UK TV Alert: ***RE-AIRS*** My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Monday 27th July 2009

Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

UGH, Uri.
I remember the night Michael passed he was on TV giving interviews. If it was my 'best friend' that had just passed away, I'd be in no fit state to talk to anyone about it, let alone give a live interview minutes after the death was confirmed.
As much as I want to see the footage of MJ, only if it shows him as he really was, of course, I still think that if Uri was really a friend of Michael, he would not realise the footage.
If he would have gave his 'home videos' to ITV before Michael passed, I'm sure Michael would have been hurt and upset by his actions.
It just goes to show who Michael's real friends were.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I saw some footage on the news here in Australia last night.
Michael looks absolutely gorgeous and happy. It seems to be positive, let's hope it is!
But it doesn't change the fact that Uri turned out to be a leech when Michael was alive.:angry:

UGH, Uri.
I remember the night Michael passed he was on TV giving interviews. If it was my 'best friend' that had just passed away, I'd be in no fit state to talk to anyone about it, let alone give a live interview minutes after the death was confirmed.
I agree, even Elizabeth Taylor hasn't made an official statement, or Mackauly Culkin. They were probably two of Michael's dearest and truest friends. They were too grief stircken to be giving interviews, especially not the day Michael had passed, for goodness sake!
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Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Go to hell spoon-bending freak!
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I think it's fair to say how much you hate Uri for what he did regarding Michael. But as for the T.V. show we haven't seen much apart from the adverts and small snippets. Please keep all talk of the show until after it has been aired. It isn't to judge a show you havent actually seen fully yet!
Re: ITV1 documentary to air Uri Geller's unseen Michael Jackson footage

This may be nothing since I read it in the Daily Star: they're claiming they'll include footage of a doctor (in London) trying to administer Michael a painkiller with a syringe and Uri and Matt trying to prevent him from doing so.

Oh your kidding me? I was looking forward to this documentary, even though im not to keen on Uri, i was looking forward to seeing unseen footage of Michael. But now reading your post, im not looking forward to it so much anymore. Why would Uri show this! How insensitive. Im sure theres other things he can show. Grrr. Why is there always something horrible or negative they have to take out of everything- i bet Uri wanted to put that in to make him look good b/c hes telling him not to take it.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Originally Posted by sunnyday81
This may be nothing since I read it in the Daily Star: they're claiming they'll include footage of a doctor (in London) trying to administer Michael a painkiller with a syringe and Uri and Matt trying to prevent him from doing so.

I don't believe that, but if it's true I want to know why anyone would be recording something like that, and how Uri got footage of such a thing.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
How many more hours until it's aried in UK?
I'm hoping they'll air it here in Australia, but only if it's positive.
I guess we'll be hearing about it in the news tommorrow anyway.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Jetzi thank you in advance for putting up the "Michael bits."
Your website is wonderful, please keep it going.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I HATE how Uri is using Michael's death to his own advantage, he would NEVER have done it if Michael was still here. Michael had loads of press when he announced the 'This is it' concerts so if Michael was comfortable with those videos being realised to the public, Uri would have done it then but he didn't, he knew Michael would lose trust in him.

It's not my place to say, but it seems as if Uri was just clinging on to Michael for the sake of being able to say 'I'm a friend of Michael Jackson.' I don't think he ever really cared about him. It's been a month and one day since Michael left us and Uri has already passed these private videos onto ITV.

Anyone who has seen the advert for this programme would have seen Uri crying and saying 'I've never cried on TV before', it raises the question, was Uri crying because he lost someone he loved and cared for? or was he crying because he'd lost the man who he could cling onto to keep himself in the headlines?
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

UGH, Uri.
I remember the night Michael passed he was on TV giving interviews. If it was my 'best friend' that had just passed away, I'd be in no fit state to talk to anyone about it, let alone give a live interview minutes after the death was confirmed.
As much as I want to see the footage of MJ, only if it shows him as he really was, of course, I still think that if Uri was really a friend of Michael, he would not realise the footage.
If he would have gave his 'home videos' to ITV before Michael passed, I'm sure Michael would have been hurt and upset by his actions.
It just goes to show who Michael's real friends were.

I believe it would have upset Michael too. :( He's a creep. I hope after this airs he just vanishes and we don't have to see him anymore. He's horrible.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I hope someone records this. I don't want to give ITV and Uri *cough* mug *cough* the ratings.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I HATE how Uri is using Michael's death to his own advantage, he would NEVER have done it if Michael was still here. Michael had loads of press when he announced the 'This is it' concerts so if Michael was comfortable with those videos being realised to the public, Uri would have done it then but he didn't, he knew Michael would lose trust in him.

