When was the first time you?

A couple of years back... and once you feel it, it never dies

when was the first time you learnt how to write your name?
a while ago....

when was the first time you watched saturday morning cartoons?
I don't remember, it was so long ago....

When was the first time you ate sushi?
Probably when I was about three or four.

When was the last time you hung something up in a closet?
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maaan last time its been about 2 years ago now, first time, i was 8

when was the first time you saw a photo of yourself?
With my school when I was 14...

when was the first time you rode a bike on your own with no help?
about 7 years old

when's the first time you went sailing?
^^ oooops

um I was about 16

whens the first time you learned a foreign vocabulary word?
maybe 29 y/o

when's the first time you swam in the deep?
when I had my first.. it's an amazing feeling you just stare at them for hours thinking wow they are mine :wub:

when was the first time you cried tears of happiness?
baby? um i was 31 and was amazed alright cause she was perfectly perfect :wub:

whens the first time you told you heard a choir sing?
oh God my cousin about 7 years ago - surreal experience

whens the first time you played a record?
LOL - when i was 4 in the kuntry - my granddaddy was a baptist preacher

whens the first time you cried cause you had to leave familiar places or people?
The only one who has done that to me was my brother and he was so fun I couldn't stay mad at him about it. I just enjoyed his paying attention to me and being playful.

When was the first time you sat at a set of drums?
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The drums.

When was the first time you saw new born kittens?