When was the first time you?

A sever case of strep throat in 1984. I remember the date for I came down with it at the same time I was adjusting/grieving to my dad's death, which happened suddenly.

When was the first time you got a phone call from one of your friends?
When I was a teen.

When was the first time you were able to do something without your mothers supervision?
LOL around 15, To a restaurant, I'll remember the name in a second :lol:, I had fun... :yes:

When was the first time you you had a pet?
I don't remember...I don't think I knew that Michael Jackson was one of them till I was a fan...LOL...or I just didn't really pay attention

When was the first time you swam in the ocean?
Actually I was around 10 :lol:!

When was the first time you found it hard to say no?
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:lol: I believe you :lol:!!!

It was a portrait, I was 7 I think, it was of her and her mother...

When was the first time you were just completely rude purposely?
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A rabbit from clay that was fired and I think she may still have it. I would have been about 4 years old
EDIT: Was to my mom :( hormones...I was getting ready for a dance and she was helping me. She asked what I wanted to wear and I said "Clothes" . maybe I didnt mean for it to be rude but she thought it was rude and stopped helping me.

When was the first time you had a shower (not bath).
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As a child at the San Diego Zoo

When was the first time you just wanted to disappear and not tell anyone where you were going
When I started working at 16.

when was the first time you bought a car
Wine coolers were the things way back in the day and the few times I tried it I'm such a lightweight half a drink would knock me out. I don't drink or smoke it's disgusting habits:puke:

when was the first time you regretted something major
When I started sending money to people to help them out:(

When was the first time you thought something would make you happy but it didn't
LOL I was around 15 years old

When Was The first time you bought your own computer?
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when I was really young. I remember practicing till I got it. I think I was 3 or 4 actually.

When did you learn to read?
Not that long ago...in my forties. But I was so pleased after a life time of not being able to do it.

When was the first time you lined up dominos and gave a flick of your finger to spy them go down...one...by...one?
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first time? sooo long ago. Probably was about 4 or 5. (I have an older brother)

First time you cooked your mom breakfast in bed for mothers day?
Ohh I was about 9 Gosh I remember that lol I thought (and still think) Its absolutely fascinating.)

:EDIT:I was around 11 with a little help though lol.

(you all post so fast or am I that slow?)

When was the first time you could say all the planets?
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When we were playing IQ 2000 ... I must have been around 9 or 10 I think...

Don't worry, when I first started chatting 5 years ago I was so slow I couldn't keep up with anything at all....now Im not too bad.

First time you posted on a forum and where?