It's not my place to say, but it seems as if Uri was just clinging on to Michael for the sake of being able to say 'I'm a friend of Michael Jackson.' I don't think he ever really cared about him. It's been a month and one day since Michael left us and Uri has already passed these private videos onto ITV.

Anyone who has seen the advert for this programme would have seen Uri crying and saying 'I've never cried on TV before', it raises the question, was Uri crying because he lost someone he loved and cared for? or was he crying because he'd lost the man who he could cling onto to keep himself in the headlines?

I totally agree!
I don't trust Uri's motives at all.
He turned on Michael when he needed him the most and he did it publicly.
Then when Michael was aquitted he was all 'I believed in Michael'. And said while Michael was under hypnosis he asked him if he had ever harmed the boy and Michael said he hadn't.
Wtf.:bugeyed He didn't already believe Michael was innocent?!
All we can do is hope the program is postitive, but it sure as hell doesn't change how he treated Michael when he needed him the most and when he was still alive.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I think people are being way too horrible to Uri. I don't look very favourably on him either, I do think he is doing this partly for the money...but perhaps also he wants to put something positive out there in the public eye, especially since there has only been that Bashit on ITV. If you could put something positive about Michael on the main channels that hopefully a lot of people would watch wouldn't you want to do it?
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I don't even believe he did that, I think he just said that to the reporter as a way of trying to make everyone watching believe that MJ was innocent.

And said while Michael was under hypnosis he asked him if he had ever harmed the boy and Michael said he hadn't.
Wtf.:bugeyed He didn't already believe Michael was innocent?!
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I would rather jump into molten lava than watch this, but thanks anyway....
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

Can I watch this somewhere now? Did someone record it?
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

It starts in about 2 and a half hours, so not on yet lol.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

He is betraying Michael - again. MJ had very little privacy, but how an EX friend is giving out images and footage of private times, and as usual he is using Michael to make money from. Michael died estranged from Geller, he was not considered a friend. I think I will not watch this as a protest.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I'll be watching this because at the end of the day if it means that we; the fans get the opportunity to see UNSEEN footage our idol. I'm looking forward to seeing what this Uri guy has to say.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

I don't even believe he did that, I think he just said that to the reporter as a way of trying to make everyone watching believe that MJ was innocent.

When the false accusations first came out in 2003, Uri was on t.v. saying he hoped for Michael's sake and for the boy's sake that he was innocent, he said many negative things. And that he thought it was wrong of Michael to share his bed with children.
Then, after Michael's innocence was proven and he was aquitted, Uri came out saying that he had hypnotised Michael before the second lot of allegations and knew Michael is innocent.

Yet, even though he had supposedly hypnotised Michael before the second set of allegations to find out the truth, he then goes on t.v. and says what he said. But when Michael is proven innocent he comes out with this ridiculous story.
Doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
And if he really was Michael's friend, he'd know he was innocent.
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Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

as a fan of the King i don't care what he would he say !!!!

we already know everything about Michael we believed every single word he said and commited to every promise he gave us.

we defended him in two trials and bought all his albums, we fought with his haters face to face and in all the websites even some of them with potential cyber attacks .

so, if there is any good footage of our idol i wish we could see them . because WE the TRUE fans(including his family) who deserve to know everything regarding his legacy not any one else.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

We shouldn't judge Uri SO hard. This is up to God to do that. Being MJ fans whoud have taught us a lesson about judging others. Let's wait and see. People make mistakes. Uri did a big one too, but I don't think he made it on purpose just like Bashir did.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

We shouldn't judge Uri SO hard. This is up to God to do that. Being MJ fans whoud have taught us a lesson about judging others. Let's wait and see. People make mistakes. Uri did a big one too, but I don't think he made it on purpose just like Bashir did.

By doing this programme, he is making another mistake and really if he was any friend of Michael's he would not be doing it.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

It's about to start now
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

how did they get the rights to play break of dawn ?
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

ugh still hate uri. "the most famous man in the world was going to be my best man" yeah cos that what you should be looking for in a best man when you call up michael.
Re: UK TV Alert: My Friend Michael Jackson: Uri's Story, Sunday 26th July 2009

OMG, he's sooooooo creepy and so two-faced. I hate him...