When was the first time you?

1977. In a theater. After waiting in a big ol' line. :eek:

When was the first time you ran through a sprinkler in the hot, summer months?
never done the e-bay thing

when was the first time you realized that Santa is whatever you make it/him?
:unsure: 20? maybe?

whens the first time you talked to an animal and knew they understood what you'd said?
I was a child lol I realized then sometimes life could suck...

When was the first time you wished you could go back in life and redo something to make the outcome better?
Gosh I was around 6 or 7 :lol: I wanted to pick my own clothing..

When was the first time You went overseas? (if any of you have lol)
hopefully in the not too distant future :lol: my mom made me totally paranoid about spending hours over the ocean

when is the first time you saw an electric fence and knew not to touch it?
Most likely in a movie when I was very young.

When was the first time you dropped an egg on the floor?
I was a child and Mother was in the store and I did it on purpose :lol:

when was the first time you broke a window while playing?
I don't believe I ever have. Why didn't I put more gumption into my playtime? Another missed opportunity.

When was the first time you poured chocolate syrup on something that is wasn't designed for?
Well LOL I think I was a child and it had been a toy.. I was really young...

when was the first time you learned to drive?
^ you have a great memory from events in your childhood. :)

Fifteen and a half. Got my license at 16.

When was the first time you saw a fireworks show?
^ Yes I think back on it all the time... :)

I was very young haha I had gone to Disneyland and watched the fire work show haha

When was the first time you envied someone else?
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Very young, with my sibling. Still working through that...gosh!

When was the first time you opened a bank account?
Oh boy uhm... I think I was around 15 or 16 I think.. I'm not sure haha

When was the first time you went to an amusement park?
Very young. I'm not sure if my first one was Disneyland or Knott's Berry Farm.

When was the first time you saw a live magician act?
when I was very young! :lol:
I don't really remember!!

when was the first time you moonwalked?
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