What if?

:lmao: I'd just kick the giraffe out :p

What if you would wake up and find out that you're a beetle now?
I'd squish myself. :lmao:

What if your hair started having a mind of it's own, and it turned out to be a spoiled brat? :blink:
:wtf: I'd have my head shaved :p :D

What if you had a time machine?
I'd use it of course. :D

What if you could see with your feet?
I'd bite you. :D

What if you could slow or speed time?
I'd slow it during holiday, and speed it during school of course :D

What if you were a men?
I... I really don't want to imagine that. :lmao:

What if your toes liked milk? :blink:
I'd go swimming in a milk sea :p

What if you would stay young forever?
I'd get tired of living. :no:

What if your gums were actual chewing gums? :lmao:
Then I'd suffer from lapse of taste :p

What if you had three heads?
I'd be three times as smart. :smarty:

What if a giant walrus ate your birthday cake and then pooped rainbows? :no:

I'd have the most extraordinarybirthday pary ever!

What if you would be trapped in a cartoon show?
I'd be trapped in X-Men and I'd be the awesomest character. :sparkle:

What if you were a stickman? :lmao:
Then an eraser would be my arch-eraser :bugeyed :p

What if your teddy bear could speak?
I don't have a teddy bear. :mello: Only puppies, horses, a hippo, a lion, a giraffe, a cat and a bunny. :lmao: Oh and Dori from Finding Nemo and a weird octopus aaand a couple of seals. :D What if they could talk? Well, for one thing, I wouldn't sleep at night. :lmao:

What if lamps were evil. :blink:
Hahahaha Lol erm before i answer this ,,,is this true,,:bugeyed ,,, ,,,, just kidding i would sleep in the day under the rays of the beautiful sushine:sun:and stay awake all night with just a small torch to light my way , and hide away from them lamps ,,,, joking apart its not real is it,,,,,,,,,,,,:bugeyed

what if you fell in love with a hedgehog:wub:
^:naughty: It's real if I want it to be.

I'd get myself a new pet. :D

What if you found out your sister was a superhero? O_O
then I'd be freakin proud on her :yes: :D

What if an alien would bump into your house today?
My dog would probably tear him to shreds. Arnie doesn't like intruders. :no:

What if you saw with your nose?
Then I'd smell with my eyes :bugeyed :p

What if your laptop/computer had a life on its own?
I'd save up on power. :D

What if you received a letter to Hogwarts?

I'd think someone played a trick on me :p

What if your best friend was a vampire? :bugeyed
Hm... she probably is. :lmao:

What if your dog was actually a manatee in disguised? :shades:

Well, I actually don't have a dog, and I've seen a manatee the very first time today... I didn't even knew that such an animal exists :p
but if that would be the case, I'd probably have a really fat dog :p :D

What if you'd wake up in the Middle Ages one day?
^You've never seen a manatee? :shock: You've been missing out. :no:

I'd be a super cool warrior princess. :shades:

What if the sky was orange?
^^yeah, now I've seen one :D


we couldn't set the sky apart from the sun :p

What if the sun would never set?
You will eventually learn to live with the shame. :lmao:

^^ What? :sleep:

That actually does happen... so it's not really a "what if" :p