What Happens after TII? Is it the End?

I think the bonds and friendships we have formed will always be there, the Jackson family will always be there and I have no doubt that unreleased music and videos will be released on a fairly regular basis for years to come, they will provide a valuable income for the estate.

We have to live through the outcome of the police investigation and any criminal or civil action that happens, this is going to be the hard part for me anyway.

The media will move on, once there are no more sightings, stories, once all the Gellers of this world have milked their stories it will stop.

We have to let Michael go, we have to move on, and it is hard because some of us have popped in here on a daily basis for years, even when months went by with nothing really happening, we have always found something to chat about.

We need to let the future take care of itself, and maybe in his name we can get involved in projects in his name. I am not a US resident, if I was I would be campaigning for the drug pushers and dealers who do it from a posh office, with their medical qualifications displayed, to face specific charges with heavy sentencing for prescribing unecessary drugs and too much of them, and if as a result of their prescribing a person dies the law should require them to face a charge of second degree murder. Maybe a mass petition, or campaign in the future would be occupying people and making sure that he did not die in vain, if it only saved one life his death would not seem so meaningless.

Charity projects are another option. There will always be something to do in Michael's name if people want to keep emotionally tied to him.
mes amis disent «il est mort finalement - c'est une chose bonne». Je ne sais pas si je peux continuer de vivre... je veux mourir la, maintenant...
MJ boards were fairly quiet from around 2006 up until the press conference in March 2009...

The horribly ironic thing is, there will be far more from MJ in the next five or ten years then we've had in the last ten years. In the last decade we've had one album, one video and two concerts (MSG) and all of that was eight years ago.

I'm sure his estate will be coming out with new CDs of music for at least the next ten years or so. He's supposed to have something like eight albums worth of unreleased material in his vaults. You just know that they're going to be milking that for years. And you have DVDs of the HIStory tour, Bad tour, Victory tour, Ghosts, One More Chance music video... and God knows what else...

I know it's not going to be the same without MJ there. I would've happily gone another 30 years with no new albums, no tours or anything, just knowing that MJ was healthy and happy with his kids. But it wasn't meant to be.

As for me, I could talk about MJ till I'm blue in the face. There's been pretty much zilch to get excited about in MJ Land from 2002-2008 but I've still visited the boards on a daily basis and gotten into some seriously heated and passionate debates. I'm a fan for life and am endlesslly fascinated by the life and times of Michael Jackson. That won't ever change.

I don't think fans realize just how quiet it was from 2006 up until the press conference in March 2009. There was really no news of Michael, not even in the trashy mags! A lot of the time, the only references to Michael in the press were "Michael has been hiding in Bahrain since being acquitted in 2005". Michael would then make a few appearances a year that you could literally count on five fingers! His appearances became more frequent in the last 2 years but still there would be months were you wouldn't see or hear a peep out of Michael.

2003 - 2005 was all about the trial. In the last 10 years, there really hasn't been anything musically speaking. Appearances wise in the last 10 years, the most we got was the first 6 months of 2005 due to the trial.

From personal experience, a lot of the topics of Michael on the boards were from the past, talking about his past. After 2005, a lot of fans on the forums were just moaning that there was no new album etc... That's all the topics were about. The forums were more quiet back then than they are now so I don't understand why some fans here are so shocked.

"NEW PIX" threads was the only time the forums would buzz! They were the best though, just to see him stopping traffic to go to the doctors or on a short shopping trip... That is what I'll miss the most. I was happy with just that, coming on the forum as a past time after work, relaxing before going to sleep on my laptop, just to see Michael out and about with his family, alive and well.

My point is, even with nothing going on, not seeing a peep or hearing a peep out of Michael for months at a time, there was always things to talk about. The life of Michael Jackson is one of the most interesting in history and there will never be a time where there is nothing to talk about.
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Asking if its the end is kinda stupid.
Michael has a legacy that will never end. Im sure there will be a new album out eventually. Probs a DVD of a gig (other than TII).
His fans will last forever.
Mike is bigger than Elvis. Elvis still has things released today and hits #1.
There are still big things to come. Just upto to us to celebrate everything Michael, its our job to do so.
Okay, well, I have two things to say about this:

One - I'm a HUGE fan of the late WB show Roswell. (http://books.google.com/books?id=oW...#v=onepage&q="roswell fan phenomenon"&f=false) Roswell fans are as crazy/dedicated as MJ fans. It lasted for three seasons and was cancelled in 2002. The MJJC of Roswell is "The Crashdown." It's still updated daily and the forums are still hoppin' 24/7. Now, if an obscure TV show that only aired for three seasons can still have a fan base strong enough to generate conversation and updates...almost eight years later (!!!) then certainly *Michael Jackson* can do the same. =)

Two - I've only recently *really* discovered MJ. In the past three months, I've done so much research and learned so much, that I now know a lot more than a lot of people on here. However, there is still so much more out there! With a well-documented career spanning four decades long, I'm sure we haven't heard the half of it! This isn't just anyone we're talking about here! It's MJ! He won't ever get old. =) I mean, there are people posting on Beatles forums as we speak (and I'm sure it's not all Paul and Ringo talk. =P) I don't think anyone or anything is going anywhere anytime soon. Michael is still very much with us all.
I know I was thinking about this aspect of it..
I was born in 1977 June and Elvis passed in August of same year...
I was a baby BUT As i grew up I knew who Elvis was and have love for him..
Now I have a baby grand niece who's over a year old who was born in the a year before Michael has passed and she knows how to say Michael,she regconizes his pictures and music and i know she'll grow up knowing and loving him. see what I mean? He isn't going to be forgotten and i don't think we will either. Michael is reaching a broader spectrum always. that is reasurring to me.
just thought i'd share that.

I don't think fans realize just how quiet it was from 2006 up until the press conference in March 2009. There was really no news of Michael, not even in the trashy mags! A lot of the time, the only references to Michael in the press were "Michael has been hiding in Bahrain since being acquitted in 2005". Michael would then make a few appearances a year that you could literally count on five fingers! His appearances became more frequent in the last 2 years but still there would be months were you wouldn't see or hear a peep out of Michael.

2003 - 2005 was all about the trial. In the last 10 years, there really hasn't been anything musically speaking. Appearances wise in the last 10 years, the most we got was the first 6 months of 2005 due to the trial.

From personal experience, a lot of the topics of Michael on the boards were from the past, talking about his past. After 2005, a lot of fans on the forums were just moaning that there was no new album etc... That's all the topics were about. The forums were more quiet back then than they are now so I don't understand why some fans here are so shocked.

"NEW PIX" threads was the only time the forums would buzz! They were the best though, just to see him stopping traffic to go to the doctors or on a short shopping trip... That is what I'll miss the most. I was happy with just that, coming on the forum as a past time after work, relaxing before going to sleep on my laptop, just to see Michael out and about with his family, alive and well.

My point is, even with nothing going on, not seeing a peep or hearing a peep out of Michael for months at a time, there was always things to talk about. The life of Michael Jackson is one of the most interesting in history and there will never be a time where there is nothing to talk about.
You're right but theres one very BIG difference then we knew he was still around...:cry:
I'll never forget him. I just couldn't forget him. Because every time I dance or sing or perform I will think of him. And the ways he inspired me.
calm down people, fan bases / forums live on after your idol dies, take a look at other deceased celebrity forums. theres still stuff to talk about. michael was huge, he will still get news, other releases, new fans, let alone fans at a point will have maybe a place to meet up every year to pilgrimage to in remembrance.
"It's Only The Beginning"

Michael Jackson - Threatened 2001

I agree. I have been thinking about this a bit. But I also think it is a matter of where we go from here.
In life, we (fans in general) loved and supported MJ no matter what. We loved him.
And in death, I think a lot of us will have to reflect on how we move on. For me I hope this MJJC community will not fade but come up with a new vision of how to best live and support Michael's legacy.

