What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

It took me too long to answer again. :lol:

My fave cat breed:
I don't have one...I'm not really a cat person...sorry. :lol: They are nice as long as I can pet them,. but I don't like how they walk all over the kitchen sink and tables and everything...:puke: :lol: I love dogs more.

And card..yeah, it was a random question...was just the first thing that came to my mind. :lol: So define it...Hmm...Well, I guess...do you like the type that you can fold open, or ones that are just with a pic in front and a space on the back, or with quotes on it or glitter on it or do you rather write your own quotes...Gee, I DON'T KNOW! :lol: When you buy a card, what type do you go for? Ah, it was a weird question...forget it. :lol:

My fave artist out of any...? Oh my gosh...that is SO HARD TO GUESS!!!!.....Gene Kelly of course!!! :wild: :lmao: :lmao: Kidding...MICHAEL JACKSON!! DUH!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

WHat is your fave kind of breakfast?
Ohhhhhhhhh well depends on the person
I usually pick out one that suits them?
sometimes funny ones sometimes sappy ones
and sometimes religious sentimental ones
I like them all I guess? some are very artistically done :)

blueberry pancakes hash browns and hot coffee or tea and some juice

what if your fave dinner?
You eat all that for BREAKFAST? :puke: :lol: :lol: You must have a good stomach! :lol:

My fave dinner...gosh, I hardly ever eat dinner...I usually just have a salad and bread....so I guess my favorite woudl be any kind of delicious warm vegetarian meal someone woudl cook for me, because I can't be bothered myself. :lol:

Who is your favorite TV host?
Don't have one...

What#s your fave type of vacation?
Harrods & Hamley's :happy:

what is the worst thing you have ever tasted?
APBT and Rottweiler my 2 dogs :wub: and German Shepard, I grew up with one at my Grandmas :wub:

Who is your favorite old school movie star
Going to playschool/Pre school, saying that I got a wiff of a smell today and thought omg that smells like my playschool :blink: was really weird...

How many watches do you own?
I keep thinking I am playing the Getting to know eachother game :mello:

This pair of boots I have :wub:

what is your fave fabric?
French vanilla, vanilla caramel, or tiramisu :p

Edit: there's also a pumpkin spice flavor, but only during certain times in the year

What is your favorite flavor of coffee grounds
There are lots of favorites for me :)

What is your favorite Disney Movie