When was the first time you?

When I crossed the State line :lol:

when's the first time you looked around and thought to yourself, 'somethings wrong here'
just now cuz I cant stay awake LOL and several other times in
my life over personal things...

lol @ the state line thing good one!

when was the first time you saw a helicopter?
I must've been about 8

when's the first time you realized you could swim?
When I was a child and something I wont go into :no:

When was the first time you wished you could erase some of your past?
I don't do trying to please, If they aint happy with how I am how I do things that's not my prob

When was the last time you took out your trash? ( Rubbish in my terms ) :lol:
Yesterday with my dad and brother :wub:

When was the last time you ordered chinese?
A few weeks ago when I was at work her daughter was in having a baby, She was a best friend of mine and lived downstairs from me her daughter and my son were the same age, We always used to have each others kids to give the other a break and always would help eachother out in many ways, Then she moved and I moved not too far away from eachother but we kinda just lost touch... was so nice to see her again though :) Think I told you that story already? sorry for that ramble it wont mean anything to anyone :lol: but was special for me :D

When was the first time you had a friend and knew they would be a friend for life and they have been now for many years?
When was the first time you had a friend and knew they would be a friend for life and they have been now for many years?

about 26 years ago, when I met a little girl that's still a close friend of mine, even if we live far away from each other now

when was the first time you travelled abroad?
when I was 3 years old I went to a greek island :)

when was the first time you got on a train?
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