What/Who etc is your favorite.........?

This cherry one I use from Avon

what is your fave brand of washing powder? :lol:
Any time when everything I need doing is done :D

what is your fave perfume/aftershave?
Calvin Klein's Escape...but for men...I love Yves Saint Laurent's Opium for Men..it smells really good. (But Opium for women is disgusting! :lol:)

What is your favorite vegetable?
Roast dinner with all the trimmings ( Licks lips ) :p

who is your fave composer?
Gene Kelly. :) Tom Hanks of the "new ones"...

What is your favorite thing to do on your free time?
oh so many to choose from
when someones sleeping and you
tickle their nose after putting shaving cream
in their hand so they will itch it?
then smack! LOL works every time

whats your fave new tv show?
EDIT: I was too late...:lol:

My fave thing to cook:

Anything that just needs heating. :innocent: :lmao: :lmao: I'm kidding...:lol: I don't cook much, so I don't have a favorite...I made salmon once at home, because I felt like cooking. And the others said it was good...Mostly when I cook, I do it because I feel like it. And so I just either buy something I think would go well together or how I think it needs to be done, or I look what ingrediants I have available and then go from there. :lol: So I found salmon and lemons and creme fraiche and the fried the salmon a bit first, then poured some lemon juice on it, and pepper and salt and stuff and then the creme fraiche...and then put it in the oven...and then boiled potatoes with it. The others liked it, they said it was good...but I don't eat fish, so I don't know if they just said it to be nice. :lol: I like to "experiment" in the kitchen...:lol:

Fave thing to do on the weekends...Hmmm...:scratch: I usually work, so I don't know...anything besides work, I guess? :lol:

What is your favorite dessert to make?
I'm so sloooooowww...:lol:

My fave poem:
I don't really have one...I'm not that into poetry....I like the stories in MJ's Dancing The Dream book, like "Enough For Today"...and the poems are nice. :) "Two Birds". "The Last Tear", etc.

My fave cartoon character: Pinky from Pinky and Brain. NARF! :lol:

What's your favorite musical?
I can't pick one. :lol: Cook books, dictionaries, Sidney Sheldon's books, etc, etc.etc. :lol:

What is your favorite type of gift to give?
I don't really eat donuts too often...:lol: Any kind that has icing on it..:lol:

What is your favorite type of card?