When was the first time you?

LOL we just asked the same question but in opposite threads :lol:

I cant remember :lol: when I was about 18 I guess

when was the first time you babysat?
LOL! :lol:

I don't know, I haven't babysat all that much really, probably about 13 or so?

When was the first time you fell in love? :wub:
Thats easy it was when I saw Michael's In The Closet video when I was 12 years old. OMG did I fell madly in love with him back then. Especially when I saw what he had on in that video. OMG did he ever look so sexy back then. And I remember how jealous I was over Naomi Campbell. For putting her hands all over my man's body. Of course Michael is still sexy now. Is just that my Shahruhk Khan is even more sexier than Michael is.

I'm still waiting for my true love. :)

When was the first time you cooked a meal for your family from scratch all by yourself?
Umm never really have :blush:

when was the last time u danced like mj?
when I fell asleep on my teachers lap at school when I was 4 sucking my thumb :blush: :lol: LOL

when was the fist time you got a job?
My first job...I think I was 15 years old. I was a camp counselor. :yes: Had such a blast!!

When was the first time you used public transportation alone?
Never. :puke:

When was the first time you carved your own pumpkin on Halloween?
when I started to learn French at school.

When was the first time you fell in love?
True love hasn't happened yet for me.

When was the first time you realized you couldn't care less anymore about something?
When I was maybe 8 or 9yo.

When was the first time you cussed someone out?
When I was younger.

When was the first time you went to a professional sporting event?
As a young child, I was raised in the Church and private school.

When was the first time you surprised yourself by accomplishing something you didn't think you ever could or would?