US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Re: US Presidential Election

I just got this email. The Clinton campaign is really pushing for Pennsylvania.

Dear Robert,

The Obama campaign is already on the air with their first ad in Pennsylvania, putting their fundraising advantage to work. They're going to spend every dollar they've got to end this race in Pennsylvania, and we can't let that happen.

In Texas and Ohio, your incredible support kept us competitive, and today this race is close thanks to what you did for Hillary.

Now the Obama campaign is going to do everything they can to try to beat Hillary in Pennsylvania. They're going to try to outspend us 3-1 on the air -- and their first ads are already up and running.

We cannot let them have that advantage. Hillary needs your help now to level the playing field in Pennsylvania and beyond.

Contribute now to help Hillary win.

You and I trust Hillary to lead America in a bold new direction -- to fix the problems George Bush leaves behind and to accomplish goals we once thought were out of reach.

Hillary is trusting us to make sure she has the resources she needs to win. We need to get up on the air in Pennsylvania to match Obama's spending, and Hillary is depending on you to help.

We can't let this race be decided by a fundraising advantage.

Contribute now to level the playing field in Pennsylvania and beyond.

With your help, Hillary can win in Pennsylvania on April 22 and go all the way to the White House. It all depends on what you do today, so please act now to help Hillary win.


Bill Clinton
Re: US Presidential Election

Whoa. I didn't realise what was shown here, on Australian TV, of Obama's speech, was shortened. I just read the transcript of his entire speech. Geez Louise! That guy can go on. What was shown on Australian TV was more of a best bits thing. Did anyone watch it live? How long did it go for? I'm guessing around an hour.
Re: US Presidential Election

seemed like 5 to me

Re: US Presidential Election

I don't want to wish anything bad upon Obama, but history shows that men like him don't left long. Lincoln, Kennedy. He gets compared to them in his speech making. But will he have the same fate as these guys? I've heard so many people say Obama's way to popular to avoid a fate like Lincoln's or Kennedy's, and I unfortunately agree. I hope his security is tight when he becomes president. It will have to be.

Well just because he's good enough to be considered a revolutionary person (which is a good thing)..doesn't mean u gotta be cynical about it LOL. Obama knows the risk he's taking by being revolutionary, and if he suffers the same fate that those people u mentioned did, his death would definitely mean a lot for the country as did the Kennedy's and Lincolns.

Just cuz there's a possibility of him suffering that fate doesn't mean u shouldn't support the truth and what was right. And that speech was the truth, and he MEANT ever word of it. There's no evidence to prove otherwise. There was no advisor to tell him what to do...if there was he would have told him to sweep the reverend under the rug and DENOUNCE him and never talk well about him ever again. That's what any political adviser would tell him. But Obama knew that wasn't RIGHT and he knew that behind the Reverend controversy there was a deeper issue at hand, and he pulled it right out. Like he said, u can't just take an issue like that, and seep it under the rug, but sweeping the PERSON under the rug.

And for that I think its a stretch to say that he secured the nomination, because as great and as bigger of a route he choose to take, he did take the UNPOPULAR route. people are still very closed minded, still bigots too...and still don't understand race. They are still gonna connect OBama to the lil soundbites played over and over of the pastor....and that might COST him the nomination. But at this point, like i said, if that is what does him in, the America isn't ready for real change.
Re: US Presidential Election

There's no evidence to prove otherwise. There was no advisor to tell him what to do...if there was he would have told him to sweep the reverend under the rug and DENOUNCE him and never talk well about him ever again. That's what any political adviser would tell him.
funny you should say that... Wolf Blitzer said that Obama's team advised him against making the speech.

But Obama knew that wasn't RIGHT and he knew that behind the Reverend controversy there was a deeper issue at hand, and he pulled it right out. Like he said, u can't just take an issue like that, and seep it under the rug, but sweeping the PERSON under the rug.

And for that I think its a stretch to say that he secured the nomination, because as great and as bigger of a route he choose to take, he did take the UNPOPULAR route. people are still very closed minded, still bigots too...and still don't understand race. They are still gonna connect OBama to the lil soundbites played over and over of the pastor....and that might COST him the nomination. But at this point, like i said, if that is what does him in, the America isn't ready for real change.
they really are. on American TV, many democrats are reporting that they've forgotten about it and showing Bush's bullshit speech on how Iraq is a "victory" than Obama's historic message.
Re: US Presidential Election

His speech was laughable. "I will no more disown my pastor than disown the black community."

Obama is just the black candidate now. That's not belittling him or his race; he just can no longer be taken seriously as he is a shady, hypocritical, and naive politician.
Re: US Presidential Election

seemed like 5 to me


Hahahaaha! Look at his wife's face. Maybe for the first time, she's proud of her husband? Lmfao!

Murtha pledges support for Clinton:

Rep. John Murtha on Tuesday became the first superdelegate to endorse Sen. Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination since the Ohio and Texas primaries March 4.
Murtha, a decorated Vietnam veteran from Johnstown, caused an uproar on Capitol Hill in 2005 by calling for an end to the war in Iraq. He released a statement saying Clinton has "a similar position" on the conflict.

He called Clinton "the candidate that will forge a consensus on health care, education, the economy and the war in Iraq."

Murtha, chairman of the appropriations subcommittee that controls defense spending, said he has known Clinton for 15 years.
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Re: US Presidential Election

Wow :huh:

See? Reason why that speech didn't secure his nomination ^^^

The ONLY reason Obama gave this speech is cuz the media pushed this whole reverend Wright thing. He wouldn't need to speak about race at all if people weren't so insistent on making something out of nothing. Yes, like Obama just got up one morning and said "hmm I think I'll give a speech about race and politics today, just cuz I feel like it". If the media is drawing attention to his race, he can't just IGNORE what he is, when he's speaking about it. He told it like it IS. WHat do u expect him to do? LOL

And did u understand the meaning of that line: "I will no more disown my pastor than disown the black community." ? Did u listen to the whole speech? Can u tell me how he's naive, shady, and hypocritical....beyond just throwing labels around? LOL
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Re: US Presidential Election

seemed like 5 to me


Wow :huh:

See? Reason why that speech didn't secure his nomination ^^^

The ONLY reason Obama gave this speech is cuz the media pushed this whole reverend Wright thing. He wouldn't need to speak about race at all if people weren't so insistent on making something out of nothing.

And did u understand the meaning of that line: "I will no more disown my pastor than disown the black community." ? Did u listen to the whole speech? Can u tell me how he's naive, shady, and hypocritical....beyond just throwing labels around? LOL

Oh yes, I listened to it. And he was ridiculous. He maligned his own, still-living, grandmother, and deemed her a racist!

Obama is obviously a liar. As a member of the Trinity Church for 20 years, he is NOW "appalled" at the comments?

He kisses medias' ass.
Re: US Presidential Election

U obviously didn't listen very carefully because he didn't deem her as a racist...nor did he deem the pastor as a racist. He made clear that people who have LEGIT concerns about the opposite race, does NOT equal racism. These issues that are being expressed with anger are REAL.

And if u LISTENED carefully, he said that there were many things over the years, politically that his pastor said that he has disagreed with and were appalled with. Doesn't mean that he should DISOWN this guy because of his LEGIT concerns and ANGER about race (the man, as Obama said, harbored anger that he felt when living during the HEART of the civil rights movement) But the parts of a person doesn't make up the whole. and if Obama knew this man...knew MORE than the soundbites of anger displayed on television...then yes it makes since that he stayed with the church. Just like Oprah did. Obviously the church is more than just outbursts of anger. Obviously the MAN, the REVEREND, is MORE than just outburst of anger.

He also said that if he heard JUST the soundbites played in the media over and over again, then YES...he'd be appalled.

Hahaha i'm so weak. LOL
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Re: US Presidential Election

Lol lol :lol:

I think we all need to keep one of those in our pockets.:lol:

*hands out troll detectors*

this WUM only signed up to troll this thread and run away and come back, troll again, and run away LOL

funny thing is they probably don't realise they're an asset for the Obama campaign.
Re: US Presidential Election

*hands out troll detectors*

this WUM only signed up to troll this thread and run away and come back, troll again, and run away LOL

funny thing is they probably don't realise they're an asset for the Obama campaign.

You help bolster the Clinton campaign with your stupidity :)
Re: US Presidential Election

^ quod erat demonstrandum
Re: US Presidential Election

and now, a word from Reverend Mike Huckabee....

HUCKABEE: "...[Obama] made the point, and I think it's a valid one, that you can't hold the candidate responsible for everything that people around him may say or do. You just can't. Whether it's me, whether it's Obama, or anybody else... Sermons, after all, are rarely written word for word by pastors like Reverend Wright, who are delivering them extemporaneously, and caught up in the emotion of the moment. There are things that sometimes get said, that if you put them on paper and looked at them in print, you'd say "Well, I didn't mean to say it quite like that."

"...And one other thing I think we've gotta remember. As easy as it is for those of us who are white, to look back and say "That's a terrible statement!"... I grew up in a very segregated south. And I think that you have to cut some slack -- and I'm gonna be probably the only Conservative in America who's gonna say something like this, but I'm just tellin' you -- we've gotta cut some slack to people who grew up being called names, being told "you have to sit in the balcony when you go to the movie. You have to go to the back door to go into the restaurant. And you can't sit out there with everyone else. There's a separate waiting room in the doctor's office. Here's where you sit on the bus..." And you know what? Sometimes people do have a chip on their shoulder and resentment. And you have to just say, I probably would too. I probably would too. In fact, I may have had more of a chip on my shoulder had it been me."
Re: US Presidential Election

and now, a word from Reverend Mike Huckabee....

HUCKABEE: "...[Obama] made the point, and I think it's a valid one, that you can't hold the candidate responsible for everything that people around him may say or do. You just can't. Whether it's me, whether it's Obama, or anybody else... Sermons, after all, are rarely written word for word by pastors like Reverend Wright, who are delivering them extemporaneously, and caught up in the emotion of the moment. There are things that sometimes get said, that if you put them on paper and looked at them in print, you'd say "Well, I didn't mean to say it quite like that."

"...And one other thing I think we've gotta remember. As easy as it is for those of us who are white, to look back and say "That's a terrible statement!"... I grew up in a very segregated south. And I think that you have to cut some slack -- and I'm gonna be probably the only Conservative in America who's gonna say something like this, but I'm just tellin' you -- we've gotta cut some slack to people who grew up being called names, being told "you have to sit in the balcony when you go to the movie. You have to go to the back door to go into the restaurant. And you can't sit out there with everyone else. There's a separate waiting room in the doctor's office. Here's where you sit on the bus..." And you know what? Sometimes people do have a chip on their shoulder and resentment. And you have to just say, I probably would too. I probably would too. In fact, I may have had more of a chip on my shoulder had it been me."
Thanks. I was too lazy to listen to the video of him. What he says is very true and I DO think we need to factor people's experiences into their responses.
Re: US Presidential Election

what Huckabee and others are now saying (and their realism) has been opened up by Obama and this is the true genius of his message last night.
Re: US Presidential Election

Oh snap! Someone clicked the ban button!
Re: US Presidential Election

mod @ work
Re: US Presidential Election

He was an obvious troll so before anyone starts with the censorship thing, don't. Now rock on and have a spirited debate and discussion!
Re: US Presidential Election

what Huckabee and others are now saying (and their realism) has been opened up by Obama and this is the true genius of his message last night.
I remember Bill Clinton trying to open up a dialog when he was in office with his town hall meetings. Remember that? Obama is in a much better position to make that work however and the directness and courage of his work was outstanding.

You probably can't tell from my prior posts but I am actually a Hillary supporter. I am upset with the way the media has bashed her and portrayed her. I use Drudge as a link to other news sources and routinely see unflattering pictures and captions of her on his site. There is constant comment about the way she looks or dresses as opposed to discussion of her policies. It disheartens me because I do believe it says that the US is not ready yet to accept a woman in power. I think that the media slant on her has as much to do with Obama's gain as Obama's impressiveness (and yes he does continue to amaze me and I would hope that he would be president some day) because they are both excellent candidates.

It was a tough choice for me this time but at least a choice between two good candidates.
Re: US Presidential Election

Oh ****. I can't see Clinton and Obama on a ticket together because who are you going to choose as what but what if it is the only way to guarantee a Democrastic win?

McCain leads Obama by 6, Clinton by 8 in Reuters/Zogby Poll

The latest Reuters/Zogby national poll gives Republican Sen. John McCain leads over both his potential Democratic rivals for the White House.
He's ahead of Obama by 46%-40% and ahead of Clinton 48%-40%.
Zogby says the survey of 1,004 "likely" voters was done March 13-14, and has a margin of error of +/- 3.2 percentage points. So, McCain's lead over Clinton is "outside" the margin of error, but his lead over Obama is not. In the matchup against Obama, McCain's support might be as low as 42.8% (since 46-3.2=42.8) and Obama's support might be as high as 43.2% (since 40+3.2=43.2).
Our standard reminder on all posts about polls, especially when there are nearly eight months to go before Election Day: Polls are snapshots of current public opinion, not forecasts for what will happen when people vote.
Update at 1:05 p.m. ET: Rasmussen Reports' "daily tracking poll" gives McCain a 48%-42% lead over Obama and a 49%-43% lead over Clinton.

Posted by Mark Memmott at 11:11 AM/ET, March 19, 2008 in Democrats, Polls, Presidential race, 2008, Republicans | Permalink
Re: US Presidential Election

geez. THat's not good.

OMG ya'll should watch the Daily Show...Jon Stewart did a HILARIOUS sketch about Obama's speech...omggg lol
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Re: US Presidential Election

i commend your unbiased thoughts on this, eternitys_child.

You probably can't tell from my prior posts but I am actually a Hillary supporter. I am upset with the way the media has bashed her and portrayed her. I use Drudge as a link to other news sources and routinely see unflattering pictures and captions of her on his site. There is constant comment about the way she looks or dresses as opposed to discussion of her policies.
It disheartens me because I do believe it says that the US is not ready yet to accept a woman in power.
there is blatant left/centre media bias for Obama. most of the major online sources for lefties (Huffington,, Daily Kos, Democratic Underground etc.) have virtually endorsed him. but Matt Drudge is not to be taken seriously.. his site has always been that way and does not reflect the otherwise respectful attitude and non-sexist views of respectable media. well i say non-sexist - as in no more sexist than they are racist if we're talking about what America is ready for.