdom tooth was infected and I had to go on antibiotics. It was a stormy day, thunder and lightning with strong winds and downpours. Three tornadoes touched down in the province of Ontario by the days end. It was like any other afternoon really. I went home after the dentist, made myself some lunch and spent about an hour on the MJ forums. My girlfriend was graduating high school that night and I promised I would go and watch. It started around 7, but I planned on going around 8 to catch the second half. My grandmother called me around 5pm, we talked for a solid 45-50 minutes. It was approaching 6pm eastern time. I hung up the phone from my grandma and began to search the cupboard for something to eat. I had the can opener half way through my can of soup when the phone rang. It was my grandmother...she seemed worried and I knew something was up. Little did I know, what she was about to say would change my life. "Travis, have you seen the news?" "No grandma" I replied, "What's wrong?". " Michael Jackson had a heart attack they rushed him to the hospital" she told me. My heart literally sank. For a few seconds I went numb like she was joking. I hung up the phone and literally ran to my laptop to check the forums. 1050 people online....I knew something was up. I began looking at various news media. I typed in "Michael Jackson" on Google. First link...."Michael Jackson is Dead" from TMZ. I couldn't move. It hit me all at once, but at the same time I couldn't feel anything. I ran downstairs, and by this time the phone began to ring off the hook and my cell had 2-3 new messages every minute. 10 Minutes later CNN confirmed his death. I watched the news for about an hour before heading out to my girlfriends graduation. Every radio station...pop, rock, gospel, country, rap, etc were all playing Michael. Some stations dedicated the rest of the night to exclusively MJ music. People were calling into Z103.5 (Toronto's #1 radio station) balling their eyes out in utter disbelief. It was really a surreal experience. I got my girlfriends grad....all the kids knew even though they had been locked in a gymnasium for 3 hours. Word had spread through text messaging and Michael was the talk of the whole school. Parents were gossiping about it in the hallways, and people approached me from every angle.

It was a day and night I will NEVER forget. June 25th 2009, 1 day after my moms birthday and 6 days before mine. What a time I will say...
It was a bittersweet moment for me. I was just about to start a university course in the city (Brisbane) so I had to move away from home. It was hard finding a place and none of my applications got accepted so because my course was starting so soon I had no choice but to crash on a mate's couch who lives in the city. Not an ideal study situation. I thought I was going to have to live like that for a while. But then on the morning of Michael Jackson's death (it happened around 7am or 7:30 in Australia) I got a response from one of the real estate agents I had applied through saying one of my applications got accepted and I could move into my new flat that day! But I heard the news about Michael first. I was asleep and a friend texted me saying 'OMG! Is it true that MJ died?' I freaked out and before I could check the internet I got a text from my mum saying 'I just saw on the TV that Michael Jackson is dead'. My heart just sunk and I went online on my phone to confirm that it was true. I was devastated and then within a couple of hours I got the news about my new unit. So the morning was filled with mixed emotions. I was ripped apart that my idol had just died but I was happy that I finally had a place to move into in the city. Anyway some of my mates helped me move my stuff into the new place and then that night we christened the flat with a few drinks and played some MJ tunes to celebrate his life. It was a good way to send him off.
I was on the Bravo boards talking smack about the Jersey housewives when someone posted "Michael Jackson died". I think I turned on the t.v. to cnn, but I cant remember...the hours after I found out seem to be a blur.
Well, b/c i'm in N.C. it was around about 5:30 pm and i was at work. I was on the phone when i frist heard that he was in the hospital. Then about 5:45 they said that he was dead, Yall,I had to get off of that phone,I like cried for about 10 mins, my co workers where trying to calm me down, so i could go home. Then when i was walking out of the bathroom, I heard it again, but( this is the kicker) someone clapped............. I cursed that guy out so bad, I was almost fired, but the manager was a fan too. The whole day i was so sad I was crying thinking, thinking and cryin, then i started to get mad. I was mad b/c now people want to say how much they love him, now they want to play his music, now they to know about the man we have all known for most of our lives. But they feel sorry for him, they want to like & love him again, I was just pissed that this good good good man had to die, after all the good he did, before they gave him any respect. & still now that respect comment is a sterch. Then like people i knew but haven't spoken to for a long time started calling me and leaving voice mails about how sorry they were and that they are sorry that they talked about him,( and some are still calling me). Then some people would ask me why i was so up set over someone i have never met? I said That Michael IS LIKE FAMILY, I have known him for ever, i know what a true musical master he is. I know that he would give the shirt off his back for anyone, and he ( this is just me) was to good for this planet, but i'm so very happy to have had him for this short while. & no matter the name of life that was lost, a life was lost, and to me that is always sad. My bad yall, you asked one question, & i went off . But that is how i feel right now,
I was at work going on my lunch break walking out to my car. Suddenly I see my exs parents in the parking lot staring at me very strange and pointing and laughing.. evil sick people!! I have not seen them in so long and I was wondering what they were doing at my work. I didnt know what it was all about. Thank God they didnt tell me the news!! This is how I found out I decided to call my mom driving home. She was crying on the phone. I wanted to know what was wrong. When I got home, I walked up the stairs. She was on the couch crying. She screamed at me "Michael is Dead"! I covered my mouth in total shock. My body was shaking so bad. I ran in the bathroom and cried. Knees shaking, my heart hurt so much, I went numb. I came on this site and saw the post "Michael was rushed into the hospital" still hoping it was a joke. but it was not a joke this time :( I had about 100 people sending me emails saying sorry and asking if I was ok. God I felt so sick. Since I was on break from work, I had to drive back to work.. I was crying on the register at work. I could not deal with people. They ended up sending me home. I called in sick the next 3 days because my body was so weak, I had a temperature of 102 degrees. The next day, I took a lot of pain medication and floated off in some zone for a little while. My internet was down..I remember laying in bed screaming at God.. why did you take Michael? TAKE ME.. TAKE ME NOW.. I passed out on the ground. I felt like I was floating. I woke up 4 hours later and had some epiphany that Michael would not want me to hurt myself but to be strong for him. I swear was the worst day of my life. Im still hurting from it all.
My mum rushed into my room when i was half asleep.
I thought maybe she read something wrong and i didn't believe her. I switched on the tv and couldn't believe my eyes and ears.
I was sitting in my mother's room, it was 3:20 pm (I live in Redding CA) I was watching Headline News,They were talking about H.D. & all of a sudden, It said:

KLA: Michael Jackson Hosptailzed
I started to cry because I was really worried for Michael..:(
Then they had a doctor on talking about what has to be done for a person who has suffered a heart attack. Then there were Sources who said that they were familar with Michael's conditon, It said:

Sources: Pop Icon Michael Jackson in a coma

Then they brought the doctor back on, they told the doctor that Michael was not breathing when the medics arrived, the doctor said that time was very important..he said that the medics needed to make sure Michael was getting CPR done correctly in order to save his life...I'll Never forget the headline that came after:

LA Times: Michael Jackson Is Dead

I cried even harder when it was confirmed, my lil brother was like why are you crying, it's not that big of a deal. He didn't get it, he thought it was funny. I called my mother to tell her that Michael died, she was like "uh oh" She didn't get it until she saw me crying, that's when it hit her. I will never forget 6/25/09 for as long as I live, part of me died that day..:(
I didn't actually think he was dead, i thought that maybe he just passed out and that media would change their story to something that's like, " Michael Jackson believed dead, revived "