Where were you when you heard about MJ death?

It was June 26th at 7am since it was 1am or so in Finland when the news broke and I was asleep. I woke up to go work and saw that my dad had sent me two text messages during the night. The first one simply said "Michael's died. It's a sad thing." (My dad was very shocked, actually, and he cried later.) The second one he'd sent me before to let me know Michael was in the hospital.

I somehow managed to get out of bed and collect myself enough to go to work. I think I must have been in some sort of state of shock because I remember feeling completely numb and empty for the entire day and I wanted to have something to do so that I could escape reality. I was reading the news reports online and somehow I just couldn't process what I was reading, it was like I was in this bubble and the whole world had turned upside down. The whole thing just felt so mindless somehow. I didn't dare to cry because I knew that if I did there would be no end to it. So I waited until the end of the day and as the weekend came knocking on the door, so did the tears. I felt like one of those dementors from the Harry Potter books had come and sucked all life from me and that I'd never be able to smile again. :(
I was at work...a friend texted to let me know. Then there was a flood of texts, including one that said he died of food poisoning from eating "12 year old nuts" (ignorant jerk off). But that first text was the worst. I dropped what I was doing and ran to my computer to see if it was true.
I was at home getting ready for bed when my husband came to tell me an ambulance had taken Michael Jackson to the hospital. One of our tabloids was reporting it, quoting TMZ. I returned to the computer and waited for more news. I completely expected Michael would recover after a spell in the hospital. While waiting for any new developments, I started to do something else and then hubby told me the news is now that Michael Jackson had died. I was dumbstruck... How could that happen?
I was driving back from my girlfriend's house (Ironically enough listening to I Want You Back) when I got a text from my mum saying he'd been rushed to hospital. I got home and the news came he was in a serious condition. I was chatting on MSN to a friend and couldn't even type when the dreaded news came through a few hours later :(
i was at work,on nights when a guy said he heard mj was dead on the radio.
i said your joking,but he wasnt.
i had to wait till 6am to get home before i could watch the news unfold.

one of the saddest days of my life.
I wake up morning around 4:30 AM and turn on TV (CNN) and there was info ...."Michael Jackson died..." I was devasteted and I am still - for me passed away greatest man on this planet
I sitting in my room on my laptop and my Mom called me. She called me and told me 'Nick, Michael Jackson just died.', and I kept saying 'No, you're messing around with me. Don't do this to me.' Then after, I ran to the television and saw that there were reports that he had passed away, but I still didn't believe it until Jermaine made that statement that he had passed. I could not stop crying. What an emotional and heatbreaking day.

I will never forget June 25, 2009. The day when music ended and also the day I ended.
It was night in my country and I was watching some stupid comedy... after watching I saw some message in intrnet from my friend.. When I finally was sure he passed away my leggs was weird and some way I haven't enough air to breath. I was listening him all night and cry, and somehow it helped me.
i was home and heared from keith oberman on msnbc i was crying so hard the first person to call me was my cousin he felt so bad for me and then my grandmama called also to see if i was all right
I was surfing IMDB when I saw the news flash saying he was in the hospital in critical condition. I was worried, but always expected he would be ok. I guess I just always saw MJ as someone who wouldn't die. :( How wrong I was. I was on YouTube later and then I saw all these tribute videos to him, and I was thinking "OMG did he die?" I thought it was one of those celebrity death jokes. It was only until I found articles confirming it, did I know the truth. :( I was shocked. It was really unexpected to me. And after that I just didn't really feel anything, until the memorial happened. It made his death more real and I've been sad everyday ever since.
I was with my friends, who hate MJ... one of them was telling us he died. I was furious because of the jokes they were making. T_T
ive posted my experience before but i just remember seeing the news ticker along the bottom of the screen saying that he had been rushed to the hospital due to cardiac arrest so i rushed upstairs and wanted to chat with you guys to see if it was true , as i typed in the mjjc chatroom i was watching the tv and then the words came.
we...can...now....confirm .....that .....

my whole world crashed , i cried and cried shouting "is isnt dead why are you doing this"

Today is the 3 week anniversary of that day and i still cant cope.
Im only waiting for the rehearsals to be released and im hoping that will answer my questions but until then im still waiting.
I was going back home on foot at night when my boyfriend called me... He had called me before telling me to be ok because there was only a rumor saying that Michael was rushed to the hospital, and asked me not to talk with people on the phone because they could make me uneasy with no big reasons. Actually he was worried about my reactions because I would go to an important dinner, and he wasn't believing something real big was going wrong about Michael either. That scared me but really trusted that nothing was going wrong. But later lots of people started to call me and I got REALLY SCARED and answear one of them... She told me maybe Michael had passed away... My GOD! I just said that I didn't believed and didn't want to hear that! My world got dark. I really refused to believe Michael could have died... So when my boyfriend called me again I just said crying: "Tell me this is not true! Michael didn't die, did he?". And he kept himself in silence. So I knew it was not a rumor and my world got dark and I started to cry even more. So he finally told me: "Yes, he's dead". And I went saying loud: "No! This can't be! Tell me it's not true!". So I stopped in front of my home and cried loud and just turned my mobile phone off... I stopped there totally desesperated. It was the worst moment and day of my life. I trumbled like never before and my world crushed. I wanted to disapear.

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I I leave on the east cost so it was around 6:00 pm. I just walked in the door and my sister calls me and says. Did you hear. I'm like what. She say's Michael dead. I feel to my knees and said n, no, no, no, no. turned on the tv it wasn't confirmed yet just said he was in a coma. So I keep it together praying this was the case, but shorlty later it was confirmed. I was sick and been sick every since. All I could do is watch his vidoes. Then they stoped f*****s. So know all I do if surf the TV and internet for his beautiful face and listen to his music. I don't want to hear nobedy esle music but michael. Trust and believe its all the music i need. It helps me deal by listening to him, but its hard to cause I can see him in my head and I get really depressed. I take it out on others which ain't fair. (Crying now) gotta go to hard to talk about.
I had just woke up when I got text message from a dear friend of mine, also MJ fan, saying "horrible things are happening.. Michael Jackson is dead". It felt so surreal I answered the message saying "whaat?! no he's not!" though I didn't really even feel that way, I felt totally numb. That whole day seems like I was all the time in some kind of dormancy. :no: