What Happens after TII? Is it the End?

MJ boards were fairly quiet from around 2006 up until the press conference in March 2009...

The horribly ironic thing is, there will be far more from MJ in the next five or ten years then we've had in the last ten years. In the last decade we've had one album, one video and two concerts (MSG) and all of that was eight years ago.

I'm sure his estate will be coming out with new CDs of music for at least the next ten years or so. He's supposed to have something like eight albums worth of unreleased material in his vaults. You just know that they're going to be milking that for years. And you have DVDs of the HIStory tour, Bad tour, Victory tour, Ghosts, One More Chance music video... and God knows what else...

I know it's not going to be the same without MJ there. I would've happily gone another 30 years with no new albums, no tours or anything, just knowing that MJ was healthy and happy with his kids. But it wasn't meant to be.

As for me, I could talk about MJ till I'm blue in the face. There's been pretty much zilch to get excited about in MJ Land from 2002-2008 but I've still visited the boards on a daily basis and gotten into some seriously heated and passionate debates. I'm a fan for life and am endlesslly fascinated by the life and times of Michael Jackson. That won't ever change.
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I thought about this too... I don't think we'll ever stop supporting Michael and we'll always come together. But it's true that TII will be the last thing made by Michael himself. All other things made by him were not planned to be released, except the new album.
But, Michael lives on in our hearts. He never dies. He will never be away. And so will we :) Don't let it get you down!

The sad thing is, like others have said, there will be more going on with michael now (musically) than there was in the last 10 years. My whole time as a fan (became a fan in 2001) has been spent watching Michael going on trial, releasing greatest hits, being in the news for mostly the wrong reasons. If the board managed to be active then, trust me, it will be even more active now. There are lots of new fans exploring his music, learning about it. There will be new music coming out all the time of Michaels. New footage, new books etc etc. The only thing that we will miss is Michael's presense and the occasional new photo of Michael shopping and getting mobbed by crazy fans lol. :-(
and......ughhh i can't type anymore. this is too depressing. i'll end this positively and say new generations will discover michael's magic and many will come to his number one forum and read through old posts. He will always be remembered, and forums dedicated to him will continue to stay alive.

co signed .
yes agree with all you said , you said it for me ,so.. thanxs
sorry, im weak today ..:timer::sigh:
If we all stick together this board and his legacy will never die.
There will be all these memories to talk about, we have to support his family and especially his precious kids.
They have to know that we're there for them like we were for their daddy.
Like others already said we will get more of his music which won't be put together on cd by Michael but hey he created those songs so it will still be his work we get to listen to.

I know it's hard but try to be positive we are Michaels family and we have to stay that way!
many people became fans in the period since invincible when there was no new music. many more have become fans since his death. michael will live forever. that is his greatest achievement.

You ain't seen nothin' yet. He will be with us, always...
For me personaly it will never end ! I will keep on celebrating and remembering Michael Jackson. The man is such an important factor in my life... He has teached me so much, and i will continue to live through his message.... I became a member in 2003 and it felt like a family, and finaly a place where we all understood Michael. Keeping his Legacy strong, is for us fans to continue to stay together...

I love Michael and I love the fans, and i'm thankfull to be part of this great family!
for me it was the end the day Michael DIED
now just I feel like ghost haunting these MJ forums in vain, looking for something that's not there anymore...I'm half dead inside
It will never be THE END. We have his amazing music to listen to our entire lives. His performances, his music videos, etc.

And have still have a NEW ALBUM coming out most likely next year, as well as many, many more songs from MJ that will be released in the years to come.
this makes me think depressive thoughts..
can't believe I wont ever meet or see him!
I can go to neverland and his LA house.. (allready did in july) but instead of bringing posters with: PLEASE LET ME HUG YOU,I LOVE YOU..hoping he'll come out..I'm bringing R.I.P messages, it's so sad :(
I've noticed I'm allready less online than before..and on MJ forums so I think for me it will slow down a huge amount (online) and just continue to support and be his fan thoughout my life listening to his usic and watch his videos.
that doesn't mean I'll never visit MJ fan forums though, sure I will but just less than before =/
no it's deffently not the end.
I hope, we'll continue the same things as we do.
the mjfan party's, talking about michael here and keeping in touch with everyone.

I can sure say for myself, that i'll never stop being a fan and i'll never stop doing what i do now..
so no, i don't hope it's the end
NO WAY! It's not the end, I'm sure.
And we are here to substantiate it!

The new mj album is coming out in 2010. This will be the musical event of the year and will be a huge buzz for the forums. I'm speaking to one of the people working on this new album so I know it's coming next year. Don't be worried guys. We are strong and dedicated and there is so much mj stuff to come for decades and decades. There is michaels kids, neverland, new music, tributes, parties, and more! Don't be depressed we will get through it together.
As I promised him, I will always be there for him, forever! As long as I am alive, I will be here with you! So no, this is not the end! This is just the beggining of a new era in our lives! Because Michael is here with us, in our hearts and souls! And he will forever be!

