What Happens after TII? Is it the End?

To be honest I don't think I'll keep coming to this forum. Every time I come here I feel like somebody stabbed me. I can't do this forever. I mean I'll still visit...but not so frequently.
I think I've tried not to think about this so far, but I have to I suppose. I guess I'm reluctant to because the last however many years there's been hardly any news and we've managed to keep the boards going. I'm not gonna let this go, I love going to Michael boards, I just hope you all keep coming back too.
I admit it's not same without Michael's presence to post in this forum but I'm 100% sure differents generations will talk about his legacy just like Mozart's, Beethoven's, they passed away more 2 hundred years ago and we're still listen to their compositions and talking about them (the ones who love them).

P.S. I wish Sony release Dangerous Tour in Mexico :pray:
Agree with this list -but please add Brett Ratner's interviews too.

After This is it we must all fight togehter for these DVD releases for a start:

Triumph Tour
Victory Tour
Bad 88 Tour
Dangerous 93 Tour

plus all the behind footage from each tour like rehearsals etc

The Invincible sessions on DVD. Rodney Jerkings has filmed Mike during the Invincible sessions.Hours and Hours of Mike on tape while recording Invincible.
A DVD release with a first time look of Mike working in the studio would be so awesome!
See folks we have a lot of work to do to get this awesome MJ DVDs released.

Yes!!! All this!!

I'll Always love Michael, always listen to his music, wear my tee shirts, and talk about him. I get so excited when I discover a Michael song I haven't heard before! (The Ultimate Collection -- I just found, has a lot of previously unreleased songs.)
I get such joy from his singing, the short films and DVDs. The rehearsal footage of the Dangerous tour (he was wearing the yellow shirt), I loved!!
So for me, I'm just gonna love all the new releases that are going to come out. It's Michael!! It brings joy, and sometimes tears, just the pure aesthetics of his genius!

Michael's body died, Oh, I'm so sad!! Too soon!! I soooo wish it didn't happen! But Michael, the spiritual being that lived in that body, is very much alive! We should always celebrate his gifts to us!
it will never be the end because there are elvis fourms still going and he has been gone for 30 something years i love this place
I must admit I have been very depressed over the last 24 hours... cause I feel lost...

However, after I posted this thread, I didn't come here till now and I see all of those messages of hope... and I must tell you, it REALLY does give me a big BOOST of energy and hope...

I guess, eventhough we do not know each other, that i was afraid to loose...again others that i appreciate and share magic with.. YOU

So... I apologize if my thread was too depressing for some.... I like to be here with you all and share thoughts and hopes and positive messages about the world and michael and promote peace.

I guess I was thinking that soon or later we would loose ourselves in a new world without michael, but, yes, it's about positivity, it's about energy, it's about willingness.... I know you here, If I have to be the last person to be here on this site to ask for anyone else to come back, I will....

I realize how much this site means to me.

Peace and thank you all :)
MJJC had around 14,000 members before June 25th.
and now we are over 19,000. There is alot of love on these boards..
I have to say I have enjoyed this forum from joining back in March. I miss getting new pix of MJ leaving the clinic SO much! and I feel for the fans who didn't experience that! But.. there will be more to come.. and hear what Michael said back in 2000 and 2008.

"The best is still yet to come!"
Generally speaking...and in all truth... let's all picture ourselves 1 year from now...

Are we going to stop coming here...? Are we no longer going to pay attention to all tabloids that are going to dig to get "michael's exclusive" if any... we probably all going to have a copy of this is it.... and then????

Then what... we meet all together once a year to celebrate him and all... and then????
I am afraid that since we no longer will have news from Michael in a weekly basis that we will fade.... that there is no hope, there is void and there is nothing....

I am sad, we all are, after even a promise to stick at together, is it the end of our family through the web? I am actually depressed over it.... time to move on after being a MJ fan for over 20 years? what now...

