What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

:heart:Michael Jacksoni dont even need to think :D

ur fav kiss?

:kiss: :kissing: :kissing2: :kissing4:

What's your favorite type of gifts to receive? Store bought or homemade/created from the heart?

What is your favorite Halloween costume that you wore growing up
Wonder Woman :cloud9:

What was your fave Halloween candy to receive?
I got this vision of Lynda Carter running and jumping in my head when I read Wonder Woman :lol: I love seeing the costumes, so fun :)

We only got to keep the lollipops, my Mom would buy our candy off of us for $5.00 and she'd take it all to work so we wouldn't eat it :( so I have to go with lollipops and I had a neighbor when I was little that would hand out $1.00 bills to everyone :D

What is your favorite inspirational quote/saying?
Mine, Lexus GS

Who is your dream date, if you could pick anyone
Peach oh wait strawberries :p no both :lol:

what is your fave board game?
6 piece ones :lol: Nah just kidding probably flowers

what is your fave day of the week?
I'm not sure I really have a favorite, I guess Friday

What is your favorite thing to do on a first date, something fun, romantic, etc.....
Dark or White Chocolate is my favorite :)

What is your favorite type of cookie?
^ Oh is that a poem too? I knew of the painting

Chocolate :p

what is your fave type of movie?