*UPDATED* Star Gazing Together - Aug 29th

I was star gazing at 10.30 last night too.
I have to say it was one of the most spiritual things I have ever done.I felt such a strong connection to the world around us.It was really like nothing else mattered except for that moment.
I really thought I would cry but I didn't, it was just an amazing over whelming feeling of love and belonging.
I sat on my back door step and it was quite cloudy at first (just a few stars visable) but then the clouds started to clear and by the middle of "Cry" there ws a huge circle in the middle of the sky which was just full of stars.It was just as if the clouds had parted over my house and formed a huge circle around the stars.There was one star that was shining so bright.
I had first noticed this star on the eveing when it was officilly anounced that it was... well you know what.
I was really upset that night and was crying when I put my dogs out in the garden, I just happened to look up and see it brightly shining away.
And yes it was the same star last night in exactly the same position.The brightest star of all,
Michaels star :)

Thankyou so much for such an amazing experience :hug:
It was just magical listening to Cry and gazing up at the stars..all alone and so connected with everyone else.
Lets do this every year on MJ's birthday!!! Please!! Please!!

I felt the same way.

and YES...let's all do this every year!! It was such a beautiful experience ... and would be a beautiful tradition.
did i miss this last night or it wasn't on t.v :thinking: i'm confused :yes:

No TV.
This was a on your own tribute to Michael.
People went outside at 10:30 PM and looked up at the stars and listened to Michael's song Cry.
It was very nice :)
No TV.
This was a on your own tribute to Michael.
People went outside at 10:30 PM and looked up at the stars and listened to Michael's song Cry.
It was very nice :)

ooh :lol: i just through is was about stard getting together :toofunny: :lol:

thanks know i know stars in the sky :lol::doh: :smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes::doh:
but I ended up connecting with you guys, and what felt like everyone around the world. I could just FEEL our togetherness...in the sense that we are all connected and all one. I felt like you guys were here with me rather than in separate places all over the globe, because we each have one other in the energies that make up our souls.

That was so beautifully said! And exactly what Michael was talking about in so many of his song lyrics. “You´re just another part of me” “ cause we´re all the same. Yes the blood inside of me is inside of you”

Yes, let´s definitely do this again next year!
when i got balloons i let it fly in the sky and i saw happy bday MJ in heaven i hope you like your balloons i hope theu get to heaven that you can see :D
Did it too, was wonderful, but here it was raining but I didn't care seeing no stars... I went to a park, went under a huge tree, and listened to MJ songs and felt the connection with you guys.

Let's do this every year!
I was star gazing at 10.30 last night too.
I have to say it was one of the most spiritual things I have ever done.I felt such a strong connection to the world around us.It was really like nothing else mattered except for that moment.
I really thought I would cry but I didn't, it was just an amazing over whelming feeling of love and belonging.
I sat on my back door step and it was quite cloudy at first (just a few stars visable) but then the clouds started to clear and by the middle of "Cry" there ws a huge circle in the middle of the sky which was just full of stars.It was just as if the clouds had parted over my house and formed a huge circle around the stars.There was one star that was shining so bright.
I had first noticed this star on the eveing when it was officilly anounced that it was... well you know what.
I was really upset that night and was crying when I put my dogs out in the garden, I just happened to look up and see it brightly shining away.
And yes it was the same star last night in exactly the same position.The brightest star of all,
Michaels star :)

Thankyou so much for such an amazing experience :hug:

I also was outside star gazing at 10:30 and saw that star too the only star in the sky and so bright.
I love this idea I feel we all did realy connect and I agree we should do this every year.x