Once we all have all on dvd... there is nothing left to find on youtube...no news... beside maybe few "exclusive songs from the vault".... there won't be any new video or stuff to hear or see... then what??????????

This thread is depressive... i know, but that' s how I feel... Are we going to go separate ways? coming here less often?? is it happening step by step??


Wow, that's sad.
Honestly I haven't been thinking about this, at all. But now that you point it out.. I have no idea.
I don't think fans will stop being fans, I don't think the forum will loose most of his members. Of course, some of the subject will not be the same. We won't be talking about new pictures or next appearances, and that is so sad.

Nothing will ever be the same again, the energy and the feeling we get being here will not be the same but time will tell.

Since June 25th, Michael's fanbase has grown and grown. We will have to teach those new fans the truth and the beauty about the men he was.

We will have to support MJ's legacy on our shoulders and stay together, strong and proud.

Those days aren't gonna be easy, I'm pretty sure of that, I'll probably feel really empty (can I be more than I am now?) and maybe, on any subject discussed in threads, when we'll have told it all, we'll just stop... but I think there are gonna be so many new things about Michael, coming from unreleased, coming from the family, coming from books, that we will have many things to discuss, and don't forget his children, as much as we want them protected and safe and out the the spotlight, we still care for them and wantto know the are doing ok. Maybe in many years, Prince 1st or Paris will come with a book, telling all the truth about daddy. We don't know.

Well, that's it. I do understand how you feel about this, reading your text made me think about it a bit, it is sad, but we don't know what will happen, so let's just heal our wounds together now and wait for the future to come.

HUGS to you
Asking if its the end is kinda stupid.
Michael has a legacy that will never end. Im sure there will be a new album out eventually. Probs a DVD of a gig (other than TII).
His fans will last forever.
Mike is bigger than Elvis. Elvis still has things released today and hits #1.
There are still big things to come. Just upto to us to celebrate everything Michael, its our job to do so.
I will be visiting this place time after time until these conditions are met: all MJ's unreleased songs get released, BAD tour is released, I create MJ supporting web site. It won't happen in 5 years at least, I think. :D
Guys, what about 1958-FOREVER? That term was created by the very users of this forum, and it is our responsibility and privilege to uphold that truth :) There are so many ways to keep living with Michael's spirit in our lives... As mentioned, all the new releases. Secondly, those of us who will have kids in the coming years can let them grow up with Mike's songs, his music videos, his performances, his movies... and most importantly perhaps, his values! We can all continue his work to heal the world, just the way he would have wanted it. I for one am a very ambitious and hard-working girl, and Michael is my driving force. I plan to work my way up to a job where I can actually make a difference in the world, and if anyone ever asks me what my inspiration has been, I will tell them it was Michael, always Michael. This is my biggest dream since he passed.

And on the more negative side, there will always be the rumours, the lies, the bad press.. the HATERS. Let's continue to kick their ass, moonwalk-style :D
I would just like to say,my mum is 51 and became an Elvis fan when she was 14 and she is still a fan to this day! There is no reason why we should stop being fans, im sure there will be many,cd's,dvd's,unrelesed songs,unreleased footage,pictures,merchandise,books,tributes,musicals,parties etc to keep mj's legacy alive,not to mention family members i.e his children with lots of great stories to tell as they get older!!
I hate coming here now... all I see is death and a few quick typed lines can't heal this pain I'm in.

That's exactly how I feel...all I think about is death and I miss the old days so much, the excitment, the happines, the feeling of safety you had when you knew he was around...
now there's only darkness and depression
Like Michael sang Will you be there.
In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?

How this words sound so profound; Thats the way the song goes. We have to keep his legacy alive. Keep Michaeling. We need each other now more than ever :flowers:
MJ fans are not going to abandon him or not continue to lift up his legacy to others. Plus we will be watching over his children. I'm sure some may leave it all behind, but I'm not willing to do that ever. He deserves better from his fans .

