When was the first time you?

When I was about 8 or 9 it was one of the members from the band Duran duran used to stare at my sisters poster :lol: now I look back and think what was I thinking lol

When was the first time you realised you were no longer a child and needed to grow up?
When it was first released :yes: I remember the big fuss about the first showing of the video and everyone wanting to get home from school to watch it that night

When was the first time you went on a date?
5 years ago

when was the first time you slapped someone around the face with a fish? :huh:
Way back in the 70's :lol: well my mum did.. I started to get my own in the 80's

When was the first time got a hair cut?
When was the first time you saw MJ on tv?[/b]

a day before the Easter of 2007, the Dangerous tour was broadcasted in a greek tv channel

when was the last time you lost your wallet?
when I was a kid? when I lost my first baby tooth I think

when was the first time you cheated in some game?

When was the first time you realised you had a talent for something?
I realised one of my talents when I was a kid, about 6-7 years old

when was the first time you bought a cloth without your mamas help?
few months ago I guess

when was the first time you had the chance to have some time alone in order to put your thoughts in order?
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Probably when I was about 5 :unsure:

When was the first time you were allowed to stay over night at one of your friends houses?
When I was 7/8.......don`t remember the exact time....but I rmember talking and having fun till late at night ( trying to avoid her parents hearing us:lol:).

When was the first time you traveled abroad alone?
oh umm.. I would probably say like 1997?!? At least that was my first memory of it, when our family got enternet 4 the first time..

When was the first time you denied you liked MJ even though u really did?
I have never done that :D

When was the first time you one an award/certificate for something?
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No awards.........:pSetificate? Hmmmmmmm I got my driving licence three years ago( and yes, I am over thirty.......:p just felt I had no use for it, as I lived in cities from I was 17......).

When was the first time you held a speech, or talked in public ( in front of a big group of people)?
That's something I cant do :blush: speaking infront of people is one of my fears.. obviously I talk to people lol but being in the spot light so to speak with everyone looking as you talk ahhhhhhhhh can't do it :lol: although once when training for my job we had to do this role play thing which was so hard for me to do :no: but I got throguh it...I wish I wasn't so shy and had more confidence :(

When was the first time you went and bought your own christmas gifts for your friend and family?