When was the first time you?

About five years ago.

When was the first time you made someone else a birthday cake?

when was the first time someone took your advice and it worked?
a few years back

when was the first time you lent something out to a friend and it never got returned?
when I was about 12

when was the first time someone told you Santa wasn't real?
In elementary school, they showed us how to address an envelope and mail it:)

When was the first time you drove a car
When I was just a wee little thing.

When was the first time you put your signature on something important?
Probably my learners license when I turned 14 for driving. Though I suppose some art that I signed was important in my mind at the time. That was as far back as 5 years old I think.

First time you flew in an airplane?
When I was 14

When was the first time you went out Christmas shopping alone and got your own gifts for people?
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somewhere between 8 and 12.

When was the first time were proud of artwork you had done in school?