For as long as fans exist, there will be special reports and publications that diminishes and attack Michael. After June 25th, I was hoping some of the hate would go away. But clearly in the last few weeks, people the likes of Weisner, Boteach, and many many others have come out to continue to leech of Michael's life and work.

So what do we do? Do we move on with our lives, never being the same?

Or do we find a new vision, a new mission, and support that cause.

For me ... I hope we find add a new direction.... a cause to keep MJs legacy alive, have annual gatherings, and most importantly find ways to stop the hate targeted towards MJ even in death.
MJ boards were fairly quiet from around 2006 up until the press conference in March 2009...

The horribly ironic thing is, there will be far more from MJ in the next five or ten years then we've had in the last ten years. In the last decade we've had one album, one video and two concerts (MSG) and all of that was eight years ago.

I'm sure his estate will be coming out with new CDs of music for at least the next ten years or so. He's supposed to have something like eight albums worth of unreleased material in his vaults. You just know that they're going to be milking that for years. And you have DVDs of the HIStory tour, Bad tour, Victory tour, Ghosts, One More Chance music video... and God knows what else...

I know it's not going to be the same without MJ there. I would've happily gone another 30 years with no new albums, no tours or anything, just knowing that MJ was healthy and happy with his kids. But it wasn't meant to be.

As for me, I could talk about MJ till I'm blue in the face. There's been pretty much zilch to get excited about in MJ Land from 2002-2008 but I've still visited the boards on a daily basis and gotten into some seriously heated and passionate debates. I'm a fan for life and am endlesslly fascinated by the life and times of Michael Jackson. That won't ever change.

well said,me feel the same
"NEW PIX" threads was the only time the forums would buzz! They were the best though, just to see him stopping traffic to go to the doctors or on a short shopping trip... That is what I'll miss the most. I was happy with just that, coming on the forum as a past time after work, relaxing before going to sleep on my laptop, just to see Michael out and about with his family, alive and well.

My heart hurt reading that. :( I loved when we had new pics, and how silly and carefree the conversation was. To think it's never going to happen again. Omg. :(
I've been worrying about this too.
I'm sure im gonna keep coming here everyday.
I thought of that very same question...but I think we will keep his memory alive, one way or another.
I just can't believe I never discovered this forum before now. I've never really been that into forums or message boards and as much as I don't like to say it, before his death and before the announcement of his 50 shows in London I thought I was in the minority in terms of people still being dedicated fans. I barely know any Michael Jackson fans personally and all I ever saw was negative media about him, and on the rare occasions I did read through comments on other internet blogs it was always people bashing and insulting him. I had NO IDEA how huge his fan base still was. I now know how ridiculous I was being, but at the time I just felt I was living in an anti MJ world.

I really could have done with this forum after the news of his death. Luckily I have one good friend who is also a big Michael Jackson fan, that I could talk things over with but I still didn't feel she understood the way I felt about it, and now I found out there are thousands of you on this board who feel exactly the same way about him as I always have done.

I for one am not going anywhere. Sure the news might be slower, there might not be as many new topics going up, but I think for his true fans this will always be a place where we can come and relive memories or just talk about how incredible his music is.

I will never forgive myself for not searching out this place earlier!
I just can't believe I never discovered this forum before now. I've never really been that into forums or message boards and as much as I don't like to say it, before his death and before the announcement of his 50 shows in London I thought I was in the minority in terms of people still being dedicated fans. I barely know any Michael Jackson fans personally and all I ever saw was negative media about him, and on the rare occasions I did read through comments on other internet blogs it was always people bashing and insulting him. I had NO IDEA how huge his fan base still was. I now know how ridiculous I was being, but at the time I just felt I was living in an anti MJ world.

I really could have done with this forum after the news of his death. Luckily I have one good friend who is also a big Michael Jackson fan, that I could talk things over with but I still didn't feel she understood the way I felt about it, and now I found out there are thousands of you on this board who feel exactly the same way about him as I always have done.

