When was the first time you?

when I was a kid Im such a show off haha

Yes some books they turn into movie takes away
from the oringinal but some were very well done

when was the first time you had a pet and what was it?
i got a desert rat at school (liooks like a mouse or a rat and they can jump ou of a cage lol)my mum went hysterical when it jumped through the kitchen hahaha
that was the last pet we were allowed to bring in :(
my dad would bring in wounded animales sometimes like pigeons and turtles she did not like that either

when was the first time you hated going to school?
I never hated school I loved to study
Im still learning even as old as I am :)

aww about the wounded animals and
those desert rats are so cool wow!

when was the first time you gave a speech
in front of someone?
when i was 9 or 10 lol amd i loved it as craxy as it sounds
(last time is about two yrs ago for a centre for homeless drugaddicts here in the city)

when was the first time you had to go to an offical occasion (dresssed up and having to behave on a special way)and did you like it
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when I was a kid to my older sisters wedding
I had to wear a suit and mind my manners
I liked it I was happy for her :)

when was the first time you learned to
play an instrument and what was it?
The recorder at school and I wasn't good :lol:

When was the first time you cleaned the house as a kid to surprise your mum?
When I left home :mello: haha! no just kidding probably when I was about 12

When was the first time you avoided answeing a question you didn't know how to answer?
when I was a teen it was something concerning my
father that I didnt want to get into.

when was the first time you went to see a real
live play at the theater and what was it?
Oh wow I have seen so many.. I think it may have been Show boat or the Buddy Holly story

When was the first time someone paid you a compliment and you went all shy?
At school when I was 11

When was the first time you made a date with someone then regreted it so didn't show up?
never i dont date lol
(we only went to debutant balls and later dancelessons lol)

when was the first time you said you were with a friend to go out with a dat?
Why would you have to lie? :mello: :lol: never done that

When was the first time you you had to go into hospital for something?
:lol: When I was a little girl and saw him in the sky :woohoo: I DID!!!!! :mello:

When was the first time you thought you saw a space ship? lol
:unsure: not sure if I have ever won a prize.. I won loads of certificates for swimming though when I was younger

When was the first time you swam alone without a ring or arm bands?
Whenever Titanic was out? that was long ago but don't think I have been much since :eek:

When was the first time you realised the people on the screen werent really inside the TV? :lol:
:lol: That is a good question. When I was about five years old. I wanted to break the screen so I could touch the people inside the screen.

When was the first time you wrote a letter or poem and sent it to MJ?
Not for a while actually :)

but this is when was the first time thread ;)

When was the first time you had a g/f b/f?
probably when I was 16 ( I have my reasons )

when was the first time you really got angry over something?
Some time in 2003

when was the first time you wrote a letter and sent it?