What Happens after TII? Is it the End?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Miami, Fl
Generally speaking...and in all truth... let's all picture ourselves 1 year from now...

Are we going to stop coming here...? Are we no longer going to pay attention to all tabloids that are going to dig to get "michael's exclusive" if any... we probably all going to have a copy of this is it.... and then????

Then what... we meet all together once a year to celebrate him and all... and then????
I am afraid that since we no longer will have news from Michael in a weekly basis that we will fade.... that there is no hope, there is void and there is nothing....

I am sad, we all are, after even a promise to stick at together, is it the end of our family through the web? I am actually depressed over it.... time to move on after being a MJ fan for over 20 years? what now...

Once we all have all on dvd... there is nothing left to find on youtube...no news... beside maybe few "exclusive songs from the vault".... there won't be any new video or stuff to hear or see... then what??????????

This thread is depressive... i know, but that' s how I feel... Are we going to go separate ways? coming here less often?? is it happening step by step??

Well i'm new here so I'll try to be active as much as I can but I personally have no interest in this is it I prefer DVD'S of the old stuff and i'll be happy .But I don't know we just have to continue living life it's sad michael isn't here =( I'm speechless I don't know what to tell you
I've thought about it with this forum. I'm sure it will slow down quite a bit. There won't be any new releases to talk about and get excited about or any new pictures to fawn over. I'll never stop being a fan and loving him, listening to his music, defending him, etc. I'll make sure that my kids grow up hearing him and seeing his DVDs. I have quite a collection of things that I like to get out and look at now, so I'm sure I'll still do that too. I think things like Facebook and Myspace help to keep fans united with one another too. Maybe you could try to find some things you could purposely do to be sure that you keep in touch with others or post topics about Michael's music, videos, etc. over the years.
No its not the end
there will be more music and more footage
from Mjs vault - plus fans will continue to
pronote MJ and his videos on youtube and
meet each yr for celebrations of his legacy
MJ fans are not going to abanndon him or
not continue to lift up his legacy to others

Plus we will be watching over his children.

Im sure Some may leave it all behind
but Im not willing to do that ever
he deserves better from his fans

LONG LIVE THE KING _ Michael Jackson
1958-FOREVER -
i was thinking about this the other day....and then i stopped myself thinking i'd get depressed about it. I realize that the only thing fueling us are the headlines that come out everyday. But the media is slowing down and......ughhh i can't type anymore. this is too depressing. i'll end this positively and say new generations will discover michael's magic and many will come to his number one forum and read through old posts. He will always be remembered, and forums dedicated to him will continue to stay alive.
Okay, well, I have two things to say about this:

One - I'm a HUGE fan of the late WB show Roswell. (http://books.google.com/books?id=oW...#v=onepage&q="roswell fan phenomenon"&f=false) Roswell fans are as crazy/dedicated as MJ fans. It lasted for three seasons and was cancelled in 2002. The MJJC of Roswell is "The Crashdown." It's still updated daily and the forums are still hoppin' 24/7. Now, if an obscure TV show that only aired for three seasons can still have a fan base strong enough to generate conversation and updates...almost eight years later (!!!) then certainly *Michael Jackson* can do the same. =)

Two - I've only recently *really* discovered MJ. In the past three months, I've done so much research and learned so much, that I now know a lot more than a lot of people on here. However, there is still so much more out there! With a well-documented career spanning four decades long, I'm sure we haven't heard the half of it! This isn't just anyone we're talking about here! It's MJ! He won't ever get old. =) I mean, there are people posting on Beatles forums as we speak (and I'm sure it's not all Paul and Ringo talk. =P) I don't think anyone or anything is going anywhere anytime soon. Michael is still very much with us all.
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I only been here, I don't think people will stop coming here after This Is It. Sure maybe things might slow down but MJ would want us to stick together as one no matter what.
No its not the end
there will be more music and more footage
from Mjs vault - plus fans will continue to
pronote MJ and his videos on youtube and
meet each yr for celebrations of his legacy
MJ fans are not going to abanndon him or
not continue to lift up his legacy to others

Plus we will be watching over his children.

Im sure Some may leave it all behind
but Im not willing to do that ever
he deserves better from his fans

LONG LIVE THE KING _ Michael Jackson
1958-FOREVER -

Exactly... :yes:

We have to continue on his mission thats why these boards must stay here. Michael needs us we cant abandon him. I'll always love him and support him as much as I can!!!! :wub:
i was thinking about this too...because looking at the new threads these days..its mostly on the same stuff. no new news anymore really. its so sad because i love these forums and the fans that came here. michaels fans are like no other...i can't believe i discovered this forum after he died. i wish he never passed away...these forums would have been exciting for 30 more plus years (roughly, if he died of old age) if june 25th happened. its just so sad :no:.

