When was the first time you?

I remember being a toddler and thinking chocolate pudding was divine.

When was the first time you sat at a computer and typed on the keyboard?
At too young an age

when was the first time you learnt to tell the time?
Elementary school

When was the first time you wrote out Valentines cards
When I was a kid :lol:

When was the first time someone told you they loved you and you fully believed it?
When I was 12, I have answered that question so many times now :lol:

When was the first time you won something?
Brat :tease: :rofl:

When was the first time you went on the back of someones motorbike? :bike:
When I was little

when was the first time your own mistake you made cracked you up? :lol:
I think I was 13 in school when we first got computers

when was the first time you found a four leaf clover?

I never have sworn :innocent:

When was the first time you read a whole book by yourself?
Shhh you didnt hear it! :fear:

When I was about 3 :unsure:

When was the first time you pranked someone?
When I was 7, For swimming. How exciting :lol:

When was the first time you stood up for something you believed in?