What if?

^Not one of my favorite movies, but I liked his little trick.

I'd say we're in Middle Earth. :D

What if you woke up in a book?
I could change the storyline of it. :D :unsure:

What if you could be an animal of your choice?
I would be some sort of bird.

What if you had to choose between hurting the person most dear to you to such extent they would no longer want to talk to you and save a complete stranger's life or letting a complete stranger die and saving your relationship?
That's not a fair choice. :no: ... of course I'd save my relationship.

What if you had to choose between saving either a newborn baby out of a burning house, or 100 embryos?
^Life isn't fair, is it? :p

I'd save the baby.


What if you were stuck on a lonely island with a horse?
I guess I'd learn how to ride a horse. :D

What if you could move mountains?
I'd move the mountains in my area far way. :D

What if you could change one thing in the world?
Hard question..... maybe abolish war. :thinking:

What if you could read minds?
I'd go crazy!! I'm not good handling multiple voices inside my head, I get lost, and might just get schizophrenic... and that's just not good for anyone, especially me!! :D

What if you could breath under water??
Id pretend i drowned and scare the hell out of people

What if you discoverd youre the long lost princess of a country, would you be it or continue with the life you've always lived?
Good question...

What if you only had months to live, how would you spend your time?
I would visit as many countries as possible and climb the highest mountains.

What if you could bring people back to life?
Wouldn't be as cool as Spaghetti with a chance of meatballs. :D :D

What if you could regenerate like The Doctor?
I would get very old. :blink: :D

What if an alien would visit you tonight?
I'd be disappointed if it weren't the Doctor. :D

What if you were allergic to yourself? (which is actually possible)

I would sneeze and snot all year. :blink:

What if you could live under water?
^Yes. Well... sort of. It's called an autoimmune disease. You immune system starts attacking itself because it recognizes your cells as being foreign. Like Lupus for example, or Vitiligo, in some cases. ;)

Provided I could also live above water, that would be really cool. :D

What if you could be given extraordinary artistic talent, but it would be unrecognized until centuries later, like Van Gogh?
Id be dissapointed that people didnt give the chance to see what I had them to offer
What if you got home one day and saw that it has turned to a museum with your stuff in it?
I'd be surprised. :D

What if you had a robot at home?

^Yes. Well... sort of. It's called an autoimmune disease. You immune system starts attacking itself because it recognizes your cells as being foreign. Like Lupus for example, or Vitiligo, in some cases. ;)

I see.
I'd make it do my chores for me. :D

What if you were fire resistant?
I'd scare people by walking through fire. :lol: :p

What if you were a flower?
I'd never have to buy food again.

What if you were headless. o_O
I couldn't see anything, I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't think, I couldn't eat I couldn't talk, I could just walk arround aimlessly and stumble across something every tenth step. :blink:

What if you had won the lottery?
I'd be rich and I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