BUT hopefully, i'm sure Gaz and the moderators etc, will keep its running and do a good job.
I really hope this forum doesn't fade. We have to keep loving him, and be united together, we have done it for so long, even when there was no new music.
Don't worry, I'll keep coming here even when I get old. LOLS! XD

I will never stopped being a MJ fan and I will never stopped spreading his legacy!
The estate will be bringing things out of the vault for release, and that's what people will come here to discuss.
The new mj album is coming out in 2010. This will be the musical event of the year and will be a huge buzz for the forums. I'm speaking to one of the people working on this new album so I know it's coming next year. Don't be worried guys. We are strong and dedicated and there is so much mj stuff to come for decades and decades. There is michaels kids, neverland, new music, tributes, parties, and more! Don't be depressed we will get through it together.
After This Is It, there's still Michael's final studio album. As much as I hate to say it, that will be the last new Michael Jackson product. Sure, there will be shirts, maybe more DVDs, re-releases, whatever. But nothing new from HIM.
The new mj album is coming out in 2010. This will be the musical event of the year and will be a huge buzz for the forums. I'm speaking to one of the people working on this new album so I know it's coming next year. Don't be worried guys. We are strong and dedicated and there is so much mj stuff to come for decades and decades. There is michaels kids, neverland, new music, tributes, parties, and more! Don't be depressed we will get through it together.

You sure sound great!!
The new mj album is coming out in 2010. This will be the musical event of the year and will be a huge buzz for the forums. I'm speaking to one of the people working on this new album so I know it's coming next year. Don't be worried guys. We are strong and dedicated and there is so much mj stuff to come for decades and decades. There is michaels kids, neverland, new music, tributes, parties, and more! Don't be depressed we will get through it together.

thank you for your positivity :)
After This Is It, there's still Michael's final studio album. As much as I hate to say it, that will be the last new Michael Jackson product. Sure, there will be shirts, maybe more DVDs, re-releases, whatever. But nothing new from HIM.

Actually there are 100's of songs in Mjs vaults
that were never released _ so we can have music
for years to come _ we still have much to look
forward to _ Michael's legacy has a good future
I hope fans will try and enjoy what he has left us
The new mj album is coming out in 2010. This will be the musical event of the year and will be a huge buzz for the forums. I'm speaking to one of the people working on this new album so I know it's coming next year. Don't be worried guys. We are strong and dedicated and there is so much mj stuff to come for decades and decades. There is michaels kids, neverland, new music, tributes, parties, and more! Don't be depressed we will get through it together.

really!!!! omg exciting!!!
No im not worried really Michaels legacy will last forever..
The thing I will miss though is the daily news threads. Mods have done such a good job every day making those.
Actually there are 100's of songs in Mjs vaults
that were never released _ so we can have music
for years to come _ we still have much to look
forward to _ Michael's legacy has a good future
I hope fans will try and enjoy what he has left us

I am aware. I mean...his next album will be the last thing HE planned himself. Yeah, he made other music, but he didn't build them into an album, Sony will. He'll have nothing to do with the building, with the promo, or the release. With the next album, he made, built, and quite possibly had everything already planned. Just waiting for Sony to release it.
I definitely know I'll keep stayin' on here, probably forever!!lol I can not get enough of MJ!!
The new mj album is coming out in 2010. This will be the musical event of the year and will be a huge buzz for the forums. I'm speaking to one of the people working on this new album so I know it's coming next year. Don't be worried guys. We are strong and dedicated and there is so much mj stuff to come for decades and decades. There is michaels kids, neverland, new music, tributes, parties, and more! Don't be depressed we will get through it together.

:wild: Gosh,breaking news!!

The estate will be bringing things out of the vault for release, and that's what people will come here to discuss.

yeah,i think so.more tour dvds might be released one day.maybe BAD Wembley ??^^
nope, after This is It, we need to make sure that justice is served for Michael...
Dont get depressed. We will all be here for him. The true fans will stay forever. Why the saddness? We have his children to look forward to and support.. Cheer up guys..Or else we will all start crying once more..
I do not think this board would ever loose fans, just think before Michael died when last did he release an album.? Yes it was '01, that was what nine years ago? But we never stopped comeing here to talk about him did we? Yes it is true some may say that we had new sightings of him going to the store or the doctor and so on, but i believe that just like your old family photos you dragg out every now and then we will be doing the same with MJ.

Elvis and the Beatles are not around anymore but we always talk about them and they still have fan. When Tupac and biggy died they were still being talked about and still had a fan base. Why not for the most Famous entertainer ever?

It is sad to say but the truth is we fans have been following Michael in the last nine years when the majority of stories coming out about him were negative. There is a probe going on, on his death and even though it is negative we are gonna be staying abreast probally for maybe 2, or 3 years of a court case or trial or whatever.

We have his family Katherine we will hope she stays around to raise those kids at leat untill they are adults. Joe we will see how long he stays around, and whole rest of them.
And I am a dreamer and ever since these allegations came out I have been praying to god that one day Michael is truly vindicated and maybe some how one or these two accuser come out and tell the truth. Just think about happy we would be and how much we would have to say about that.

And of course the new music to come, as some you fans have already alluded to.There is NO way this board will ever get bored not with an artist like MJ. Maybe slow down but it will never become obselete, thats for sure.
Well, when MJ was alive before the TII and etc. we would just talk about his influence, accomplishments and much more! MJ's legacy still lives on so there's a lot to talk about. Just stay positive! :)
I can only speak for myself, but I know I will always be a Michael fan, even if there's nothing else to come from him.
To me, this is not it. To me, this never will be it.
i wouldnt be worried about that
Michael's legacy is extremely rich and will never stop

hey i'm a fan of old TV series of 1983 Robin of Sherwood - and there are no news at all. just 13 series and that's it. but we have a huge forum and people keep coming back every day just to chat. i mean it's just a movie. and if you think Michael Jackson you will understand that it's endless. we didnt have much news after 2005 so what?

it's not about news, it's all about the athmosphere. i will be coming here just to fell his presence in lives of others. so i know i'm not alone