What if?

I'd moo your lawn. :lmao: :hysterical:

What if you had another head instead of your bum?

:wtf: then I couldn't sit on chairs any longer. :unsure:

What if you'd wake up on a lonely island tomorrow?
Then I'll probably end up going to bed on a lonely island as well. :D

What if you could do magic, but you could only use it for others and never for yourself, like a genie?
Then I'd be a very generous wizard. :yes:

What if the world would cease to exist?
^ehm , yeah, that's right......

Then we could pick clouds. :wild:

What if it would rain hot dogs?
^It is. :p

People wouldn't starve anymore.

What if you could see the future, but could do nothing to alter it?
I wouldn't try to.

What if you had to choose between being killed or killing someone?
I'd chose being killed.

What if you could change your appearance at will?
People would get confused. :D

What if animals could talk?
It would make our lives that much easier.

What if you were atemporal?
^It would? :huh: :scratch:

I am! :D :p ... then I'd live forever. :unsure:

What if you were a river?
^Yup. Imagine knowing exactly what your pet wants. No more potty "accidents". :D

I wouldn't have to go with the flow or oppose the flow, I would BE the flow. :shades: Everyone would go with or oppose me. :lmao:

What if you were a ghost?
^^Ah, I see. :D

^ :naughty:

Then I could walk through walls. :D

What if you could read minds?
Wouldn't be much of a difference. What I want, I can tell and the rest? The human mind is sick. The hell would I want to have access to more than just my own for? :lmao:

What if you could perceive 4 dimensions?

I'd be confused. :p

What if you would see everything in black-and-white?
I wouldn't see your true colors. :D

What if you were the smartest person on the planet?

You all had to be dumb. :p :lmao:

What if you could talk with you feet?
I can talk with my feet. It's just socially unaccepted. :hysterical:

What if you understood ostrich?

Then they would be my best friends. :p :D

What if you'd live in a lion cage?
:bugeyed: Wouldn't live there long, I'd be eaten alive!! :unsure:

What if you couldn't speak any vowels?
Thn Dbt nyne wld ndrstnd mch. :D

What if you could make cartoons come true?
Oooh, Brave NEW world then...

What if, you could bring Michael back and keep him SAFE from harm? :blush:
O girl, When I Wish Upon A Star, without a doubt and with the snap of my fingers, it would be done instantly!! :heart::heart::heart: :wub:

What if you were a teacher? What would you teach?
Manners, respect and when I'm in a good mood, how to be awesome. :sleep:

What if you could sleep on clouds?
Maybe then I could finally get some good sleep...

What if whales had feet and would come out off the ocean and walk down the streets? :thinking:
:blink: whales with feet :smilerolleyes: would they need to go on a leach too then...

What if it was always Summer and nice and HOT :tease:
I would swim with dolphins all day long.

What if you could time travel?
oohhhh, I like that one... I know what to FIX and who to SAVE though :cheeky:

Oh and indeed, I would miss the Gorgeous Autumn leaves :agree:

What if you had all the money in the world?