*UPDATED* Star Gazing Together - Aug 29th

I've just come back in from listening to the playlist which was chosen. It is such an amazing experience, I'm so glad I did it. I've now lit a candle and I'm going to sit and listen to some more songs. :)
That was very moving, even without the stars. Amazing. :)
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I've not long got back from a football match so I'm gonna catch a few hours sleep then go outside at 4:25am and start listening to Cry at 4:30am. Then I'll listen to Earth Song, Heal The World, We Are The World and then personally finishing off with For All Time (because the opening lyrics would mean a lot when it comes around to that song "Sun comes up on this new morning...") :)
It is 6.30 am here, there is great cold morning wind.
I am happy knowing there are people on the other side of the world whispering the same words as me at the same time. Only Michael could do that :)
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Okay, so it is FREEZING here! absolutely FREEZIN!! I made a video of my experience :)

But let me just tell you..

That was the most INTENSE like 5 minutes of my LIFE!
My body was like, trembling...not from being cold but from just being I think excited/energy. I couldn't believe it. When I'm cold my teeth chatter and stuff, but my whole body was just buzzing and shaking.

And oh my god. I went outside expecting to see nothing but cloudy skies because it rained here all day and it was cloudy when I walked in my house from work at 9:30. It was even sprinkling a little. When I walked outside the sky was completely clear. Like, not a cloud to be seen in the entire sky. I was so amazed. It was incredible!

I can't tell you how 'much' I felt during 'Cry'. I just can't even put it in to words. Sitting in my back yard in the pitch black, with the amazing stars shining. And holy cow, when the song started this little white/greyish cloud (you know you can't really see the 'colors' but I could tell it was a whiteish cloud) came out of my left peripheral vision, it floated all the way across the sky through the song Cry, and then was totally gone by the time it was over.

Omg, I just wanted to cry so much. I wanted to stay outside and listen to more but my toes were frozen! I listened to half of Heal The World...I plan on lighting a bunch of candles tonight and listening to some MJ music really softly and just thinking and maybe writing....I am so touched and inspired.

Thank you so much to everyone who participated. It was genuinely, and seriously, one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I just can't even tell you. I will post my video soon.

Love you all!!!!
I went out there for 15 minutes. It was really nice out. There were a few stars out, mars was also out and the moon was really bright. I couldn't bring any music with me, but I did sing a bit of the lyrics from his songs "We Are the World," "Heal the World," "Cry" and "Man in the Mirror." I really can't sing, but I did it for him. I also blew a couple of kisses to the sky and wished him a Happy Birthday. It was nice. :) I could really feel the energy too.
It is 6.30 am here, there is great cold morning wind.
I am happy knowing there are people on the other side of the world whispering the same words as me at the same time.

That´s exactly how I felt too. It´s 6.50 am here now, raining. Listening to Heal the World at the moment.
It was raining and cold last night, so couldnt star gaze :( .
But if its nice tonight, i will :)
thank you for a great moment guys :) it is early morning here, so the sun was almost up, but there was still one star at the sky! Im sure Mike sent it as a sign that he sees us. I lit two candles, a big one and a small one I held in my hands since it was so cold :p I even saw a butterfly fly by :D
I just got in... what a great experience! I was surprised that I didn't cry. I listened to the whole playlist, as well as "Man in the Mirror" after it. I started out laying in my backyard looking up at the stars...but in the middle of the 2nd song I had to move up to my screened porch cause the bugs were getting me! I sat there and just starred at the moon. "We are the World" was the most impactful for me... I was actually surprised. I had expected to connect/feel Michael's spirit...but I ended up connecting with you guys, and what felt like everyone around the world. I could just FEEL our togetherness...in the sense that we are all connected and all one. I felt like you guys were here with me rather than in separate places all over the globe, because we each have one other in the energies that make up our souls. Sorry if that sounds like sappy deep stuff...haha :p

Thanks everyone who participated! Much love to you all!

P.S. - looking forward to your video Casey!
It was magical. I felt the cold wind, the awakanenig but still so quiet city was going to meet another day. The sky was pink and bright, with little clouds. It was so quiete. At some time time birds showed up celebrating the sunrise perhaps. I wished Michael happy birthday and thought of all of you who are sitting somewhere there, gazing at the sky.

I know Michael is so happy now. I am not finished my playlist so i go back to the balcony.
I wish it wasn't so darn cold, ugh :(

Still amazed that the stars came out though...LOL it has been raining here for DAYS!
Woooow thank you Amy for coming up with this idea. I have to tell you the experience I just felt was amazing. It was a little chilly outside but I went and sat on my deck and looked at stars. The lyrics started "Somebody shakes when the wind blows".. I felt a huge blast of wind on me. The lyrics
"Somebody's missing a friend, hold on Somebody's lacking a hero" made me start crying.. and the part "Faith is found in the winds".. I felt another blast of wind.. The whole time I saw just one star above me. It was amazing because its light kept intesifying. It was very bright at the part. "You can change the world"
At the part "You can touch the sky" I reached my hand out.. At the end the star kind of dimmed out and I went back inside... It was an amazing experience and im glad I did it. :D
I listened to Cry, Human Nature, Someone in the Dark, and Gone too soon
it was amazing..
It was not one single cloud where I was, you could see thousands of star shining down. It really make you wonder what you are doing in this little planet. Im sure Michael would have loved how we put our energy together to salute him. He would be very touched.

(anyone know if MJ beatbox in the beginning of cry?)
Even though it was chilly outside I only had my jeans and football shirt on. But as soon as We Are The World came on a sudden warmth rushed over me and stayed with me the rest of the time I was out there until For All Time finished...really really amazing experience.
Didn't have my iPod handy but I did it anyway. I was so surprised there were no clouds at all, I haven't seen stars in ages here. There was one star that was much brighter than the rest last night, just looking at it made me feel really happy to the point I was almost crying.
Thanks for sorting this out, amygrace. It was a lovely idea :)
You guys it was amazing...there are heardly stars visible in the curent Uk weather, but last night they were sooooo bright and clear..I'm sure I saw one doing a little jig!

I cant explain it because its something without words. It was just magical listening to Cry and gazing up at the stars..all alone and so connected with everyone else.

After the song was over, I started to cry for real! "If we all cry at the same time.."

I thanked God for giving us MJ for so long.

Lets do this every year on MJ's birthday!!! Please!! Please!!