Michael Jackson 1958-FOREVER

HERE BLOODY HERE! I will NOT abandon him, and I will NOT abandon all of us here. There have been many times when we could have abandoned him, but we stuck by his side. Through thick and thin, through life and death, I'll be there.
MJJC had around 14,000 members before June 25th.
and now we are over 19,000. There is alot of love on these boards..

excellent point.

well i sure as hell aint going nowhere....*pulls up chair, gets popcorn*
nice :D

Like Michael sang Will you be there.
In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?

How this words sound so profound; Thats the way the song goes. We have to keep his legacy alive. Keep Michaeling. We need each other now more than ever :flowers:
this is not the end. we have a new single coming out, a movie, and then an album to talk about over the next year. MichaelMania including this board will increase a lot over the next year to talk about it, and as the years go on, every now and then an collection of unreleased material will be released, for us to talk about. Over the years people who knew him will do interviews, and some will spread new rumours for us to all come here and talk about. One day another movie based on his life will be released.

and oh yeah isn't there a video game coming out too?
Hum, I don't think asking a question is stupid... that was a bit rude...

Sorry if that is your opinion then. Kinda twisted it to "a question" when I only refered to this question.
Didnt take a minute to think up why it wouldnt be the end shortly after TII though.
Its Michael Jackson though. How would things come to an end just coz This Is It a few other things have passed. Plus a year is a short amount of time. There will still be a big buzz on future releases. Wait and see. :)
Its still hard for me to face that MJ is no longer with us....

And its also hard for me to think that after all these years, the michaelmania that I've experienced coming to this board and just mingling with you all at some point may just end all too soon.

But as of now, I'll keep coming back and coming back......
It will never be the end for Michael Jackson, even if he is not physically with us anymore. He transcends time.
Guys, what about 1958-FOREVER? That term was created by the very users of this forum, and it is our responsibility and privilege to uphold that truth :) There are so many ways to keep living with Michael's spirit in our lives... As mentioned, all the new releases. Secondly, those of us who will have kids in the coming years can let them grow up with Mike's songs, his music videos, his performances, his movies... and most importantly perhaps, his values! We can all continue his work to heal the world, just the way he would have wanted it. I for one am a very ambitious and hard-working girl, and Michael is my driving force. I plan to work my way up to a job where I can actually make a difference in the world, and if anyone ever asks me what my inspiration has been, I will tell them it was Michael, always Michael. This is my biggest dream since he passed.

And on the more negative side, there will always be the rumours, the lies, the bad press.. the HATERS. Let's continue to kick their ass, moonwalk-style :D


Like Michael sang Will you be there.
In our darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?

Exactly. :cry: We'll still be there for him, ALWAYS, am I right?
and WE are to proove that this is not the end! If everyone would think that it's end, it would be for sure
So keep michaeling guys! :D
Honey, our love for Michael lasts for eternity. After This Is It we can still come here and be a family as we are now, loving Michael all together. A big hug for you. :hug:

Awwwwwww... :cry:
I know! We all are one big family and family sticks together, right? But what I mean is... that there's nothing to wait for... I will always be a fan, I will always love him, never abandon him! Never. But you see... there will be this huge hole... There's already a big one! Even though I stopped crying, my life feels so empty, It lost its sparkle :( I don't feel as happy as I used to feel before you-know-what.
I may have rediscovered him after his death, but I am not going anywhere.

His legacy will live on. New generations will discover him. He will be gaining new fans.

I wish he was still on this earth, happily living with his kids, but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. Now the only thing we can do is to keep his legacy alive.

And I hope and pray, someday, his accusers will grow a conscience, admit he didn't do anything wrong, it was a disgusting extortion attempt.
I will be here I'm not going anywhere.Michael will live on forever and new fans will discover him.And i believe there will be New Music as well.And we have to look out for his lovely children.Michael will always be with us.

Susannah xx