What if?

I'd be a crocodile :D

What if all the toilets in the world suddenly disappeared and you needed the toilet?
first I'd question that person's sanity or eyesight then I'd laugh and say something sarcastic :D

what if you were eaten by giant mushrooms?
I'd start looking for my other half :D

what if you could see with your feet?
I'd do a handstand and see how I should be :lol:

What if dinosaurs still existed?
We probably wouldn't!! :p

Or, at least, I'd probably try and tame one and ride on its back :D trips to tesco's would be so much easier!

What if you came home after work/school one day and your house had disappeared?? :ninja:
I'd go looking for it :shades:

What if someone stole your hat while you were wearing it?
Wouldn't be a problem, I don't wear hats :D

What if you were me and I was you?
That would be...awkward :D but I guess since I'd be you I'd actually be me and you'd actually be you even though I was you and you were me so we couldn't tell the differecnce so I suppose it would be ok

what if what I just said actually made sense? :wild:
^:lol: that's what I thought

Then I would have never created this thread :D

what if you were color blind? :D
Then it wouldn't be tasteless :D

what if blue was actually green?
You mean like GPS and stuff like that? I guess we'd get lost easier :D

what if you woke up one morning with a tail?
It'd be a pain in the bum ;)

What if you suddenly grew an extra arm and leg?
I would join the freakshow and become rich

what if a dog knocked on your door wearing a hat and carrying a clipboard?