The sad thing is, like others have said, there will be more going on with michael now (musically) than there was in the last 10 years.My whole time as a fan (became a fan in 2001) has been spent watching Michael going on trial, releasing greatest hits, being in the news for mostly the wrong reasons.If the board managed to be active then, trust me, it will be even more active now. There are lots of new fans exploring his music, learning about it. There will be new music coming out all the time of Michaels. New footage, new books etc etc. The only thing that we will miss is Michael's presense and the occasional new photo of Michael shopping and getting mobbed by crazy fans lol. :-(

The same thing with me , felt like a alien because I became a fan at a weird time a negative time for him.
there will be a lot of music we never heard before.Michael had a lot of songs that didn't make it on the albums!but I miss him so much...
Ok, now I'm depressed.
I'll NEVER get over him and never stop loving him, but you're telling the TRUTH. After This Is It there's... nothing... :cry:
Ok, now I'm depressed.
I'll NEVER get over him and never stop loving him, but you're telling the TRUTH. After This Is It there's... nothing... :cry:

Honey, our love for Michael lasts for eternity. After This Is It we can still come here and be a family as we are now, loving Michael all together. A big hug for you. :hug:
Well i'm new here so I'll try to be active as much as I can but I personally have no interest in this is it I prefer DVD'S of the old stuff and i'll be happy .But I don't know we just have to continue living life it's sad michael isn't here =( I'm speechless I don't know what to tell you

I LOVE your signature sweetie it's really beautiful!

I feel so badly that after This Is It it will really be IT. I can't tell you HOW that makes me feel. Even though before he passed Michael wasn't always in the forefront of my mind, I guess there was a comfort in knowing that he was still AROUND and I could always count on an appearance or a song or some picture surfacing of him in some crazy disguise. But knowing that there will never again be any of that is like THE hardest thing ever.

I know though that I will continue to be around because there is still so much music and tour footage and other things for me to discover. Michael left an incredible catalog of work, songs, videos appearances, etc. and I will always want to see them over and over again and share them with friends.

I will also stick around because I HOPE and PRAY that eventually those responsible for Michael's death will be arrested, tried and hopefully convicted and sentenced and I know that if there are ANY people who will have that information and will dig DEEP to find the truth, just as they did during the trial - the SANE, RATIONAL members of this board will be here making sure Michael and his children receive justice - and I'll be here as well, reading and contributing where I can.
I'm not concerned at all. Michael Jackson will live on through and beyond our lives. These forums will continue forever. Just look at all the forums for Elvis, they are all still talking of new music, or who's the best performer, or when the next dvd release will be. And I do believe, now Michael's gone, there will be more album releases and dvd releases, than there was in the last 10 years. Just so ironic that it has to be that way.

I'll still be posting here for years to come or as long it stays.

Michael forever and ever.
After This is it we must all fight togehter for these DVD releases for a start:

Triumph Tour
Victory Tour
Bad 88 Tour
Dangerous 93 Tour

plus all the behind footage from each tour like rehearsals etc

The Invincible sessions on DVD. Rodney Jerkings has filmed Mike during the Invincible sessions.Hours and Hours of Mike on tape while recording Invincible.
A DVD release with a first time look of Mike working in the studio would be so awesome!
See folks we have a lot of work to do to get this awesome MJ DVDs released.
LOOOOL Cmon people, what is this?
I have been readin all posts now and im in chock!
I men we call ourself fans, BIG TRUE FANS, and now you thinking that this will be it?
That you will leave him and go on with your own life, and ...what??!?!

Man, im realy in chock, i know its a hard time 4 us, but if WE ALL DONT BELIVE, AND STICK TOGETHER , IT WILL BE "IT."

I mean c´mon, we will hear and see MUCH MORE from Our mike now then tha last 10 years...so i´ll think this thread is a little bit weird. If you are a fan then you know, and if you are a fan then you dont even think like this...

well... ill never stop go here and support mike, there will be 10000s of things out, and WHAT DO YOU KNOW??? WHAT DO WE KNOW?? HOW DO YOU KNOW HE HASNT LIKE 10 MUSIC VIDEOS READY, OR 5 ALBUMS READY , DVDs ETC ETC... WE DONT KNOW NOTHING!!
Oh, crap. I saw the thread title and realised I hadn't even thought about after TII, I'm not too concerned about the forum, I think it will always be a very lively place, people will always need help with mourning and the Macro Jackson thread must go on forever LOL. But, when I saw the thread title my mood just kinda, dropped, I mean it's just hit me, Mike's really gone. :(
Agree with this list -but please add Brett Ratner's interviews too.

After This is it we must all fight togehter for these DVD releases for a start:

Triumph Tour
Victory Tour
Bad 88 Tour
Dangerous 93 Tour

plus all the behind footage from each tour like rehearsals etc

The Invincible sessions on DVD. Rodney Jerkings has filmed Mike during the Invincible sessions.Hours and Hours of Mike on tape while recording Invincible.
A DVD release with a first time look of Mike working in the studio would be so awesome!
See folks we have a lot of work to do to get this awesome MJ DVDs released.
I haven't read all the replies in this thread.. because I know a lot of us will be saying the same thing and I don't have time at the moment to read them all... I know personally I will never be able to let Michael and the friends I've met though him go.. once you've listened to obsessed over the best.. you can't go back!
So my personal view... even if in one year its only me here! I'll still be here!

I hope everyone I've made friends with on this amazing forum and through Michael will stay too!!

Love you all! And love Michael forever!
I wouldn't worry for this place. I'm sure it will be here for a very long time to come. People will not forsake Michael and they will still come and talk. There'll be even new fans who will discover Michael years from now. There will be some new material published: music, books, concerts. This forum will be here for us till the end of Internet as we know it. That's my take on it.