When was the first time you?

When I was a teenager, I used to spend time with my nieces and nephews drawing pictures- and making stuff with them. Fun!:)

When was the first time you realiced you had to think first and act later?
July 2004 - it was MJNO.

When was the first time you saw the Thriller video?

when was the first time you made a long distance call?
when I was about 7...my lil cousin...well grown man now lol

when is the first time you got stung by a bee?
when I was 5 years old I think

when was the first time you rode a horse?
when I was three years old

when was the first time you went swimming to the sea?
I bet it was when I was few months old

when was the first time you travelled abroad?
when I was about 3 years old I think

when was the first time you said something in english?
I dunno. Probably when I was two? LOL.

When was the first time you went to a theme park?
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I've never been to a theme park

when was the first time you went to London?
I think it was three years ago, and I was really scared :huh:

when was the first time you saw snow?
wow i can't remember that, it was maybe 16 years ago (i'm 17)

when was the first time you could brush your own teeth
I've never slapped a panda

when was the first time you met a polar bear?
last week i met one and had a pretty tough argument with it too

when was the first time u met a panda and didnt slap it ?