*UPDATED* Star Gazing Together - Aug 29th

Re: Star gazing together - Aug 29th

Im looking forward to this :) It will be a sad moment though, but still beautiful :D
Re: Star gazing together - Aug 29th

Can someone post the definitive song list we're listening to please? :)
Re: Star gazing together - Aug 29th

I am in,too. You have one prayer from Bulgaria.

Please,can somebody confirm the exact time again so that i can calculate it for here? Thank you!
Re: Star gazing together - Aug 29th

The song we are listening to is CRY...

and the time is for 10:30pm CT in the USA.

See my link in my first post (at the bottom of it) to calculate what time this will be in your area. :)

Can't wait!
Re: Star gazing together - Aug 29th

I'll do it!!!! I'm gonna listen to...cry, smile, speechless, and maybe human nature :yes: Only MJ could bring us all together:wub:
I updated my first post guys so it's more succinct about time, songs, etc... and again, a link to a time calculator is there should anyone need it!
it works out at sunday 3.30am for me.. so it won't be the 29th...?
It says 4.30 am on 30th for the UK

Perhaps there needs to be different time for different countries, or another time because I think the power of energy in unitedness with postive thought all at the same time is a very powerful .
I'll be doing it at 4:30am as I don't think I'll be home from Manchester by 10:30pm on the 29th :-/
I think this thread would benefit by being in general discussion because it will reach more people there as I feel it is really important, the more people that contribute to this, I only just caught by accident here.
I wanted to put it in the general discussion but I knew it would just get moved if I did that....just as someone else made a post there that was the same idea as this, and it got moved to the "Michael Forever" section. What's important to some of us isn't as important to the mods...lol. Ah well.

People need to scope out all the areas of the board more!
I wanted to put it in the general discussion but I knew it would just get moved if I did that....just as someone else made a post there that was the same idea as this, and it got moved to the "Michael Forever" section. What's important to some of us isn't as important to the mods...lol. Ah well.

People need to scope out all the areas of the board more!

Ya those mods are really something. Something THAT important gets moved but useless threads keep going.

And if someone's not a member they don't see these other threads.

Anywho, here's my promo vid for this event. I had technical difficulties with the first one.


Thrillerchild said:
I'll be doing it at 4:30am as I don't think I'll be home from Manchester by 10:30pm on the 29th :-/
I will also do it 6:30am on the 30th here because I want to do it at the axcact same time with those in US.. :) I'll have him in my thoughts the whole day though..
What a wonderful idea! It´ll be very powerful knowing that there are so many of us doing it at the same time. I will definitely join you from here at 6.30 am.
Hi guys I'm looking forward to this..I also had another idea that I mentioned in the Forever Michael forum titled 'A single united thought on Michael's birthday' where we all pray and think about Michael, the kids, the fans and his legacy at the same time..would love it if you guys could all join in. (9am Pacific time/5pm Uk time).
Ya those mods are really something. Something THAT important gets moved but useless threads keep going.

And if someone's not a member they don't see these other threads.

Anywho, here's my promo vid for this event. I had technical difficulties with the first one.



If everyone thought the same thing, my thread is important then, we may as well only have one section, and then would result in clutter and MJJC would not be organized. All parts of the fourm are as important as the General discussion.
It is almost 10.30 pm here, so if anybody wants to join be at my time, i will be pleased.
I will join you all at 6.30 tomorrow morning.

"If we all cry at the same time tonight".
^^geez, it's only 3:26 here, and I gotta wait till 11:30!!
Not long here until 10.30pm, I can't wait, it's going to be amazing. :yes:
Not long here until 10.30pm, I can't wait, it's going to be amazing. :yes:
Yeah. :) Though I can't see the stars where I am. It's too cloudy. I can never see the stars here. :mello:
Was just outside at 10:30 pm norwegian time.. Listened to Cry, Earth Song, Heal The World and We Are The World, while gazing up at the sky with a candle in my hands. :) It was a special moment.

Going off to bed now, so I can get some sleep before getting outside again at 05:30 am (norwegian time) with all the rest of you!
Just come back from listening to cry, what a beautiful experience that was! Now i'm in my house with my candles alight and going to be listerning to the other songs