What if?

I wouldn't know what to do with it.You?

Yep, I do :cheeky:

WHAT IF... I could buy a house with lots of land... Nothing too fancy or expensive though... Just a place called HOME with loads of animals just like "NEVERLAND" :yes: and I would spend a lot on charity too...

NOW, I'm 'grateful' to even have a 'benefit' allowance :doh:
^Oh yeah? Just really think about what you're saying. If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Buy a house? Is that so? Because if you have all the money, then no one else can have any at all, in the whole world. So you tell me, do you think they'll wait for you to feel charitable and give them some? I think not. I'll tell you what I think would happen: money would become worthless and you'd just have a bunch of coins and pieces of paper. So I ask again, what if you had all the money in the world?
^Oh yeah? Just really think about what you're saying. If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Buy a house? Is that so? Because if you have all the money, then no one else can have any at all, in the whole world. So you tell me, do you think they'll wait for you to feel charitable and give them some? I think not. I'll tell you what I think would happen: money would become worthless and you'd just have a bunch of coins and pieces of paper. So I ask again, what if you had all the money in the world?

I'd STILL buy a HOUSE and Land for animals to roam free and the "ALL the money of the world" is 'hypo technically' meant... I mean it's like you say... What if I could BRING Michael BACK? It's NOT realistic so...
Yes, I would SHARE all the 'hypo technically' money in the world with everyone to the point I would ONLY have my house and land as my own. :cheeky: End of story...

What if you would have an extra arm to carry stuff? :tease:
I'd STILL buy a HOUSE and Land for animals to roam free and the "ALL the money of the world" is 'hypo technically' meant... I mean it's like you say... What if I could BRING Michael BACK? It's NOT realistic so...
Yes, I would SHARE all the 'hypo technically' money in the world with everyone to the point I would ONLY have my house and land as my own. :cheeky: End of story...

What if you would have an extra arm to carry stuff? :tease:

IF you could bring MIchael back, THEN he would be alive. Similarly, IF you had all the money in the world, THEN no one else would have money. IF no one else had money, THEN money would lose its value. And so on.

Perhaps I wouldn't break as many stuff.

What if you woke up one day and realized all your life had been a dream?
Then I would be really confused and probably resigned.

What if you could be any animal for one day?
I would know how that animal thinks.

What if your toes and fingers interchanged? :lmao:
Then I would have to eat with my feet and walk with my hands. :blink:

What if your arms would be longer than your legs?
I'd be a monkey.

What if it started raining upside-down?
I'd fear that we will be transported to the moon. :p :D

What if you'd wake up in the body of your mom?
^I knew you'd say that. :D

I'd freak out.

What if you woke up as a man?

I'd watch in the mirror and scream.

What if your teddy could talk?
I don't have a teddy.

What if you could meet any person, real or fictional, of your choice, but you could only choose one and in exchange, you'd never have met one of the people you know now? (but you didn't know who)
I probably wouldn't want to met a person of my choice then. :thinking:

I don't know. I mean, there are a fair amount of people I wouldn't mind if I had never met. But then, there would be the posibility of not meeting one of those people I actually do like. Then again, that possibility is quite slim, because how can you not meet someone you live in the same house with or you ave regular contact with. So I suppose I would.

What if the sun was green?
No idea. :p

What if you could travel back in time? Where would you go?
Depends. Could I travel back as well? :D

What if there was some sort of monster and you were the only one who could see it?
^:thinking: ... Yes, after some years. :D

I'd think I'm crazy. :bugeyed

What if you were born on leap day? :p
^Then I wouldn't go anywhere. Give me a TARDIS, and I'd go everywhere. :D

I'd be about 4 years old now. :D

What if you could only eat one thing your entire life?
It defenitly wouldn't be chocolate! :no: :p

What if you had a TARDIS? :naughty:
I'd call myself The Doctor and I would travel to every single interesting point in history and I'd experience it from every singe location and I would never stop traveling. :D

What if you could chose one aspect about you and change it with one aspect of someone else?

I think I'd change with someone who is more chatty than me. :thinking: :unsure:

I wouldn't change anything. :p

What if time stopped?
I possibly wouldn't notice it cause I would stop with time? :thinking:

Edit. :girl_whistle:
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What sort of a sick question is that? :bugeyed
Why? :huh: It's a cool question, don't you think? :wild: :giggle:
No. It's perfectly gross. And that's putting it mildly. :sleep:
What does "perfectly gross" mean? :scratch: :secret: