US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Re: US Presidential Election

I hope if there's another debate schedules between Obama and Clinton, they ask something about women's rights. Or something to do with children. That'll shut everyone up who says she's a heartless drone.
a debate is set up in about 2 weeks time i think and i'm sure they'll be questioning her integrity more than anything.

When it comes to women's rights, children's rights and healthcare, she is so passionate.
which brings us to...

Hillary Clinton Schedules Show Drop in Policy Role After Healthcare Failure

March 19 (Bloomberg) -- Hillary Clinton's daily schedules show that her formal policy role in the presidency of her husband, Bill Clinton, shrunk once Congress shelved the health- care plan she helped craft in the administration's first two years.

The 11,046 pages of daily schedules released by the Clinton Presidential Library show that her days became filled with the more traditional, ceremonial events attended by first ladies instead of policy meetings after Congress in 1994 killed her plan to guarantee every American access to health insurance.

In campaigning for the Democratic presidential nomination, Clinton says the experience she gained in her husband's administration prepared her to be president on ``day one.'' Clinton, a New York senator, argues that her travel and meetings with foreign leaders give her a deeper foreign-policy resume than Democratic rival Barack Obama. She has questioned the Illinois senator's fitness to be commander in chief.

Re: US Presidential Election

The next debate should be very interesting. There's a lot of questions. Obama will no doubt be asked about Jeremiah Wright.
Re: US Presidential Election

which will only lead to the ingenious platform he set up for himself in The Speech.
Re: US Presidential Election

Do you think he's remain calm and reserved or get annoyed and frustrated if they question him about Jeremiah Wright?
Re: US Presidential Election

well he knows he hit the right keys with the sentiments of his speech so i'm sure he'll remain calm and go with the flow.
Re: US Presidential Election

But I still think he'll try to move on from the question and remind the people conducting the debate that he's addressed the issue already.
Re: US Presidential Election

i'm not arguing against that. he definitely wants to end this on a high and unfortunately the right wing media are not going to end it there at all. so the questions are still highly likely to come up. but he already settled his damage control two nights ago and could just refer back to it.
Re: US Presidential Election

there are two lined up
Obama, Clinton plan Philadelphia debate
WASHINGTON // Democratic Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton plan to debate in Philadelphia next month before Pennsylvania's primary, their presidential campaigns said yesterday. ABC News will host the debate on a date still to be determined. Pennsylvania voters go to the polls April 22 for the primary, a contest with 158 delegates at stake. Obama also has agreed to a matchup April 19 hosted by CBS News in North Carolina, his campaign said. North Carolina has 115 delegates up for grabs in its May 6 primary. CBS News said it was awaiting word on whether Clinton would participate.
Re: US Presidential Election

I hope they ask some interesting questions in this coming debate. I've found all the debates so far to be pretty tame in their line of questioning and like for the candidates to be really challenged by the questions they are asked for a change.
Re: US Presidential Election

I think it was a cheap tactic. Because Americans are very sentimental when it comes to their flag. So Obama just stuck some flags behind to emote that sentimentality in the American people. He knew what he was doing. It wasn't anything more than a cheap tactic. You can disguise it as political stagecraft, but that's just a fancy term for a cheap tactic, lol. I don't like it when any politician gives a speech in front of flags because it's not necessary and is only done because it's a foolproof way to capture the hearts of the people. In any country, the only person that should give a speech in front of the flag of that country, is the president/prime minister/whatever.

In fairness, Obama sort of has to overcompensate regarding the appearance of his patriotism so as not to offend (read: provide ammo to) the right wing patriot-fanatics (read: patriot nazis) who have criticized him for things like not wearing a flag pin and having a picture taken during the national anthem (NOT the pledge of allegiance) without his hand over his heart.

I am not an Obama supporter, I don't support anyone at this point. But the level of attacks against him for trivial, petty, and downright offensive things (like his middle name) make me disgusted. I think now thanks to these kind of people, Obama has to sport US flags wherever he goes just so he wont be swiftboated for it by those who are looking for anything they can to smear him.
Re: US Presidential Election

Clinton takes lead over Obama in Gallup poll

1 hour, 10 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has moved into a significant lead over Barack Obama among Democratic voters, according to a new Gallup poll.

The March 14-18 national survey of 1,209 Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters gave Clinton, a New York senator, a 49 percent to 42 percent edge over Obama, an Illinois senator. The poll has an error margin of 3 percentage points.

The poll was a snapshot of current popular feeling, but Clinton trails Obama in the state-by-state contest which began in January to select a nominee to face presumptive Republican nominee John McCain in the November election to succeed President George W. Bush.

The nominees are formally chosen by delegates at the parties' conventions in the summer.
Gallup said the poll lead was the first statistically significant one for Clinton since a tracking poll conducted February 7-9, just after the Super Tuesday primaries. The two candidates had largely been locked in a statistical tie since then, with Obama last holding a lead over Clinton in a March 11-13 poll.

Gallup said polling data also showed McCain leading Obama 47 percent to 43 percent in 4,367 registered voters' preferences for the general election. The general election survey has an error margin of 2 percentage points.

The Arizona senator also edged Clinton 48 percent to 45 percent but Gallup said the lead was not statistically significant.

(Reporting by David Morgan, editing by Vicki Allen)
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Re: US Presidential Election

You all do know that Bill Clinton has associated himself with Reverend Wright quite a few times before as well, right?

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Re: US Presidential Election

Im pulling for Obama! His words are powerful, and he can make a huge impact on America. He is a great speaker, and wants Change for the better. He wants to fulfill the American Dream. I hope he wins! Its also seems Hilary has been mad slander like, these pas monts.
Re: US Presidential Election

You all do know that Bill Clinton has associated himself with Reverend Wright quite a few times before as well, right?


Oh wow, who would've thought...

This just keeps gets crazier and crazier.
Re: US Presidential Election

You all do know that Bill Clinton has associated himself with Reverend Wright quite a few times before as well, right?


didnt know that. Funny how certain things are talked about and other things aren't.
Re: US Presidential Election

^ ur right. Hopefully that's not the case. I have hope that a big majority of the country would have learned their lesson after the last 8 years, and rather some real change over another Bush clone lol

i don't think america is ready for this because they are inundated with fear. fear is still the great divide between race and gender in this country. it is truly the most backward country in the world. the rest of the world is ahead of them..has progressed past america. every time i hear talk shows, sports, politics..entertainment, you name it..i can hear the great divide..and it's definitely based on fear...each side feels they don't know enough about the other side...and there is just fear. gang violence is up...and the media loves to stereotype...and they do it in such a subtle way, that i don't even think they know that they are in denial. the fabric of the united states makes it hard for me to think that this whole campaign is nothing more than a smokescreen. after all, it's not the first time that women and people of color have tried to run for high office in this country.

whatever anyone is thinking about issue based you said..when it's time for the rubber to hit the road...i think voters will get cold feet.
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Re: US Presidential Election

Governor Bill Richardson just endorsed Obama.
"I believe he is the kind of once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America's moral leadership in the world"
OBAMA'S SPEECH MAKES YOUTUBE HISTORY...Barack Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech is the most popular video in the world today, drawing an unusual 1.2 million full views in its first 24 hours on YouTube – double the views of the next most popular clips. YouTube only counts visitors who watch an entire video, so hundreds of thousands of additional visitors probably watched part of the 37-minute address.

While commentators and Democratic leaders predict that "A More Perfect Union" will ultimately be seen as a historic contribution to American race relations, it is already making history in YouTube politics. At this pace, it will be the most watched contemporary political speech in Internet history. In about a day, it is already the second most viewed item on Obama's innovative YouTube channel, which boasts 810 videos and 13 million channel views. (For comparison, that is nine times the views of Clinton's channel and 21 times the views for the McCain channel.)

Obama's all-time top video, a 4-minute response to President Bush's State of the Union recorded exclusively for YouTube, ultimately drew 1.3 million views. An Obama aide tells The Nation that video took about two weeks to reach one million views -- this longer Philadelphia address broke one million views in a single day, with visitors voting it the top rated and most "favorited" video on YouTube. And over at, an excerpt of Obama's speech was also the most popular clip, drawing over 360,000 views.
Re: US Presidential Election

Rush Limbaugh should be INDICTED and CONVICTED of VOTE TAMPERING and VOTE FRAUD...

Rush Limbaugh encourages VOTER FRAUD!!

I am joining a class action about this....

There are LAWS against this. And ANYONE who actually DID this at his urging ALSO should be SUED!!


Will Rush Limbaugh Be Indicted for Voter Fraud?

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet. Posted March 21, 2008.

As Ohio election officials investigate illegal crossover voting in the 2008 primary, questions arise on Limbaugh's role.


As the board of election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, where Cleveland is located, launches an investigation into illegal crossover voting in the state's 2008 presidential primary, a big open question remains unanswered: Will county officials go after the ringleaders of apparently illegal electioneering where thousands of Republican voters swore -- under penalty of law -- allegiance to the Democratic Party in order to vote for Hillary Clinton?

In case you missed it, Rush Limbaugh, the nation's top-rated talk radio host, was urging Republicans in Texas and Ohio to skip their party's primary on March 4 and instead cast a vote for Hillary Clinton in order to prolong the fight between her and Barack Obama. And that Tuesday, as media in both states reported, thousands of Republicans did just what Limbaugh and others had suggested -- they changed parties to vote for Clinton.

"I want Hillary to stay in this, Laura," Limbaugh told Laura Ingraham on Feb. 29, near the start of his Hillary crusade. "This is too good a soap opera. We need Barack Obama bloodied up politically, and it's obvious that the Republicans are not going to do it and don't have the stomach for it, as you probably know."

And on Wednesday, the day after the Ohio primary, Fox News asked Clinton if she owed Limbaugh a thank you. "Be careful what you wish for, Rush," she replied. Later that day, Limbaugh played the Fox tape on his show and said, "How do you interpret this, folks? She could have said thank you. She could have said thank you! In fact, I was expecting in her victory speech last night to be thanked.

"I helped give Mrs. Clinton the biggest and happiest moment and night of the campaign season so far, maybe her life, and she tells me, "Be careful what you wish for, Rush"? Why, that sounds like a threat, does it not? I've got a Democrat presidential candidate threatening your host. Why, I am stunned! After all I did ..."

While this all makes for great talk radio and sounds like fun, there is one catch: What Limbaugh encouraged Republican voters to do in Ohio was a fifth-degree felony in that state, punishable with a $2,500 fine and six to 12 months in jail. That is because in order to change party affiliation in Ohio, voters have to fill out a form swearing allegiance to that party's principles "under penalty of election falsification."

On Thursday, March 20, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported that the "Cuyahoga County Board of Election has launched an investigation that could lead to criminal charges against voters who maliciously switched parties for the March 4 presidential primary." According to the report, "One voter scribbled the following addendum to his pledge as a new Democrat: "For one day only."

"Such an admission amounts to voter fraud," the report continued, attributing that conclusion to BOE member Sandy McNair, a Democrat. The report said the four-member board -- two Democrats and two Republicans -- had yet to vote on whether it would issue subpoenas, although Ohio's secretary of state, Democrat Jennifer Brunner, is empowered to cast tie-breaking votes when the BOE is deadlocked.
An addendum - Forget the PRIEST and CONFESSION if you did this. You are answerable to the LAW...
Re: US Presidential Election

This rev. thing is thrown way out of paportion.. Every has been assosiated with people that would not look good in public eye..

I have family that are criminals, Yes I visit and spend time with them anyways..

How many of us have had a friend that has been in trouble with the law, and/or been looked down upon my people..

Has anyone looked up to someone with many flaws?? I have...
A human has many more demensions to them than just that 'bad' things about a person..

Take this for example.. I think Melcolm X has done many great things, he should be looked up to by everyone.. NOW!! I disagree MANY things he said and did. Especially before his pilgrimage to Mecca. He had many flaws. Many of the things he said, I did not agree with.. But he is inspirational, and in many positive ways..

Should I be ashamed of it? NO!
Re: US Presidential Election

Take this for example.. I think Melcolm X has done many great things, he should be looked up to by everyone.. NOW!! I disagree MANY things he said and did. Especially before his pilgrimage to Mecca. He had many flaws. Many of the things he said, I did not agree with.. But he is inspirational, and in many positive ways..

Should I be ashamed of it? NO!

that's a great example and i used it in the previous elections thread but you know everyone will ignore such reasoning from the media, to many republicans and even some democrats.
Re: US Presidential Election

You all do know that Bill Clinton has associated himself with Reverend Wright quite a few times before as well, right?


haha yeah it's such hypocrisy.. and it gets funnier

Re: US Presidential Election

Take this for example.. I think Melcolm X has done many great things, he should be looked up to by everyone.. NOW!! I disagree MANY things he said and did. Especially before his pilgrimage to Mecca. He had many flaws. Many of the things he said, I did not agree with.. But he is inspirational, and in many positive ways..

Should I be ashamed of it? NO!

that is a GREAT example. Kudos ! :punk:
Re: US Presidential Election


People can just make 'evil' out of anything and everything.. Anything can be twisted.