What if?

Ok. What if you could turn into an animal of your choice?
I'd turn into a bird. .... but I can turn back... right?! :shifty: :pray:

What if you could meet a fictional character of your choice?

Hmmm that is possibly the hardest question you could have asked me. I don't know. I can't choose. It would be a tie between Sherlock Holmes, Severus Snape, The Doctor and Aragorn and Gandalf, closely followed by Legolas and Aslan from Narnia. :D So yeah... I don't know.

^That are quite many people. :lol:

It's indeed a hard question. First I wanted to say Sherlock or the Doctor, but I'm not so sure wether I would really want to meet one of them. :lol: ... Alsan would be quite cool, or Hagrid. :thinking:

What if you could change bodies with someone of your choice for one day?
^Yes well... let's just say I like more fictional characters than I do real people. :lmao: I would absolutely love to meet Sherlock and The Doctor. I like clever people. So much to learn. :D

Hmm... I'd swap bodies with a guy and a tall one to see what it feels like to be a man. And good looking, of course. :D

You? (sorry, not very creative tonight. I'm tired)
I would probably swap bodies with some guy from another country.... Just to see how different the people are there. :thinking:

What if you could have one supernatural ability?
I'd want to be able to turn into every and any animal I like. :D

What if you were given the choice of either being very intelligent but not successful or not exactly bright but quite successful?
I'd choose to be intelligent.

What if you were the only person who could talk to animals?
It would be fun. I don't really talk to people anyway.

What if you forgot how to speak?
I'd have to carry a tablet with me, so that I can write everything down I want to say. :D

What if you had two heads?
Then something like the Sherlock and Doctor who video I showed you would take place. :lmao:

What if you were just a "trampoline" like Cassandra? (from Doctor who) :rofl:

I wouldn't let anyone jump on me. :nono: :D

What if earth had no gravity?
^How selfish of you.

We'd all fall out of the atmosphere and die.

What if you could breathe underwater?
I would collect Seahorses and build and rule Underwater wORLD

What if ..you could fly ?
That would be awesome! I'd fly to all the wonderful places on earth. :wild:

What if vampires were real?

^How selfish of you.

:lol: .... would YOU like people to jump on you? :huh:
^No, but it's a generally acknowledged fact that I am rude. You're supposed to be the nice one

They are.


What if bigfoot was real?
It would finally be certain.

What if you could watch through walls?

^No, but it's a generally acknowledged fact that I am rude. You're supposed to be the nice one

I see. :lol: ..... well, usually I am, but not in this case. :naa:
^Not possible. You're either nice or you're not.

It would be more of a curse than a blessing

^ well, you just saw that it is possible. :p

I agree! Sometimes it would be quite cool, but I wouldn't want to see everything. :p

What if you won the lottery?
^No. I didn't. It just means you're actually not nice. You can't be nice sometimes. Even I'm nice sometimes, but I'm not characterized as nice. It's like saying you're a girl sometimes. A transvestite can pretend to be the opposite gender, but it doesn't change his/her actual gender, does it? :p

I'd be rich.

What if you had to live with someone like me? :lmao:
^Noone would ever say "I'm a girl sometimes" .... but there aren't just people who are either always nice or always rude..... there's also something in between. ... and right.... just cause I am not nice one time, doesn't change my actual character. :D

I'd lock myself in my room the whole day! :lol: ;)

What if all of time would happen at once?
I'd take a deep breath smile then faint

What if you were allowed a day at Neverland today and walk around where Michael once lived?
^Noone would ever say "I'm a girl sometimes" .... but there aren't just people who are either always nice or always rude..... there's also something in between. ... and right.... just cause I am not nice one time, doesn't change my actual character. :D

Of course no one says that, because it's absurd to say that. Just like it's absurd to characterize yourself as "sometimes nice". You're either nice, which means that you are a naturally nice person. Of course, it doesn't mean that you're never not nice, but you can't only be nice "sometimes"; or you're "not nice", which means you're not a naturally nice person, even if you choose to act nice, which results in you being nice "sometimes". So, if you're nice "sometimes", then you're not a naturally nice person, but you just elect to ignore your natural state and act like you're nice.

I'd be happy.

What if you were a cabbage. o_O
^ Can't you write a bit longer sentences? :bugeyed :lol:
So you agree that even a nice person can be not nice sometimes? .... And you are saying that she still is characterized as "nice" and not "sometimes nice"? :unsure:

Noone would like to eat me. :p

What if you had an executive jet? :wild:
^ Can't you write a bit longer sentences? :bugeyed :lol:
So you agree that even a nice person can be not nice sometimes? .... And you are saying that she still is characterized as "nice" and not "sometimes nice"? :unsure:

Noone would like to eat me. :p

What if you had an executive jet? :wild:

^I was actually trying to make them shorter for your benefit. :D
I'm saying that people are either nice or not. Now everybody has bad days, when they're not as nice as usual, or good days, when they're nicer than usual.

I'm not sure what an "executive jet" is but, if I a normal jet, I'd travel a lot.

^ They were even longer before? :shock: :lmao:
I see. Okay.

^^ An "executive jet" is just a jet, only for you. :D

I'd make a trip around the world.

What if you't meet a bear in the forest?
^Yes. :lmao: I can be quite hard to follow. My English teacher has trouble following me sometimes, so don't feel bad. :lol:

^^Hmm, ok I googled it. You mean a "private jet"? :lmao: I find that quite a redundancy , really because, since the jet would be mine, it would obviously be private.

I'd do a Dundee on it. :lmao:

^okay, that's good to know. :lol: ... That's also how you won the competiton, right... you just used way too long sentences, so that they couldn't keep up with you and had no other choice than to let you win. :lmao: :cheeky:

^^ Yes, I meant a "private jet". :D

^^^What is a dundee? :unsure:

I'd run for my life. :p

What if you'd find out all your life was just a dream?
^No. Actually, I was specifically told not to use my usual manner of speaking, but to use clear short sentences and to speak slowly. :lmao:

^^Well, I guess you haven't seen Crocodile Dundee then. It's a movie about this guy called Mick Dundee who has a, shall we say gift for taming wild animals and he's especially well known for fighting a crocodile bear-handed. :D

I wouldn't know unless I woke up. :D

What if cartoons came to life?
^They looked ahead. Very wise. :lol:

^^ I see. :D Haven't seen that movie.

They would take over the world.

What if trees could speak?