I for one am not going anywhere. Sure the news might be slower, there might not be as many new topics going up, but I think for his true fans this will always be a place where we can come and relive memories or just talk about how incredible his music is.

I will never forgive myself for not searching out this place earlier!

Thanks for posting that. Great to see new fans join. Michael has millions of fans all around the world and this is seen in sales every time he releases new music.
I felt the same way, but I realised that although others may forget and move on, I never ever will. I'll keep coming here, maybe I'll get more busy with school, but I swear I'll keep coming. Because after all Michael has given me, it's my turn to give back, because he -and you guys, the fans- deserve it. And I'd like to think I deserve the same from you... We're still one big family, Michael included. :)

And Michael's children need us to help keep their precious fathers legacy alive and apart of that is keeping fan forums alive and active.
I know I was thinking about this aspect of it..
I was born in 1977 June and Elvis passed in August of same year...
I was a baby BUT As i grew up I knew who Elvis was and have love for him..
Now I have a baby grand niece who's over a year old who was born in the a year before Michael has passed and she knows how to say Michael,she regconizes his pictures and music and i know she'll grow up knowing and loving him. see what I mean? He isn't going to be forgotten and i don't think we will either. Michael is reaching a broader spectrum always. that is reasurring to me.
just thought i'd share that.

I think we will still be here. Look at Elvis and his fans they are still very active. There will contine to be tributes from his family and friends

You & I are thinking along same lines.. :) Not that it's about Elvis,but how a real & amazing persons legacy lives on forever!
Just out of curiousity, how long has this board been around? I've been a fan since I was 5 years old I'm so shocked I've never heard of it before. Although granted I've never really known any other Michael Jackson fans, maybe the odd one or two but never any seriously dedicated ones.

I definitely could have used it during the 05 trial, everyone around me thought he was guilty :(
I'm newer here too and feel same way,but I do know the MJJC archives date back to 2004 and I've also heard this was mjjf? I'm wondering as well. wonderful place this is. I wish I would have did a search for Michael forum long tme ago,but that wasn't the case for a certain reason :(
Just out of curiousity, how long has this board been around? I've been a fan since I was 5 years old I'm so shocked I've never heard of it before. Although granted I've never really known any other Michael Jackson fans, maybe the odd one or two but never any seriously dedicated ones.

I definitely could have used it during the 05 trial, everyone around me thought he was guilty :(

Everyone around me thought that he was innocent. June 25th proved that the majority of the world believed he was innocent too.
Yep most people I spoke to thought he was guitly. My family believed he was innocent (of course if they had thought otherwise I would have gone on a huge rant about why it was so obvious he could never do something like that)

I suppose I was only 15 back then so most people I spoke to were the same age and too immature to understand what was going on. News reporters always seemed to be negative though, I assumed most people thought he was guitly. I knew his fans believed in him though, he's always had the best fans in the world.
It was 50/50 here during the trial. Some big fights and debates would unfold too especially at my high school. I remember sitting on the bus and kids would get into arguments almost every day. Funny thing was...75% of the people believed he was innocent. I remember having discussions in class, everybody was talking about it.

Now that some time has past and after Michael's death, I would say about 80% of the people I meet believe MJ was innocent. The other 20% still argue he is a pedophile. What can you do, some people are unable to think for themselves. They only see in black and white, and cannot use common sense.
Will you be there? ima still be here because i love michael and i need to be with Michael lovers
It was 50/50 here during the trial. Some big fights and debates would unfold too especially at my high school. I remember sitting on the bus and kids would get into arguments almost every day. Funny thing was...75% of the people believed he was innocent. I remember having discussions in class, everybody was talking about it.

Now that some time has past and after Michael's death, I would say about 80% of the people I meet believe MJ was innocent. The other 20% still argue he is a pedophile. What can you do, some people are unable to think for themselves. They only see in black and white, and cannot use common sense.

Amen! preach. :agree: