When was the first time you?

All the time when I was a kid had a stream in the park close by to home :)

When was the first time you let someone give you some advice and took it?
Apart from the innocent ones- my first boyfriend when I was 17...........oh.......and he was cute!!! :yes:
I have good taste...........

When was the first time you travelled abroad?
When I was 14 :)

When was the first time you knew you loved someone and it wasn't just like a teenage crush?
Michael when I was 14 :D

What was the first movie your saw at the cinema?
I haven't it's a big fault of mine.. I always try to hard with things which doesnt get me very far Haha!

When was the first time you cried happy tears and what was it for?
I locked me and my brother out of his car some years ago.........he wasn`t very happy about it..... :huh:

When was the first time you felt like you knew what you were doing?
When I was 19 years old (well, that was some years ago :rolleyes: )

when was the first time you sensed someone would be your friend, when you met him/her for the very first time?
First thing that comes to mind: when I was 9, and realised that I understood what people on the TV was saying even if they spoke in english

When was the first time you realised you had a talent for something?
I'm still waiting to find out.. I havent got a talent for anything :lol:

When was the first time you told someone that you love them without being shy about doing so?
I don`t think I have done that..........or maybe I have a very selective memory at the moment? :blink:

When was the first time you were in charge of a project/ team- work?
I used to play football ( soccer?) when I was a kid( 6- 7 years?)- all the girls in my class used to do that when we were at school- it was great fun!! I guess I was a bit of a tomboy when I was a kid- but then all my friends were- we were rather adventerous! No clean clothes at the end of the day... :blush:
Never played baseball- but that is a very American game, isn`t it?

When was the first time you read a book that changed the way you thoght about a subject?
hmm cant recall...sorry

when was the first time u traveled overseas ?
when i started learning hindi about 20 years ago (i was 1 year old) :punk:

when was the first time u went to the movies ?
About 13 years ago...I went with my mother and saw "Lady and the Tramp".

When was the first time you bought a music casset/CD ?
^ Aww I love that film :D

When I was about 11 I think it was

when was the first time you stood up fpr yourself in an argument?