When was the first time you?

When I was about 12 or 13yo I was taught how to drive a stick shift in an old VW bus :D

When was the first time you wished for something and it came true
Oh gosh, when I was younger, but I couldn't say exactly when.. I'd need to be reminded by my parents!!

When was the first time you drank alcohol?
I know! I have promised my kids we will one day, So I have to :mello: :lol: Can't break promises like that :eek:

when I was 14

when was the first time you sang to someone?
^ You'll love it, it is the most amazing place!!! I have withdrawal symptoms :lol:

Oh gosh, when I was very young. I remember my brother and I in the living room, "performing" a Christmas carol to my grandma :lol: bless :lol:

When was the first time you went to a concert?
When I was about 7, My Mum dragged me along to a Cliff Richard concert :blush:

When was the first time you really embarrassed yourself?
hmmm probably in year 6. me and 2 friends entered the talent competition and we did something we shouldnt have lmfao. we got told to leave the stage in front of the whole school :mello: and got told off afterwards :( it wasn't that bad!

when was the first time you realised that life is weird?
^ Oh dear :lol:

I've never thought life is weird, It just has it's difficult times that we all get :)

when was the last time someone made your heart flutter?
Don't you mean first time?

Well for me it was definitely Michael Jackson that made my heart flutter for the first time. This was after seeing his In The Closet video back in 1992 for the first time. The last time was my beloved Shahruhk Khan. OMG do I ever so love him.

When was the first time you had listen to one of Michael's songs?
I've only ever done that once and pretty badly too... I was about 9 and landed onto some bikes that were at the bottom of the stairs :eek:

When was the first time you baked a cake?