When was the first time you?

I bet I was about five. Good memories. There is an ice cream truck that has been coming down our street lately and my son is all into it, too. :)

When was the first time you saw a sign that said, "Way out" instead of "Exit?"
Only 8 years ago

When was the first time you learnt how to skim pebbles in the sea?
In the sixties.

When was the first time you saw a live musical?
when i was (from what i can remember) 6 or 7

when was the first time you had a death in the family
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God, I can't remember. I was a kid. :lol:

When was the first time you bought something with your own money?
Good question emmm when i was very young cant remeber when exactly

When was the first you kissed someone?
When it first came out at the cinema :)

When was the first time you cracked an egg without breaking the yoke?
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When I was sixteen with a football player. I was a cheerleader. Perhaps it was obligatory.

When was the first time you went to the beach?