When was the first time you?

Hmm. I got a first place ribbon for a comical drawing I did of my friend, Elleesa, when I was in sixth grade.

When was the first time you visited the dentist?
Never. Oh boy. Is that in my future?

When was the first time you ate in a Mexican Restaurant?
Dont remember =/

when was the first time you went on vacation without family?
1987 it was to a family reunion

when is the first time you had a job you didn't like?
My first job at 18. *groans*

When was the first time you forgot to lock the front door when leaving?
Probably in my teens :lol:

When was the first time you did something for someone else and felt proud of what you did?
Probably something for my mother when I was really little.

When was the first time you remember getting a Christmas present you didn't like?
I think I must have been about 5 or 6 years old and I really wanted Santa to bring me either a ballerina doll (who actually moved like a ballerina the commercials said) or this vampire board game where you would stick your finger in the vampires mouth and press something down, if it bit you, you lost, and if you didnt get bit, you were ok. (something like that). I wanted to find out exactly how the vampire bit so that was the only reason I wanted it. I was so disappointed to see that it was only two felt marker marks that made the red ink spots on your finger. I never played with it after that. (I swear I wasnt a morbid child..no idea why I wanted a toy I thought actually bit people..lol)

first time you had a crush on someone?
Honestly...when I was 8 and wanted to marry MJ :blush: (I'm still on that BTW)

When was the first time you realized it was much nicer to be a kid than a grown up?
I was 18 and my freshman year of college. It was so tuff because all the responsibility was on me and only me. I felt so overwhelmed sometimes...I wished I was a kid again, "soo gay and carefreee" lol

When was the first time you lived on your own?
I got married at 18, separated with three kids at 27. I have never lived on my own.
(I suppose that isn't really what you meant though...yeah I moved out of my parents house at 18)
First time you were left alone at home?
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hm interesting question, there's no telling when - i guess i was 9 b/c that's when my brother went to live with my papa

when is the first time you lost a loved one?
end of last year :yes:

when was the frst time you felt so happy you could burst .
when i got to see janet back in 1990 and got to go down to the 2nd row center!!! (via rene janets ex husband!!!!)

when was the first time u drove a car????