When was the first time you?

hard question they still hlp e a lot
i think when i took of from school to amsterdam when i was 18 or 19
when was the first time yu had to much to drink?
When I was a child... but its not like I am THAT talented:lol:
I know what i am good at, but I know what I am NOT very good at as well.............

When was the first time you tried to swim?
From a very early age.. I think I was a fish in my past life :lol: or a dolphin :wub:

When was the first time you realised you weren't a child anymore?
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When was the first time you realised you weren't a child anymore?

when my family started to depend on me...i'd say around 18-19 (when i became more responsible).

when was the first time you cried during a movie (name it ,pls)??
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When I was about 8 - 9 :no: :lol:

When was the first time you knew tooth fairies werent real?
I didn't believe in the fairy in the 1st place! LOL!!

When was the first time you had a fight? lol!
I've never had a physical fight.. I hate violence and can never understand how someone can inflict pain on another person. No matter what they have done it's just something I couldnt do, or maybe I just never got into the situation where a fight may have occured :unsure: if so I still think I would have backed away.. or if needed fight back only in my defence

When was the first time you learnt how to ride a bike?
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in holland everything goes by bike from going to school till going out so i think i was 6 or so lol

when was the first time you saw a movie in a real cinema (and what movie)
Gosh I cannot remember? I must of been about 5?

When was the first time you cooked a meal for someone else?
When I was about 12 after I learnt how to make spag bol at school

When was the first time you kissed someone?
when I was about 10 a little girl I didnt even know
came up to me and smooched me then ran away :eek:

when was the first time you realized youre mad as hell
and arent going to take it no more?!!
i m usually patient and able to deal with lot of things but lately lol
i dont know that only happened a few times last time i do remeber 1989 first time ????

when was the first time you managed to sneak away from home or school without anyone noticing :lol:
um? thinking...several times not too long ago? :)

when was the first time you thought you could
create something very fantastic then realized
it wasnt as good when done outright as it was
inside your head?
thats a hard one i always had a cook so i m not sure
i made disney pancakes last weekend when my sun was here he liked them but a real dinner ..............

when was the first time you had to take care of kids (yours or a friends ) all by yourself??
since they were born? um several times
but Ive had lots of help so I am very blessed
now I do most of it on my own because they
are older and I dont get as much help?

when was the first time you had gotten a
traffic ticket?
i never had a ticket i never drove a car myself
(this sounds like i m a very spoiled and lazy person but i m not)well not really maybve iu m easy (and easy going hahaha)
and i also had lots of help with timothy when he was little but they put him in this place when he turned six so i m nowe for the last two and a ghalf yr in a battle with this home tog et my own suin back and i m his only parent (choose to be single parent lol so no daddy who has custody or so so the dutch state is crazy)

when was the first time you hit something with your car lol?
aww Im sorry HUG why is your son in a home if I
may ask?

I hit a possum when I was younger and I thought it
was dead and felt bad and when I went to check on it
it got up and attacked me rofl I had to run back to the
car before he got me I aint about to get bit by no possum
theyre cute but not enough to be bitten by it :lol:

when was the first time you walked to school alone?
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they claim he is adhd and to easy with ple dangerously easy he would hug the busdriver or milkman if theyt re friendly so i send them to a therapist and before i knew it they decided he hd to go there for evaluation three month
and then they started finding all reasons kidzvillage was not a normal family house so i took a city apprtment along with it and he is still not home
they even said my healt wasnt good enough to take care of my kid while i had a medical paper saying i m 100 operfcent healthy and normal (whatever that menas lol)but its getting to me
he is in a place with all kind of kids and things happen there sdo i m terrified if he stays much longer
if i d be as rich as before i d simply not take him back afer a weekend and move to another country (spoeak nine langhuages so i get by)
let me know if you want to ever send him a postcard (christmas or so anyone)

by the way what on earth is a possum???

i never walked to school alone (this gets worse...i was driven lol)
when was the first time yu were in love?
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Im sorry its so hard for you :(

a possum is an animal they are
marsupials with brown or gray fur
they are sort of ugly but cute? LOL

when was the first time you fed the animals at the zoo?
when i was little i love the zoo
(we now have each summer a different circus ad kidzv last yr my sun and i fed these big elefants wonderfull i even got to ride one)

when was the first time you played with a dog?
in the zoo at age 6 and i still have to hear the story from family members lol
(there was a male elifant and i asked what animal on earth had five legs seriously imagine how stupid i was hahaha)

when was the first time you got scared after seeing a movie ?
after I watched Stephen Kings The Shining! ack!!!! LOL

aww about the elephant they are such wonderful

when was the first time you read a book and wished
they would make it into a movie?
sorry had to go out for a few minutes (dog)
my god i must have been 11 or 12 lol the sad thing is thast mostly when they turn a book into a movie its not as good anymore dont you agree???

when was the first time you wanted to sing loud (for others to hear like family or so)