What if?

I'd be happier to let him in than any human in the same position! ;)

What if there was no gravity on earth?
We'd float :wild:

What if stuffed toys came to life when no one was watching?
I think I would have a heart attack :lol:

What if you could understand dolphins?
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I'd talk to them :D

what if a hawk stole your hat?
It would probably scare me to death. Then I'd start laughing.

What if you won the lottery?
I'd buy an apartment block where all my MJ friends could live and everything would be MJ MJ MJ lol

What if you were homeless?
Then I would build an epic cardboard castle

what if you were misunderstood?
I think I already am lol

What if you could see the future?
I would make a fortune

what if someone would not back off when you told them to
Gaaaah that can be annoying but ignoring them works wonders sometimes lol ;)

What if there was nothing in your fridge?
Id go buy something

what if the world would start spinning the other way?
As long as it did not affect us guess I would be ok with that

what if you could take only 3 items to an island for a year?
I would not say Hello again, I'd just hang up. {Family and friends always say something back and if not, they'd probably call back}

What if the world ended tomorrow?
Who am I?

What if someone asked to borrow money but you did not have a lot yourself?
Then I would have to say sorry I can't lend any money. But it depends who asks I guess.

What if Michael never left The Jackson 5/Jacksons?
He probably wouldn't have become the King Of Pop.

What if there was an actual money tree?
I'd wait until it dropped some seeds and then grow my own :D

What if you couldn't find your shoes but needed to go out somewhere?
I'd put on my slippers :lol:

If you were walking in a park and suddenly realized that you're still wearing your pajamas? :D
I'd tell people it;s the International 'wear your pajamas' day and act very surprised they don't know :D

what if you couldn't taste anything?
You would lose weight. I actually suffered from this at one time. It is called anosmia..........not only I could not taste, I could not smell as well. It was very frustrating. It happened after I had a cold, but luckily it was temporary.

What if you were homeless?
I'd be happy as I would have forgotten all the bad stuff from my past

What if you could turn back time?
I am in one place right now. :lmao:

What if a giraffe refused to move from your bed?